Afraid of needles ?



Pretty soon you'll be drinking a protein shake with one hand and hanging a needle off in your ass with the other hand not thinking shit about it. It gets easier with experience brother...



New member

happens to me too.. ill be cruising with several easy pins and then boom I get all nervous and shaky idk its weird, the human mind just doesnt  completely forget that we are jabbing something inside us lol



New member

Lol. I had to actually down a fair amount of Wine before my first pec shot. However, it is my go to spot for Ed pins. I will more then happy share any tips that u may want. IMO lats and traps are ok but pecs are the easiest on the pin sting and pip.



New member

Because I'm a noob, you can probably disregard what I have to say lol I never really was afraid of needles because I've been a donor all my life. And if you've ever donated plasma, those needles are like harpoons times 2, I did that for a whole year (twice a week, every week) for extra money when in school.. Anyhow, what seems to work for me is to jam it in there like you were throwing a dart, fast and precise in, inject slow and then fast and precise out. I got one pip out of the three week period so far and it was when I thought of sticking the needle in slowly.. what a jackass.. it hurt going it and coming out and while injecting.. later on it bruised up leaving a nice blue circle. Quads are my go-to right now. The way I see it, women who wax are in much more pain.. what's that small needle gonna do? But then again, I haven't experienced a full on scary knotted up pip from a harpoon injecton either lol



New member

My first injection only took me about 1.5 hours lmao, then after that I was good to go now im almost addicted to the pin im cruising and at first with just cyp now im cruising with prop cause I missed the frequent pins. for some reason I now feel like im missing out if not pinning all the time.



New member

even after so many times , I still count to 3 but go on five. such a puss . lol   . The first time by bro convinced me to pin my pec , now that took till atleast count of 15 , felt like I was going to go thru my chest .




Pinning my pec was like my first injection all over again. Sweaty hands and nervous as fuck. Now it's one of my favorite spots to pin.



New member

8 weeks in and I'm still too anxious about doing my own injections. I know I need to man up and do it on my own but I've got a diabetic dad who is used to stabbing himself, a tattoo artist/body piercer brother-in-law and a nurse mother-in-law who are cool with sticking me so if one is out of town or busy I've still got a backup. Can't let my wife do it, I love her but I'm too comfortable about being a pansy in front of her so I can't even let her stick me.




Nice post.... I still get nervous even after dodging bullets and pinning for years. For me it was the thought of putting an unknown substance in my body, but after few sticks it doesn't bother me...... Just don't fart on ya girl if she is pinning you...... I did.....lmao



New member

my last injection was on the 29th, I had my mother-in-law pin for me and last second I had a cold chill, i tensed up and I felt a nauseating relaxation around the pin, no major pain, no pip either after injection. Skip a day and I'm with my wife and decide to get frisky and pick her up midway to carry her to the bed, not a big deal I squat 230 and she's only 135, well I felt that same nauseating relaxation in my thigh, and couldn't keep going, long enough for me. And now still no resting pain but as simple as rubbing my leg I feel a sharp pain that doesn't last longer than touching it. I thinki tore the muscle but then again I tore one of my muscles in my back a couple years ago and that was debilitating pain, couldn't walk, breathe, lay down of just exist with my body convulsing and jerk my whole body over and down towards my left side, I had to take 2 inch steps everywhere I went for 3 weeks while finishing my last semester of highschool.


Big Nasty

New member

Well its great you have your entire family in the know and supportive of your injects and AAS use. My wife is the only one in my family that knows. Others suspect it and make remarks but I dont tell them. My wife will not inject me because she would pass out... lol  Ive been pinning for a 2yrs now with TRT and a history of some mild cycles. Its gets better I promise over time. Its never fun but you will eventually look forward to them for the simple fact that you know what the results will be from taking it. Like I wise man I know once said, food is the fuel for the body, and AAS is the nitrous gas... Try placing ice on your inject spot before pinning (use alcohol swab right after to sanitize the inject site). It will numb the skin and you will not feel a thing. This will help you overcome the anxiety. I dont use ice anymore but when I first started that is what I did to get over the needle. Also I recommend very slow injects. Many will say just jab in quickly, I say super slow and it will be smooth as silk. Inject slowly as well. DONT FORGET TO ASPIRATE before injecting to check for "no blood" in the syringe and all will be great. 



New member

i decided at 2am while lying wide awake this morning just knowing I had to pin today waiting for my mother in law to get home from her shift at the hospital at 7 because I do look forward to each shot, so I decided to get a couple of ice cubes and tried that but that mental block just sticks with me because i like to keep looking at my leG the whole time so I just blocked my view of my needle and started tapping my fingers on the t of the needle at different pressures back and forth and eventually got distracted by the show my wife watches and realized I was feeling the nipple of the needle bouncing on my leg so just blocking my view is almost all it takes
