Cycle lengtg


New member

Just curious how long one can be on a testosterone only cycle for ? I know a guy that's been using for over 1 year straight.




would need to know more about you.  Have you cycled before? what's your diet like. I don't think anyone is going to suggest you run test only for much more that 12 weeks if it's a first cycle.  I also don't think anyone would suggest a year.  Perhaps the guy you know has been on trt or blast and cruise cycle.



New member

It's not my first cycle . diets good around 4000+ cals and over 300gs protien per day . Excierces 5-6days per week . I'm just questioning the length because I'm finding the gear I'm using isn't that good bin plateaued for 3 weeks gaining nothing. I'm thinking of trying a different lab. so wondering if I should just come off then wait a few months or continue and see what happens. I've been running now for just over 12 weeks 




12 weeks is a good cycle. I assume you have PCT on hand.  I would start my PCT in as soon as whatever ester  you are using clears, and then wait 12 weeks after PCT before starting my next cycle.



New member

Had blood work done 2 weeks ago my liver was a little high but the doc said not high enough to worry. 



Well-known member

Like Ram stated I am not sure you will find anyone on MG to recommend going longer than 12 weeks unless we knew more about you.

I will tell you this though about MG... you will not find a better place for honest information and straight talk. Your personal health and safety is a primary concern.

Are you prepared for PCT?



New member

But if the gear I was using in the first place was really under dosed would that still matter of the length of my cycle? Was pinning every other day with 1c of sus250 and .5 of test c 250 and only put on 10 lbs 



New member

were putting 375mgs of test in your body every other day and your saying you only gained ten pounds.....???? What the hell? That dont make no sense buddy




That's over 1300mg per week. 

Bloods are the only way to positively prove underdosed gear. At that amount of test per week you'll definitely need clomid to go with your nolva and hcg. 

Start your pct brother and then do some reading and research here. Ask quedtions, and start planning your next cycle. Plan it out from the gear, to your diet, and training. We've got lots of great members here that can assist you my brother. 



Well-known member

Too tough to answer that with the information your provided. Way to many factors that we know nothing about. Maybe another member will be around to offer you help...

Don't take offense but it sounds like you aren;t getting the answer you want to hear and are wanting someone to tell you to go for it. Unfortunately I can't tell you that because I don't have enough information to help in that regard.

