Volume + Strength training


New member

Hello lads, 

I have been doing some high volume training and incorporate them with strength training at the same time. My current split :

  • Mon- Chest/back

  • Tues- Legs

  • Wed - off

  • Thursday- Chest/back

  • Friday - Legs

  • Saturday - Arms

My questions is should I keep them this way for a few months? I have incorporated all kinds of techniques into this routine, drop set, pyramid, high reps, low reps, superset and etc. I was thinking about switching up a little bit. maybe heavy compound push + pull on Monday for chest and back then Thursday I'll just do some isolation workouts for them. Also I kinda leave shoulders out on arms day since I am already working it twice a week with chest and back movement. Do you think that is a wise idea? Thanks for all the feedbacks!



New member

halfnat, listen to your body bro. every time I stop seeing benefits from my regiment I switch it up immediately. As for your shoulders that looks good, but take In mind that's not knowing ur goals and if ur already developed.


Mister A


Halfnat, can you tell us what you look like, where you strength is at, how old you are and what your goals are?

If you're doing strength training AND high volume BB stuff afterword then the first thing that pops out at me is: there's no way you're able to do an effective chest and back routine in the same workout twice a week. Maybe you're running some crazy cycle but you're still going to be running low on intensity by the second half of the workout. That sounds like a 2-3 hour day. That's why I'd like to get a clearer idea of your current state and your goals. You could be hindering your progress by trying to do too much at once.




New member

Mister A said:
</p><p> </p><p>Halfnat, can you tell us what you look like, where you strength is at, how old you are and what your goals are?</p><p>If you're doing strength training AND high volume BB stuff afterword then the first thing that pops out at me is: there's no way you're able to do an effective chest and back routine in the same workout twice a week. Maybe you're running some crazy cycle but you're still going to be running low on intensity by the second half of the workout. That sounds like a 2-3 hour day. That's why I'd like to get a clearer idea of your current state and your goals. You could be hindering your progress by trying to do too much at once.</p><p> </p><p>
Dolf said:
</p><p>X2 and +1 Mister A...I feel the same way.  </p><p>
</p><p>Ok so I am 28 years old, 6'3 - 205 lbs. My squat is at 315 1RM, my deadlift is at 405 1RM, my bench is the worst 225 1RM, just a general idea.  want to add on masssssssssssss thats my goal. I actually pulled pretty heavy on those days and so far I am liking it, it doesnt really hinders me at all compared to just a 1 muscle group split. Ive been doing superset on chest and back most of the time, thinking about switching my routine after this cycle. Currently on a simple cycle of test cyp and dbol. But I have been off dbol for almost 2 weeks now. Also currently eating 3500-3800 cals a day, I'm thinking about switching up the routine when I'm off cycle. Been doing this for almost 2 months now. I feel like this routine help me grows the most, but it could be because Im on cycle LOL. Do you guys think I should switch up to lower volume? Thanks</p>

Mister A


Halfnatty, I was where you're at a couple years ago. I was (full)natty however and I built my frame up to 250 (15%BF) before going on anything. And to be honest I did it by optimizing hypertrophy. I stopped training for strength, maxing out. I trained in the 8-15 rep range, increased my time under tension by doing 3-5 second negatives on every rep, dropped the weight down (of course), cut my rest intervals down to about 90 seconds, did drop sets, high volume and most importantly learned how to maximally contract each muscle and maintain a contraction throughout the entire rep. Basically I started training like a bodybuilder. My goal is gaining lean mass and I've found this is the best way to go about it.

As far as my split goes I train everything every 6 days other than calves which I train every 3 days, abs which I train about 5 days a week, and chest which I'm focusing on bringing up which I train every 4 days. I'm high volume - 20-30 sets and probably should be resting more but I love to train lol.

I think too many guys think the only way to get big is to train heavy weights and low reps. But hypertrophy is about time under tension and progressive overload - and training with singles and doubles doesn't do that. I do have my heavy days where I need to do some sets of 5 or 6 just because I like doing it and it fires up my CNS, but they're few and far between.





High sets with low reps is definitely for strength and power which is how I've trained for several years now and have suffered through knee, elbow, shoulder, and tendon issues. I've recently changed up to 3 to 4 sets and high reps in the 10 to 15 range for hypertrophy. I do start every training session with a heavy low rep lift and then go high reps with everything else. I'm trying to spark growth in everything, but primarily my calves, quads, and shoulders.



New member

IMO if you want mass, you need more time for recovery.  You grow when you rest and feed.  If you are training each bodypart to true failure, every 6-7 days is appropriate for rest.  Dont assume more hours spent in the gym equals more size.  

I agree that midrange reps 8-15 works best for size, but the key is muscle failure.  If youre not going to failure it doesnt matter what your rep range is.  Kick its ass while your there, kick your refeigerators ass when youre not.  Eat for mass, train to failure.

I think sometimes people get too wrapped up in splits and rep ranges.  These are all minor details and accessories to change to an already intense work ethic in the gym.



New member

Thanks all for the information and feedback! I will utilize all of them. My rep range is typically around 8-12 reps. If I go heavy I usually do at least 6. And I do a lot of failure set for the last set of each workout. I will keep grinding and EATTTTTT!
