Coughing after injection




how can he still be at -7  ??

He should have gained back another 5 or 6 by now? 




I've had to work nights 7 days a week 12hrs a day, and then my pops broke his hip so I'd come home sleep maybe 4hrs, and then go to his house and do for him before going back to work. Still working nights, but getting some relief with my dad.




sounds fuking rough. Sorry to hear bout your dad & glad to hear he's doing better.

You're a tough sob Dolf, god bless you bratha.



New member

I apologize to the community and to anyone who I came across as offerring "bro science" or information with no credited info. While I have info I also believe it is not worth having this esculate into someone misinterpreting what I'm saying. Again apologies to the community.



New member

I apologize to the community and to anyone who I came across as offerring "bro science" or information with no credited info. While I have info I also believe it is not worth having this esculate into someone misinterpreting what I'm saying. Again apologies to the community.



Well-known member

Debate and sharing conflicting views is how we learn.

If we all walk around sounding the same drum line we wouldn't achieve much and would make for a boring ass song.





New member

I apologize to the community and to anyone who I came across as offerring "bro science" or information with no credited info. While I have info I also believe it is not worth having this esculate into someone misinterpreting what I'm saying. Again apologies to the community.



New member

Its not the debate and conflicting views brotha just don't want the points being misinterpreted by someone just reading or browsing through. Maybe a forum started debating the views would be better than clogging another members thread.



New member

Haha no worries, it's my own dumb fault for trying to be funny in text form without people knowing my sense of humor. And yeah how am I still at -7? It's a conspiracy!



Well-known member

I will pass this up to admin because karma is not updating and it is not limited only to Kalel. I passed out some karma earlier in the day to check and those members karma has not updated.

Thanks for pointing this out Burr.

UPDATE - Reported the issue to admin.




New member

I know this from a hematology friend that if you start a coughing fit after pinning your gear, you can be pretty certain that you nicked a capillary and some of the benzyl alcohol from the gear leaked into the capillary and ends up going through your blood system.  I've heard it can be a pretty scary experience, but it does go away after about 10-15 minutes or so because your liver ends up metabolizing the benzyl alcohol and cleans it out of your blood, and you end up either peeing or sweating it out over time.  Of course this never needs to be said, but be careful where you inject your gear and always make sure that you aspirate before injecting - even if you've seen hundreds of YouTube videos where these big meatheads jab themselves with dozens of needles before and after going to the gym.  I've seen all sorts of crap on YouTube where guys will inject 3+ ccs of Equipoise an inch or so away from their jugular vein without even bothering with aspirating, and you don't wanna be that dumb.  I'm not a huge fan of injecting anything into chest muscles, even if some gear does have a localized effect depending on where you pin it, but that's only because I know where the majority of most veins and arteries are thanks to college-level Human A&P classes.  That's just my 2 cents though, but I did want to say something just in case.  Cheers guys.
