Welcome TRT


New member

I would like to interduce myself and say greatings to everybody.

I want to do TRT for the rest of my life and need informations about the right dosage.


Well-known member
TRT dosage is typically 100mg of testosterone per week. To keep your blood testosterone levels more stable it’s better to inject at least twice a week but some inject daily. Most guys use long acting esters like testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate. I, myself, prefer the fast acting ester of testosterone propionate. I take 50mg testosterone propionate every 3 days intramuscularly in my quadriceps, delts, ventroglute, etc. I move it around to avoid scar tissue build up.


Well-known member
Hello and welcome.
the right dosage depends on how your body responds to it. The point is TRT is to keep high testosterone levels, but not over the limit. Considering that, you need to find the dosage that keeps your T levels within 700-1000 ng/dL. For some people that could be 50 mg/week, for others 200 mg/week. Find the dosage that suits you up the best by adjusting dosages and having bloodworks