First Pin Got Brutal PIP


New member

I believe APL might have mentioned this, but 1" is too short of a needle, even for the quads.  I would use 1" only on delts, if I pinned that muscle, but I had similar issues in my quads which I attribute to the pin (1") not getting deep into the muscle that is required of IM injections, so I would highly recommend moving to a 1 1/2" pin, it worked for me right away; this should greatly help and I also noted that you pinned 3cc's which is a very large amount, particularly for a virgin. I would cap your injections, particularly into the quads at 2 cc maximum.



New member

what APL said and tell you to put about a cup of epsom salt in the hot bath as well as a half cup baking soda, these things work great for pain and inflammation.




you couldn't pay me ,to pin test 500 ,never mind 2cc. If your pip sensative. As i am that would put me in the hospital ....noway no how ,lol I had rpl written out last night where I said !!! You problely pinned 2cc 500 into a virgin ass ,...i got side tracked and never posted .....i knew it not worth it ,as your finding out ,hope you can sit today , good luck




yep, there is a reason we do a 500mg a week cycle in two pins per week. Steady test levels, and way less pip!




I don't even know if that's going to help him, we know they use EO ,to hold in suspension..and that other shit starts with a g .

I can't look at a bottle with EO ,the op is. Going to have to find his ,solvents ,but brother he picks one hell of a compound for a virgin cycle



New member

OP pinned 250mg/ml Test, not 500mg/ml.  He just pinned 2 ml worth.  Shouldnt have EO or Guaicol in 250mg/ml.  

If he had pinned 2 ml of 500mg/ml for first shot of first cycle.....he would need to re evaluate his entire plan :)




true I thought he was using test 500 ?? Well then myself personally from experience ,I would guess they either still used EO ,or they kills it with ba , 



New member

I would split it up brotha that will help, also my first cycle was with sust and I had same problem for about first three weeks and then my muscle got use to it don't give up on the cycle I promise its worth it now I can go 3mls and zero pip once the virgin muscle get use to it its game on. also when you are ready start swithing spots I did quads only first cycle now I have a shit ton of scar tissue in quads. best of luck to you homie!



New member

Try your quad next week mate, its easier to keep everything steady and see what your doing and your right into muscle so 1" needle is fine, try warming the Test in warm water as well and make sure your properly clean the site with medical swabs, I do it twice to be on safe side and again after pin!! Don't give up though ;)



New member

I had a really really rough week. Along with the debilitating PIP I got wicked bad case of test flu. Fever rose to over 101, night sweats, freezing chills, uncontrollable shaking and wonderful fever dreams. I've been pounding 800mg IB all week just to cope. Felt like a pill popper. As of now I'm feeling much better. And for the record I did not miss one day of training.




New member

Shit man, that sucks...especially for a first pin experience.  Hard to have confidence after that.  Try 1 ml next pin, and if it still hurts that bad for that long...consider cutting with sterile GSO, or contacting manufacturer.  Virgin muscle or not, Test250 should not be a weeklong debilitating pin if only using 1ml, especially in the Glute.




sometimes guys just have a reaction to the carrier oil. I had a bad time when ,my favorite ugl switched to sesame oil. Did one pin and tossed 3 vials in the trash. 



New member

+1 for pushing thru brother!!! Thats some serious flu there tho with 101 fever and shaking. If you pin it again only do 250 then let me know how it goes brother...shoot me a pm if you don't see me online or go into my thread and post something like APL go look at my PIP thread so I don't miss it




Test flu from test e or c is not common or normal. Test p, test a, or sust yes but not e or c. In my personal experiences test flu symptoms from e or c is your body not agreeing with the carrier oil or too much bb solvent. This is usually accompanied with pip, redness, swelling, feeling weak, and achy. 

Being that it's that time of year it could also be that you pinned your glute too close to the sciatic nerve and contracted a sickness too. I've had these symptoms from poorly brewed test e or c before, but it was never accompanied with actual fever. 

The list of ifs could go on and on here. 500mg in 2ml as a first pin in the glute. Not deep enough with 1in pin in the glute. (You could have not pinned deep enough and the oil traveled and pooled near the sciatic nerve.) Injection target (sciatic nerve) or injection technique or a combo of both. Poorly brewed gear.  Virgin muscle. Plunging the gear in too fast. Pinning too shallow and gear going sub q. It could be one of these issues or a combination of several of these issues. 

My advice is to only pin 1ml in the other glute next pin day. The glute is a forgiving spot to pin, but must be pinned in the proper place to avoid the sciatic nerve. Basically draw a cross that splits your cheek in 4 even quadrants. The upper outer quadrant is your target area. Use a inch and a half needle. Plunge the oil slowly at about 20 to 30 seconds per ml. Take a hot shower or apply a heat pad afterwards. Being new to this and having virgin muscle some pip is expected, but it shouldn't cripple.




Yes I do my friend. Gotta work on gaining lost weight back now. 2 steps forward and 3 steps back...fml




my life story with every thing ,I'm hurting and was going to show and sale my older dump yesterday ,and needs the $$ ,he crashes the fucking truck ran into someone ,and whipped out the whole side of someone's car .and destroyed my pump for the plow believe he's fixing the pump now or trying to
