Var or DBol? What do you think?


New member

Yes I agree something about liquid orals don't agree with me. I tried them from different labz and still was. It impressed. Plus I like tabs easier to dose. Same true for ai drugs.



New member

Yes I agree something about liquid orals don't agree with me. I tried them from different labz and still was. It impressed. Plus I like tabs easier to dose. Same true for ai drugs.




I concur ... great explanation expdom.. and right on the money... i dont brew but have friends that do... I get wicked back pumps on "real" var, to the point i have to stop my workout which kinda sucks but i will be incorporating it at the end of my cut cycle. If your diet is on point and you know your body, you will see the (puffiness for dbol since you will definitely hold more water... Anavar Drys me out and makes me look leaner, if i do gain, its lean muscle mass... im sure you should know the difference 



Test,Tren,Mast and Var...




Yea with liquids it's not a consistent dose from day to day. I don't like liquid ai's at all unless it's an emergency and that's all I have.



New member

that kind of wieght gain, i'd say most likely faked especially being liquid. 5lbs in a week? i'd say 5-8 lbs of lbm in a cycle with real var. for me with test tren mast and var, the strength and physique change is there, but i shred so much fat that the scale doen't tip much, its more estetics with those compounds. now dbol deca test different cycle, i blow up like a wood tick, so like many have said different compounds different results. comparing black and white opposite ends of the spectrum!!
