Well-known member
Don't worry about disagreeing with me. You've been nothing but respectful... We don't always have to agree to get along brother.And no disrespect brother but I’m calling bs on your “trt” for a year plus needles costing only 180 bucks.
And 22 bottles of gear for under $400 bucks.
What do you pay $20 per 10ml bottle?
I mean if so more power to ya.
But at that price your guy ain’t making any money selling shit that low
In fact when Lee joined... Him and I disagreed... Quite a bit. Now we're extremely close and talk outside the forum regularly.
My Dr treats a bunch of UFC fighters and amateur fighters. Hes a little more of a specialized sports medicine guy, than a regular PCP. I was transparent about using gear and almost everyone he treats uses gear also. So he knows what’s up.
He’s super cool and knows his shit.
Yes unlike many health care “professionals” that really don’t know shit about steroids.
I didn’t even ask him for a script. He just offered and I was like.. hmmm. Fuck it, yeah I’ll take a script.
I have been eager to try some “pharmaceutical” grade gear.
But I know exactly what you’re saying about Dr’s most of them are idiots. And I would not go to the hospital unless my guts were hanging out lol
Last time I went to the ER I wrecked during a motocross race and got ran over by a couple bikes and broke some ribs, punctured my lung and broke two vertebrae. I had to fight with them to let me leave the hospital, They didn’t want to take my chest tube out. And I told them either you get this shit outta me. Or I’m ripping it out. Either way I’m leaving this hospital today. They were in the room about 15 min later and took it out. And advised me that I was not well enough to leave yada yada. They were just trying to keep me there longer and rack up more of a bill. They didn’t give a fuck about my well being lol
Yeah brother you got extremely lucky with your doctor!!
One of our more recent brothers had extremely low test and his doctor was trying to up his depression medication instead of putting him on trt.
Not to mention some guys spend $3,500-5,000 a year on trt... And they are only getting 4-5 vials of test, ai and serms and blood work.