Beginner looking for a starter cycle!


New member
Hello everyone!

My Name is Joel and I am 29 years old, I am 6ft and weigh in at 225 with 18-20percent body fat. I am looking for help with my first cycle to reduce fat and build lean muscle.

It’s been hard to train for a while with a new job and family but started to get back into it regularly. Any help with quick and easy diet tricks, supplements and PCTs would be great. I know it’s ideal to be at a peak with training and dieting but looking to get into ASAP.

Overall goal is to drop weight gain lean muscle and strength. All help and suggestions are very appreciated.

Well-known member
Any help with quick and easy diet tricks, supplements and PCTs would be great.
diet - calculate your macros. keep protein at about 0.9 x 1 lb and about 20-30% under maintenance calories if you want to lose weight (above maintenance if you want to gain)
supplements - liver protection, omega-3 and MIGHT try to add fat burning supplements (studies are still controversial if they are helpful though)
PCT - Clomid 50 mg a day alone or Nolvadex 40 mg a day alone. Or both combined.
first 2 weeks Clomid 50 mg/day and Nolvadex 40 mg/day and last 2 weeks Clomid 25 mg/day and Nolvadex 20 mg/day (4 weeks PCT)
about your first cycle - Testosterone alone. 10-12 weeks. 300-500 mg/week. Split weekly dosage. For example - on Monday (one half) and on Thursday (the other half).
Better have your bloods before starting the cycle so you'll know where to start.
check this post:

welcome to Muscle Gurus!


Well-known member
perfectly explained by HGH! check out the pinned post "first cycle checking" - there's detailed information about pretty much what HGH mentioned. I 100% agree with it .