falcon-pharma.org Customer Discussions


Well-known member
And no disrespect brother but I’m calling bs on your “trt” for a year plus needles costing only 180 bucks.
And 22 bottles of gear for under $400 bucks.
What do you pay $20 per 10ml bottle?
I mean if so more power to ya.
But at that price your guy ain’t making any money selling shit that low 🤷🏼
Don't worry about disagreeing with me. You've been nothing but respectful... We don't always have to agree to get along brother.
In fact when Lee joined... Him and I disagreed... Quite a bit. Now we're extremely close and talk outside the forum regularly.

My Dr treats a bunch of UFC fighters and amateur fighters. Hes a little more of a specialized sports medicine guy, than a regular PCP. I was transparent about using gear and almost everyone he treats uses gear also. So he knows what’s up.
He’s super cool and knows his shit.
Yes unlike many health care “professionals” that really don’t know shit about steroids.
I didn’t even ask him for a script. He just offered and I was like.. hmmm. Fuck it, yeah I’ll take a script. 😆
I have been eager to try some “pharmaceutical” grade gear.

But I know exactly what you’re saying about Dr’s most of them are idiots. And I would not go to the hospital unless my guts were hanging out lol

Last time I went to the ER I wrecked during a motocross race and got ran over by a couple bikes and broke some ribs, punctured my lung and broke two vertebrae. I had to fight with them to let me leave the hospital, They didn’t want to take my chest tube out. And I told them either you get this shit outta me. Or I’m ripping it out. Either way I’m leaving this hospital today. They were in the room about 15 min later and took it out. And advised me that I was not well enough to leave yada yada. They were just trying to keep me there longer and rack up more of a bill. They didn’t give a fuck about my well being lol

Yeah brother you got extremely lucky with your doctor!!
One of our more recent brothers had extremely low test and his doctor was trying to up his depression medication instead of putting him on trt.
Not to mention some guys spend $3,500-5,000 a year on trt... And they are only getting 4-5 vials of test, ai and serms and blood work.

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
Don't worry about disagreeing with me. You've been nothing but respectful... We don't always have to agree to get along brother.
In fact when Lee joined... Him and I disagreed... Quite a bit. Now we're extremely close and talk outside the forum regularly
Appreciate that dude!
Yeah I mean we’re all here for the same goal. Get bigger faster stronger,
Look good naked.And smash all the pussy we can, while we can. 😂😆🤘🏼

No reason to be rude to one another. 😊

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
Yeah brother you got extremely lucky with your doctor!!
One of our more recent brothers had extremely low test and his doctor was trying to up his depression medication instead of putting him on trt.
Not to mention some guys spend $3,500-5,000 a year on trt... And they are only getting 4-5 vials of test, ai and serms and blood work.
I really did man! He’s really cool. And down to earth. Hell he’s even on shit lol.

But don’t even get me started on our health care doctors and John’s Hopkins bullshit. Text book Doctors. I mean they are all tought the same standards of care and none of them think outside the box.

I fully believe our nation is trying to De masculinize < is that even a word? 😂
Us to a full extent.
They don’t want us being manly and strong and have guns.
I mean look at how the last 4 years have gone in this country. With the COVID scare crap and trying to disarm Us and take away our guns. Teach our children it’s ok to not know your gender. Like fukn really!? Fucking with our food and what they put in it these days.
Pumping people full of pills and pharmaceuticals, oh you have some side effects from the shot we’re giving you?. Well here’s a pill for that. It’s mind numbing.
They want to disarm us and take away our means to defend ourselves and family and turn us into sheep so they can take over.

Well not on my watch.
Gator never been about that shit! 😂😂


Well-known member
Appreciate that dude!
Yeah I mean we’re all here for the same goal. Get bigger faster stronger,
Look good naked.And smash all the pussy we can, while we can. 😂😆🤘🏼

No reason to be rude to one another. 😊

Exactly brother!
I learned a long time ago, being right isn't always important.... And I'm usually wrong anyway 🤣😂.
I can only try and do my best with what I have experience with.
Usually if your advice is coming from a place of love and respect... It's usually good advice.
But that's why forums like this are so important!
Like us disagreeing on injections on quads.
I do it, you don't. There's risks and rewards... Just like everything. Just like some dudes won't run tren... It's a risk.

But by us going back and forth gives others a chance to learn! And that's what we're all here for.
When I first started gear, I was told not to pin in my quads. But I got so sick of the awkwardness of pinning my glutes, and I was abusing my delts.
So I did some research and found out lots of guys pin quads. But like you said... It's more of a risk. I weighed the risk and said fuck it... Several hundred injections later and no problems.
Am I that good or just that lucky? Who knows... Probably... Definitely lucky 😂🤣.

All we can do is share our experiences and try to be better... It's really that simple.

I learned a long time ago I'm not the smartest guy in the room... Probably the best looking... But definitely not the smartest 🤣😂.

And I sure do smash a lot of pussy... It's just the same one... But it's a really nice one!
Only once or twice a year so I get to try a new one... But that's a whole different story... Fuck I love my life 😂🤣


Well-known member
I really did man! He’s really cool. And down to earth. Hell he’s even on shit lol.

But don’t even get me started on our health care doctors and John’s Hopkins bullshit. Text book Doctors. I mean they are all tought the same standards of care and none of them think outside the box.

I fully believe our nation is trying to De masculinize < is that even a word? 😂
Us to a full extent.
They don’t want us being manly and strong and have guns.
I mean look at how the last 4 years have gone in this country. With the COVID scare crap and trying to disarm Us and take away our guns. Teach our children it’s ok to not know your gender. Like fukn really!? Fucking with our food and what they put in it these days.
Pumping people full of pills and pharmaceuticals, oh you have some side effects from the shot we’re giving you?. Well here’s a pill for that. It’s mind numbing.
They want to disarm us and take away our means to defend ourselves and family and turn us into sheep so they can take over.

Well not on my watch.
Gator never been about that shit! 😂😂

Brother... You took the words right out of my mouth!
And last year they used to call me Gator here... That's so funny!

But yeah they are making these kids so weak. Meanwhile kids in China are taught how to break down and assemble rifles

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
Brother... You took the words right out of my mouth!
And last year they used to call me Gator here... That's so funny!

But yeah they are making these kids so weak. Meanwhile kids in China are taught how to break down and assemble rifles
Haha nice I’m glad you picked up on the Will Ferrell reference 😂😂🤘🏼

Speaking of glutes vs quads injection spots.
Have you tried ventral glute? Not the Maximus. And yeah that’s a real PITA( no pun). To hit by yourself. I tried once and said naw lol. So I’m with you there on that one haha.
But your minimus is super easy to hit. I just sit on my bed. And you barely have to turn and it’s easy to do. And it doesn’t hurt at all when the needle goes in.

But I got like two injections where I bled juuuust a little bit. And I didn’t have another alcohol swab with in reach to catch the blood drip.
So now I use a towel under my self. Well the other day I hit my glute and when I pulled the needle out. I shot blood like a mini fountain about 5-6 inches right out the needle hole, all over the towel. And bled for about 45 seconds good. First time that’s happened. But man I’m glad I had the towel down or would have got all over my blanket 😬😆

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
@Gainz. im definitely one of those guys who won’t touch Tren. Everything I’ve ever heard about it, sounds exactly like meth in a bottle to me. And I’ve done plenty of that shit way back in the day. When something gets you to the point where I had Zero control over my anger, and if somebody said the wrong thing to me, we were fighting. It was not good. lol
I’ve worked real hard over the past 10 years to never let that guy out again. And been real chill and successful.
To be honest the only compounds I’ve ever ran are just Test and Nandrolone. Those were the first and only ones I’ve tried and I don’t get any sides or acne or hair loss. So I’ve just stuck with those two for a long time now and they serve me well.
I have too nice of long blonde hair( chicks actually are hella jealous of my hair 😆) for that shit to be falling out and have a body full of acne.
So I just stick with what I’ve only ever had and had great success with 😊


Well-known member
Well, believe it or not, the post office found my package and they are sending it via express mail to me. Can't believe they found it in less than 24 hours. Maybe putting a kick into their asses helped. Who knows??? Just grateful now.


Active member
Well, believe it or not, the post office found my package and they are sending it via express mail to me. Can't believe they found it in less than 24 hours. Maybe putting a kick into their asses helped. Who knows??? Just grateful now.
I would have been PISSED 😡! This has happened to me and my girl before. Thankfully not with a order from falcon. I'm so used to the wait now I don't even check my tracking numbers. I know he will contact me if it's taken by customs and he will resend. It's a game that they can't win!


Well-known member
@Gainz. im definitely one of those guys who won’t touch Tren. Everything I’ve ever heard about it, sounds exactly like meth in a bottle to me. And I’ve done plenty of that shit way back in the day. When something gets you to the point where I had Zero control over my anger, and if somebody said the wrong thing to me, we were fighting. It was not good. lol
I’ve worked real hard over the past 10 years to never let that guy out again. And been real chill and successful.
To be honest the only compounds I’ve ever ran are just Test and Nandrolone. Those were the first and only ones I’ve tried and I don’t get any sides or acne or hair loss. So I’ve just stuck with those two for a long time now and they serve me well.
I have too nice of long blonde hair( chicks actually are hella jealous of my hair 😆) for that shit to be falling out and have a body full of acne.
So I just stick with what I’ve only ever had and had great success with 😊

I've only ever had one bad injection... And it was because I hit scar tissue. I was just pressing so hard I cracked the syringe. But I. Hundreds of injections... That's the only bad thing that's ever happened. No blood, no infection... No nothing. Just a broken syringe plunger. Was even able to save the oil. Just put a new pin and new plunger in it.

But yeah I fuckin love tren... I've done it a bunch. It makes me a cuddle bug and excellent fiance. I'm always so worried about getting my dick wet... I'm always on my best behavior.... Doing housework, giving back massages... Anything I can do that might get me laid.
I'm an incredibly chill dude... Now. I wasn't when I was younger... I was a real asshole. Used women, sold drugs, fought for money. Really not a nice person. But now... I'm as laid back as it gets. Except for being protective of my girl... I can't remember the last time I raised my voice.
Tren just makes me horny and protective... But that's who I am anyway... It just makes me more of that.
But I get it... The horror stories about tren are... Horrible. But it's one of those compounds that you just don't know how it's going to affect you until you're on it.

I also had a long talk with my girl before starting tren, I told her if you see a change you don't like... Speak up and I'll stop. That was like 4 tren blasts ago


Well-known member
I would have been PISSED 😡! This has happened to me and my girl before. Thankfully not with a order from falcon. I'm so used to the wait now I don't even check my tracking numbers. I know he will contact me if it's taken by customs and he will resend. It's a game that they can't win!
Received the package today. Good to go on another good Falcon order. I was kinda pissed, but more diplomatic and I think that helped at the post office for them to put a little more effort into locating my package. Hoping all of the other brothers get their packages soon.


Active member
I had everything already. Well I got a extra testosterone with my HGH kit. So I figured it was my test blend I got. I bought a single test because I had a couple already now I have more than enough to last me for a long time! Falcon thanks brotha! Now just waiting for my kit. I know it'll be in soon!


Well-known member
I had everything already. Well I got a extra testosterone with my HGH kit. So I figured it was my test blend I got. I bought a single test because I had a couple already now I have more than enough to last me for a long time! Falcon thanks brotha! Now just waiting for my kit. I know it'll be in soon!

I just want to see this comment section go back to love and admiration... Not doubt and skepticism.