Advice on delt pain

I am the 1

New member

My right delt is hurting. The problem I am having is it does bother me to workout. It only both me when I move it a certain way sitting around doing nothing. It doesn't hurt to touch. It does hurt when I'm laying in bed and I try to move my little girl over.  At what point would you be worried and seek medical attention?




I had a similar problem. I had to lighten the lifting up, and not do shoulders for a few weeks. I also iced it and took 4 motrin (800mg) every 8 hours. Mine was in my front delt muscle. I've recently started doing shoulder prehab 3 times a week in hopes it will help prevent this from reoccurring. I think mine was a muscle strain.




and go for the pump,Do not go heavy shoulder's are very easy to hurt your in the beginning stages if you push it your gonna be SOL=Sh%^ outta Luck. Maybe the smith machine for presses?


I am the 1

New member

I think you are right. I'm in the beginning stages of being really messed up. This morning chest workout was really starting to hurt. I didn't get a chance to finish. I'm going to take the week off and go see the Dr.


I am the 1

New member

I think mine is a muscle strain too, it's been hurting for over a month. Everything on my right side of my body is breaking so to speak. My my right ankle has problems, my right knee is jacked up, my right hand has problems, and now my right shoulder is given me problems.




I don't like that its all on your right side... if its pain from injuries or over use.. no big deal.. if its weakness in all those areas. could be neurological. take a break bro. but in my opinion. DR. is just going to send u for xray, MRI, specialists and all that shit... by the time you've done all that the body has already healed itself..  Keep us informed bro.


I am the 1

New member

The main problem is I need to stop being hard headed. I'm trying to bench 4 plates or more next year so that's the mind frame I have right now and it's hard getting out of that mind frame.




yea. me too bro. but last year I hurt my shoulder and kept going and it just turned bad. wasn't able to lift at all for months. I let it heal and then got back at it... life hits hard bro. take the hit and come back stronger..




Thats how my injury progressed. Sounds like you need a break from the heavy lifting. I'd take a week or two off, get some anti inflammatory from the doc, and hit the gym going lighter weight higher reps. It worked for me my friend.


I am the 1

New member

Do you guys think 330 1rm to 405 1rm is possible within a year? I started do the westside barbell program last week.




Hurt mine last year tried rushing back two weeks later cause didn't want to loose gains but if u tear it u will be down for a lot longer took six weeks off and did nothing but rehab for shoulder and chest  came back always do warm up with rotator excerises and I'm g2g


I am the 1

New member

Wow 6 weeks? I would be tweeking like a drug addict if I can't slap some 45's together for that long. I'm shaking at the fact of taking this week off. lol




Take the week off and come back. Don't do bench for a bit. check ur shoulders with lateral raises with 15 pounds and go from there. always do rotator cuff exersizes to warm up. I used to do them with a band. now I just use 10 lb plates. If you still have pain after light workouts.. its off to the dr.




Some time off every now and then is good. Like outlaw said I do prehab atleast 3 times a week now. Lookup deloading and incorporate it into your training every 4 to 6 weeks. PL do it for a reason, and it works.


I am the 1

New member

It's over the past 15 years it seems like every time something tears or gets injuried its on the right side. I slipped and fell going on a call at work and injuried my right ankle. I went to a general Dr and for 6 months he told me it was a bad sprain. I kept telling him something was wrong but he didn't listen and I didn't listen to myself about going to another Dr. Now it pops all the time. I went to a different Dr a few years ago to have it looked at. He told me that I had torn everything in my ankle. The reason for the popping is it healed wrong and the spacing is off. My hand has issue from horse playing at work and punching a metal pole. I guess my knee is jacked up due to my height. Most tall people have knee problem. I dont know why my shoulder is giving me problems.




bro. I have broken so many bones and tore so much shit up in my body. I had a bad motorcycle accident and compound break of my ankle. ankles are tough. They nvr heal correctly. I broke my neck, back and radial head(ELBOW) in a fall off roof accident. I had my radial head replaced with titanium or some shit. im not going to go through every accident but im qualified to talk about coming back after injury.. U will never be the same if u broke or even badly sprained ur ankle. fuck ur hand. that will be fine, I must have broke my right hand 5 times or so.. The shoulder can go on forever too. benching is tough on the shoulders... Take a look at serious benchers technique... bunching up ur shoulders and laying more on ur traps alleviates shoulder pain.... u have to be an animal bro. im not saying just blow through the pain cause that's just ignorant but if were talking aches and pains bro. Well we all have them.... When u get right incorporate a 10 min stretching plan twice a day... very important... Dude fill out ur shit on ur profile. age ,height,weight all that shit... I remember in ur intro that ur a big boy but fill it out.......
