Favorite Compounds

I am the 1

New member

I'm interested in it now. I was thinking about deca, but wasn't looking forward to the water retention that comes with it.  I want that leaner harder look. I jnow your diet is good. i cant wait to see what happens.How did your buddies like it?




Try NPP it is a fast acting Nandrolone(Due to the ester) And you retain less water than Deca Just watch your sodium and get some pharma proviron you should be g2g In my honest opinion you would like that cycle more then EQ but again that is my opinion 




They all like it. One of em is a bigger guy (280) and said he can't mess with it anymore because of the hunger and massive eating. 




3x's a week would be just fine. M/W/F npp at 400-500 test c 700-800  with some proviron is a dope cycle LoL just keep your estrogen in check I like NPP/Prop but Test c will work fine


I am the 1

New member

So you like a test c/npp cycle better than a test c/ eq cycle? The veining looking that eq produce sounds good. I also like how quick npp works. I have some people doing a 30 week cycle of eq with no results.




I like Npp more than EQ and I prefer prop/npp to keep bloating down further, test cyp will bloat you a tad more than prop.However Test Cyp/Npp would work fine for 8-12 weeks 400-500 npp test cyp-700-800 proviron 50mg ed would be a good run,I still would like to see a prop kick start to avoid possible deca dick but that may just be splitting hairs




ESTERS So test propionate is faster acting usually will feel it in a week or two,Test Cyp takes about 5-6 weeks to peak,There is more info but I will give you the basic's




course it would have benefits but I think you would enjoy a prop/npp cycle adding in more compounds will of course have a more anabolic effect but at this stage for you and many other's prop/npp is more than enough


I am the 1

New member

Makes sense. I'm not oppose to switch from test c to test p. Would it be beneficial to add eq to a test c or test p/npp cycle. I'm not going to do it. I don't want to add to much at one time. I have only taking test c so I dont want to add eq and npp and have issue and not know which one caused the issue. I'm just curious. 


I am the 1

New member

Cool, I will look more into a test c or p/npp and test c or p/eq cycle. I'm going to take one of those combination soon. I will post a cycle log after more research.




 For me the two cycles are for different goals. One is more of a longer bulking type cycle and the other is more of a shorter cutting type cycle. Basically the test eq is my winter bulker and most likely my spring/summer beach time cutter will be prop/npp.



New member

I like prop but if I have to choose a favorite, sustanon with npp would be my choice. I'm not an oral steroid fan, so no favorites in that respect!




It was definitely nice! I'd always heard good things about Genshi. Now I know



New member

That is a real tough question to ask, I love provi though, I love anything that gives a strong libido boost, injectable is much harder. who doesn't love test prop, but I've ran so much of it it's kind of not the same anymore. I'm having a lot of fun with bold cyp right now, it's the first  time i'm going to have finished a cycle of it and it's real cool, the stamina boost and insane hunger are very different for me.




I've been intrigued by bold c myself. Do you like it better undecylenate




My new cycle im totaly psyched about , so far so good , and I will post it up soon , my source and a friend knows what it is , im just gonna give it a moment to post because im trying a few things out here , but im sure these are my favorite new compounds ,, im sure of it I
