anxiety issue



I like clowns, but never realized so many people are terrified of them. I know rough tough burly men that turn straight bitch at the sight of a clown lol




Now your thinking clearly brother.. The beauty is it opened your eyes. Some people can never take a look at themselves.  I like when I make a mistake to quickly torment myself, Learn from it, do it over and keep moving forward... 

Do what you want with this one ES....  My therapist said that I must be 1 arrogant man to think I wasn't allowed to make a mistake.  Stew on that Mr. Thinker : )     You're a stud ES.. You've identified something you don't like about yourself. Now, all you have to do is change it.. 




Well-known member

That would be me. My wife took me to the theater to see "It" and I had creepy dreams for days. I couldn't run fast enough from a clown in a dark alley. Lol






 I’m late to the party i Have anxiety and it sucks thing is  agree with strong I am a happy guy i don’t stress in my mind but I’m wired real tight so even if I’m not focused on things and worrying my brain does it anyway  I can be having a great day nothing bad on the plate thinking about rainbows and unicorns. And out of no where start panicking I have to take  meds for it  running a cycle doesn’t seem to bother me running a cycle for way to long does when I bounce my estrogen around I get panicked  if it’s high or low I’m ok  you have been running a hogh Trt dose for a while ?? I done that once per my endo doc and it got up to 3500 free test off the charts I felt   Fine when she seen it and freaked she stopped my trt and even though my levels went back to normal. I remember having horrible bouts of anxiety. I guess cause I had grown accustom to it Being high  hormones are crazy  I also read where you can strip your gaba receptors as well and cause panic .  maybe go back to what your used to taking and cruise for a while see if it subsides don’t take any prescribed meds for it if you can cause once you on them it’s a bitch to come off no better than drugs if you ask me 



New member

Yeah Strong I'm the same danger especially violence doesn't scare me but a handful of safe things do


I've read fear and anger cant exist at the same time



New member

I'm just home from work and reading all this.  I dont know what to say, I'm kind of speechless.  I'm just glad you're still here and doing what you do!  Really it is about perception and I'm working on it.  I'm good and getting better.  peace brother




New member

Really its just been working though this recent shit that I have started to look at that critical voice as other than me.  Sounds crazy but as long as were not arguing outloud nobodies gonna put me in the loony bin lol

I think you've got a great idea here Blast



New member

Good to see ya Outlaw! This honest discussion has been so helpful.  This day and age of social media highlight reels and fake smiles.  We try to ignore the human condition is one of suffering and learning how to overcome it.  

At this point I feel this anxiety has been caused by the low estrogen. The UGL gear being incorrectly dosed makes finding the sweet spot very difficult.   My E2 was slightly high when I was taking more Test C than I thought.  When I got results showing high T, High E2 and acne on my back I lowered my dose and added an AI then likely lowered my dose again with the Deca/Test mix,  still taking the AI occasionally.  I've learned UGL gear is guesswork as far as dosage  and over controlling estrogen is common.  Also If I would have simply added Deca to what I was taking and not switched  premixed Deca/test combo then it would have made any culprit for side effects more obvious.   So this week I took a bit more of the Test C that Ive been taking hoping it will aromatize and bring my E back up. 

I've also increased my medication this is going to keep me from learning whats helping but a month of this is too much I wanna be done with it.   I got on citalopram years ago it worked without side effects and I never stopped.   I've been at the very least melancholy since all my life so maybe it for the better that I take them.    I do know Its nearly impossible to stop, Ive lowered successfully but then too low and it was hell.   Paxil has been a big help to my Mom she's also had some depression all her life.   I make a living with my creative mind but its double edge sword at times.




i Take Paxil as well o hate it but I have to have it it levels me out I dont get sad but I get revved up to the point of no return sometimes you have to and I Realize that I live it everyday I would rather see people who have never take it go see a therapist and. Vent in other ways first exhausting all options first before trying medication because if you decide you don’t wanna take it any more it can be a real pain stopping once the body has  become dependent  I get really bad shocks in my whole body. Dizzy headaches Just to make a few not To mention a feel like doctors just throw it at You. They kept trying to give me more when my test dropped  told me I was depression and I may have been with low t but that wasn’t The real issue  not to memtion they are like here try this see how you feel if you don’t like it come back we will try something different. What the  hell this you know ..... this ain’t extacy 



New member

I use Xanax from doc but wehn I need to. I don't know ow what the trigger is but my heart goes up to 200 bpm and I feel like I am having a stroke. One .5 mg of Xanax and boom gone. It is a a very low dose that is why doc gives to me. I only taken once this year but good to have on hand. Tight spaces too I get nervous.



New member

Yeah the doc gave it to me with no mention of how difficult is to get off of.   I got to a really low dose for a bit and I felt like I was going to do something insane.  It scares me to think somehow I wouldn't be able to get my prescription, I'd be in a real bad way.
