First Pin Got Brutal PIP


New member

I will second what Miagi says, I was having similar issues irregardless of UGL lab  I used so I presumed that I might be allergic to the compound, so I started cutting it with a bit of GSO (Grape Seed Oil) which is very easy to obtain on the net and overnight the PIP disappeared.  I would encourage you to obtain some GSO to have on hand, just in case this severe reaction continues, I think it will help with your situation and make the experience much more pleasant.


Update, I have switched from Grape Seed Oil to Cottonseed Oil, APL on site gave me this great advice and sure enough, PIP has went away by cutting a little bit in on each injection.




SharonKY said:
</p><p>Lordy the last thing I need to see....I start pinning tomorrow.</p><p>No way I can pin in my stomach is there?</p><p>I've heard of it being done, but never tried it. </p><p>The ass cheek is almost always painless, the quad sometimes hurts a little.</p><p>


Well-known member

SharonKY said:
</p><p>No way I can pin in my stomach is there? </p><p>
</p><p>I have yet to find one single health practitioner or medical journal that provides guidance or recommends a intramuscular injection in the abdomen. Even broscience wouldn't take that leap of faith.</p><p>Huge mistake in my opinion. </p><p>SEMPER FI</p><p> </p><p> </p>



I've seen some videos on  youtube of the sub q pins, but I sure would not want to try that with 75 mg of prop.

prop is known to have a little more pip than the longer esters like E and C



Well-known member


Plus the erratic and slower absorption rate can cause some weird blood level peaks and valleys which can cause a higher risk of side effects.

I highly recommend to stick with known and proven injection sites.





I only mention it because I have injected my abs for the past four years to treat MS. 

But if its not possible, then I will look at my arms, butt, etc.




No ma'am. NO way to inject abdominals intramuscularly!!! NONE. Forget about it. The abs are not a site for IM injects. I have never seen anything published in my nursing books, online or in my work allowing for use of the abdomen for anything other than subcutaneous injections. 



New member

I'm a firm believer in virgin muscle having a lot to do with it. Yes I get more pip with certain esters with Tren Ace or a prop  vs say a 250mg cyp or ethanate, but i've experienced it with cyp and eth as well when starting up a cycle after a break. When you jab yourself for the first time, your body reacts to the depot of oil as a foriegn object and actually increases blood flow to the area and surrounds it with fluid to protect other vital functions of the body, similar as to what happens with a bee sting or venom from a snake bite. This increases blood flood and fluid makes the area warm and tight almost like its pressurized. Once the body adapts to the hormone and realyzes its not a threat this typically subsides by the second to third injection in that area. Now don't get me wrong if your not going deep enough into the muscle or are taking 5 minutes to inject all while moving the pin around like meat skwere then yes thats gonna leave some PIP. In your case its prob virgin muscle combined with technique. It gets better, like others have said if you rotate yes you'll most likely get pip at first but once adjusted you have multiple pip free sites. Laslty don't shoot in your glute for your first time and think legs won't be difficult the next day because they will. For instance if i'm hitting delts (don't blast more than 1-1.5 cc here) I'll do shoulders first then pinn after the gym. Try doing overhead presses with a fresh pin of tren in your delt!! It isn't comforting and as you stated it hinders your workout.

So in closing watch some injection technique videos on youtube, ask questions, rotate sites and make sure you have the proper guage needle and length. If your pinning with an 1-1/2" 20 guage lol that would be the culprit. I opt for 25 guage lentgh varies and i warm my oil, it pins like butter baby!!

best of luck.



New member

just as an fyi for those interested, I tried this technique because i heard so many people say no, while seeing videos of trt docs doing it for patients doing office visits. IT WORKS! That being said it is not intended to rip 2 cc's sub q because you will end up with a knot for three weeks. What I did through trial and error was ended up pinning using a slin pin, I back loaded it with 1 cc (250mg of cyp) I would pin in my abdomen subq 1/2 cc, with draw and put the other 1/2 cc symmetrically on the other side of my body (belly button being center line. I am pretty lean so I did notice small bumps (the trt patients in the vids had big ol beer guts so not an issue for them) I switched to upper thighs (top half) this area is always covered by the boxer briefs, shorts pants etc! So kept on doing this 1 cc E3d and by week 4 guess what?? I felt as I always do with IM injects. started with the oily skin and the filling out of muscle then came the minor acne on the neck, hairline, upper back and shoulders (nothing to the extent of blasting a gram of test but it was present as minor as it was)

So again in my experience it works, but i would not do it if running anything over 2cc's per week no matter how your gear is dosed, its a volume thing not a milligram thing. I have not and prob never will try it with prop or ace, just dont see the need. For me it was to expirement and provide feedback to you all as well as to know in future cycles if i want to just run a low/maintenance dose while doing an oral cycle that I do not need to do IM injections for minimal test eth or cyp.

Again i used slin pins i think they were 29g but also tried with my 25g and big difference is a bit more of a pinch with the 25 with some soreness after, but it pushes quicker. With the 29 its a slower inject, but 100% pain free before during and after.

Hope this helps someone, TURN




I notice i get pip at sometimes when using a new compound. But once my body got use to the compound, i would no longer get pip. Again im pretty new to this. But for you first pin ever i was taught start at lower doses let your body get use to having them slowy up the dose. 500mgs per shot is alot for first time use at least to me. I was told try to get the most out of the least amount as possible. Wish you luck dont give up hang in there, youll be loving this before long .




3CC said:
</p><p>I pinned 2cc two days ago in my right glute and I'm dealing with some serious PIP. It's very debilitating. Is this what I have to deal with after every pin? The pain to reward just doesn't seem worth it. It;'s hard to workout. I have to explain to people why I am limping.I did legs yesterday and thought I would pass out from the pain. Is my gear bad? High BA content? Should I continue the cycle? Don't think I can deal with the pain for 10 weeks. Sucks. Never thought it would be this bad!</p><p>
. </p><p> </p><p>Could be a number of factors. If this is your very first pin then its virgin muscle in glutes. Your body has to accept the compound. Technique also plays a role in pip. Get a heat pad, give it some rubs through the day. There's a ton of videos on YouTube that will show proper technique. Pip will go away after a few injections.</p>