TRT or Cruise.


Mister A


I agree with Semper that abusing the term TRT is only going to negatively affect the way the outside world or the medical community looks at it.

I gotta x2 Sensei: if you're running a TRT-like dose (without a prescription) between blasts then it should be viewed the same way as coming off completely. Get yourself back to baseline. Take care of your liver, your kidneys, take a break from the high protein diet, up your cardio intensity to improve your heart health. You know - do stuff that gives your body a break and lets it recover from the harshness of the drugs. Adding more drugs probably isn't the most optimal way to recover from their effects.

If you're competing it's a different story, but the average gym rat - over 40 - professional who uses AAS to look good naked or feel stronger, etc is abusing drugs if they're running a cruise dose that lands their test outside of the natural range.




Most people ( dr's)  consider anything over 200 mg a week to be over the TRT limit. 

