Why is it so quiet on here?



I say Go for it Blast.. As long as it affords you to take care of yourself and your lovely daughter then Jump brother... I've been changing my life for a while now. It sure is a process but anything worth while takes time...  Good luck...




Dude, I just read this to my wife... Fuckin funny as fuck.... Do you know how funny fuck is???  Its really funny...




Rock trains are another key indicator. It shows that major construction is booming. 15 years ago rock plants were taking 90 car trains daily. I haven't noticed a major uptick in that yet, but I really haven't paid much attention. 




Electrical and possibly welding. Love me a metal shop! Sick as hell of working the "other" California money makin business ;)

Just gotta drop the hammer on the people I work for. I want to give notice with good faith and tactfulness, they've been good to me, but the ship is leaving the port soon, and I'm ready for new lands...

The foreman is a competing power lifter,  and the contractor is a gym rat, seems like a good fit :)

(Tired of reggae, and stoners... I was first hired to revamp an old fucked up operation, then asked to run it for them, neither had or have the wherewithal to take on such an immense project, so I jumped on to save a sinking ship..,anyhow)




People say Things work themselves out.. Bullshit.. We make things work out. You have a good head on your shoulders. I'm sure you will make the right decision..




I agree. Every damn time I bought into that adage, nothing ever really happened. Although sometimes I wish it worked that way. Maybe if I just sit around the house I'll get ripped down to a shredded 6% bf. That'd be pretty cool, now wouldn't it....lol



Well-known member

That poor goose/duck! Watch the buck faint at the end.... thats me. ;)

[[{"fid":"36402","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default"},"type":"media","link_text":null,"attributes":{"alt":"Funny Animal SEX FAIL Compilation 2015","class":"media-element file-default"}}]]




I have found this to be the friendliest site. Like everyone else said, the time of the year plays a big part in the activity level. It's cozy here, we have the greatest group of brothers and sisters. Personally, I am trying to keep up with the day to day goings on. I have acquired 3 clients locally to train (one is for figure posing), and one satellite client. I also work a FT day job and have 2 teens at home to manage will preparing for my next cycle and competition. 

The activity will increase. Always feel free to post and get the party started. If I have not done so already, I'd like to welcome you to Muscle Gurus! It's a pleasure to have you here!!!





I suppose it depends on what you're while sitting around lol. But whatever that might be, I'm certain it would get old quick! Lifting doesn't get old for some reason, maybe we're insane, or its the only way to tear shit up without getting arrested




Way to bring it back around to the beginning calm.....but that was some funny stuff in the middle there!

Glad to hear everyones work is going great. Being a guy who oversees a decent sized custom homebuilding group in a decent group of states. I support what everyone is saying on the economy....2018 is going to be amazing! Inflation is about to boom but honestly I kind of like inflation, it has been my short term nemesis and long term best friend.  

Blast- hope you take the electrician job. I am ALWAYS desperate for more electricians and HVAC guys....and masons Sieg so if you ever need more work holler! :)     And life is to short to not love what you do for the majority of your day. So best of luck to you!

And to the man who is only slightly newer to the site than me but who obviously already has a bit more knowledge and experience in this world - thanks for starting a post. Especially one with that many entertaining side trails. You should enjoy the heck out of this site, great group of men and women who tend to be very supportive and helpful and knowledgeable! 

Once again, Merry Christmas all!



New member

my thoughts on the level of activity here are very simple, now with all due respect to other sites .....The reason MG is # 1 is due to the amount of info related to DIET , TRAINING , CARDIO , UNLIMITED AMOUNTS OF KNOWLEDGE ON STEROIDS !!!! MG GOES ABOVE AND BEYOND TO WELCOME NEW MEMBERS!!! further more this site we have is full of tons of great info FOR THE SERIOUS ONLY!!! i think that people join our site looking for the old school types of that ran a classifieds section. (IGNORANT) and here at MG we take pride in our site and mods as well as our gurus!!!!! IN OTHER WORDS THIS SITE MAY NOT BE WHERE MOST PEOPLE NEED TO START, MG is family to me so merry xamas!!!! and lets all have a great new year!!!!
