What’s the best PCT after cycle

Jimmy D

New member
Hi guys, just wondering what the best thing to do after a cycle. I’ve just upped my test e to 2 x 300ml a week after taking 300/w for a month.
I’m 46 1st time user and it seems to be going to plan. Does this seem OK and how long should I do this cycle and what do I take when I finish?


Well-known member
600 mg per week of Test E is a good dosage as long as you tolerate it. Is not way too high, but is not a low dosage either.
you should be running it for 10-12 weeks, max 14 weeks for a beginner.
considering you've been on 300 mg 4 weeks and already upped to 600 mg per week, then use it for 8 more weeks.
after the last test E dosage, wait about 2 weeks and start a PCT plan:
Nolvadex and Clomid for 4 weeks. 40/40/20/20 Nolvadex dosage a day every week; 50/50/25/25 Clomid dosage a day every week.
Yet this is just a "rule of thumb" you'll need to adjust Nolva/Clomid dosages according to how you would feel. continue to workout and eat properly after Test E cycle, during PCT and so on and so forth.