Favorite Compounds


New member

I'd have to say my favorite injectable is sten got great pumps might be because it was my second cycle. And for oral I like halo got crazy strong off that



New member

I would have to say dbol for oral it's fast acting and will put on crazy size without to much water weight with enough ai . And injectable  would have to be test prop  just blows my libido  through the roof and can feel the good pumps I get from it only down side is I sweat a lot on it




tren a and prop by far ,for me orals I have been letting alone ,my liver is not the best .tren does effect the liver but mildly compared to orals and other compounds. note tho it will most deffently effect your kidneys tho.. also a bag full of sides come with tren that are real and amplified from other compounds.thats why its suggested ,learn your other compounds and sides ,then your in a position to at least give tren a run (tren a)



New member

Im going to be very interested in Dolphs report too. You can see my feelings on EQ or an EQ based cycle under the EQ thread. Although like everything some people respond better to a compound than another person might and I do believe this to be true for EQ more than others, the one other compound I had friends love and it did almost nothing for me was 1test cyp . Bottom line is you really just have to try it by running it, the thing I also dont like about EQ is to find out you do or dont really like it you have waited 8-12 weeks to see . 

   I have a pic of vascularity just from proviron on a sust/npp run , you can get veins from a variety of compounds. 



New member

Bigstick could have taken those words right from me, I feel exactly the way he does.  My fav combo is sust/npp , although tren is an amazing thing. When it comes to orals I have honestly never had a successful run on any of the ones I tried , its not that they didnt work but rather I just dont feel physically good when I run orals.  The one and only oral for me is Proviron. 




Stand I've got great vascularity from this cycle, but I'm running provirone also. The hunger part is what I like about eq. I've been eating 7 to 8 meals per day and often times wake in the middle of the night and eat again. 



New member

I would have to say the best so far for me was test prop/tren/masterone 3ml every other day.  Its a lot of pinning, but felt like a beast and made some nice gains.  Down side, sweat like I was in a rain storm just about all of the time. 

I've run a test prop/EQ for a couple of different cycles and it is okay.  Nothing compares to the prop/tren/mast combo for me.  I started a short 4 week prop/EQ with dbol oral and then had to have some blood work done.  My liver enzymes were off the charts.  Started taking wheat thistle to help recover the liver.  I am trying to cut down so I haven't started up the dbol yet. 



New member

Yes EQ gave me the munchies that's for sure.  In fact again not to keep beating the dead hors but EQ is handy in a test /tren cycle as a third add in to combat the appetite loss from tren .

  Id bet the current vascularity is more from the proviron than equipoise.




I never gave provirone a chance before. I got some as an extra and said what the heck I'll give it a try. I can now say I don't see myself running another cycle without it. Although it is a pricey add on to a cycle. Especially a 20 week cycle like I'm running now.
