

New member

 I'm 55 and just divorced. Havent done gear since my mid 30's. Dropped 100lbs, down from 375. Just started a test/decca/dbol 12 week cycle from aml. Almost 2 weeks not really feeling it yet. I was wondering what anyone thought about adding t3 to speed things up. Thanks!



New member

Welcome TFINBAR! Glad to see new members on Mg!

Please do not forget to read our Rules and Guidelines.
We will be glad if you will share with us your experience.
Good luck and hope to hear from you!!!

+1 from me




Welcome to the family TFINBAR!!! Its great to have you aboard. A lot has changed since your 30's. Do you have an ai and da on hand?




Welcome Tfinbar,  2 weeks and nothing? I would think you would feel the Dbol by now. Good work on Dropping the weight. Im going to have to recommend NO T3. I too have no problem gaining and a hard time losing fat. Get through this first cycle brother and learn from it. You probably already know to get your diet right. All the best... its been 20 years since last cycle, You have a classic cycle going now don't add t3.




Tfinbar, Please stay on the site for a bit. Dolf will hit u back with some valueable info. Brother, you need an anti estro definitely with Deca.




AI is Aromotase Inhibitor. In short it bind up the aromatase enzymes to keep estrogen down.

DA is Dopamine Antagonist. In short its for prolactin caued by 19nor (tren, npp, deca) 

Usethe search bar and google to do a little research on these brother...any questions just come back and ask.





Im assuming that you are trying to drop some weight and gain muscle mass? If that is the case...

IMHO if you are trying to drop weight deca with dbol kicker is not the way to do it... That is what most people use to bulk.

Obviously weight control starts in your kitchen ...  :)

If this is your first cycle in 20 years and you are trying to lose weight i would go with test only and taper with some anavar or winstrol (these both help you cut) and make sure you have some liver support like liv52 and such. And as stated above.. a good PCT plan with AI's on hand in case of  Gyno and maybe some Cabergoline for deca dick (if you stick with your current cycle)  There are a lot of people on this site to help you out, but do yourself a favor and read up on the substances you are putting into your body ... Google is your friend brother :)  Good luck !!!




New member

I am taking .50ml Arimidex eod. I have tamoxifen and clomid ready for pct. I really want to add t-3 and do some cardio 30 min x3 per week. Got this hot 50 year old who remembers the old Finbar! lol!




New member

Thanks MRFIXIT. It was a cycle package from aml. I could not afford the cutting cycle at $1100 v. $440. I figured build the bulk, keep the protein high (whey @ 100grams is 440 calories, 8 carbs, 1 pint liquid egg whites at 50grams protein, 250 calories 0 carbs, a hand full of omega 3 fishoil, and psyillium husk for some carbs and regularity. A can of tuna, and some turkey breast. Try and keep it under 1200 cal a day. Crazy? I haven't had a beer (and I make the best home made Belgian beer) since early November. She is out getting laid, it would be nice to get some too for a change.





Brother IMO 1200 calories is way too low. Not eating does not equate to fat loss. A diet that is too tough is usually not stuck too. You need to find how mant calories it takes to sustain your weight and eat 500 or 600 calories less. 




Wo wo wo ,, my friend you are heading for a wall doing about 50,an d its no fun when you hit it , my honest opion here you need to stop this cycle , I am not bashing I do not do that my concern is dbol will get you quick , but 2 weeks on bol and nothing ?. I usually feel ball 4 or 5 days in ,  deca and no da,   and no ai.  This is a mess I assume your on trt ?? Drop everything and maintain a cruise , even if your not trt drop deca , and dbol run a low dose test , lets get you up to date here , this is not 30 years ago ,  I highly suggest stopping , only your best interest at heart 




Tfinbar I'm gonna be brutally honest and give you some constructive criticism brother. Right now what you have going on is a hot mess.

#1 drop the deca

#2 lets get your diet and training in check

#3 forget about t3 for the time being. 

#4  gear is not magic. 

#5 give us your stats weight, height, age

We can get this straight and you'll be a sex machine in no time at all brother!




Tfinbar, I agree with the 2 above statements. Test/deca/dbol is a wonderful classic gainer cycle however, Doesn't sound like a good one for you. I would drop it all and cruise @200/300 mgs of test till you know exactly what you want to do. If not just keep the test at 500mgs for the rest of the cycle. You will have great results with just the test. Post some stats and goals and in 3 months or so you will be a new man. I too went through a divorce a few years back and just let myself go. Then I meet my new girlfriend and go out on date and ate burgers, fries and lots and lots of beer. This has been very hard for me to get back to where I am at. Im 5 months in to taking my life back brother and man it feels good.  I still have a lot of work to do but I will not waiver. I WILL be in the best shape of my life by the time im 45.  Be an Animal Tfinbar!!!!!!




That's the beauty of the boards. Others have been in the same position mentally and physically. Personal experience goes a long way. Not just aas but in life too! You're the man strong...




Im putting Tfinbar in Millsberry's Category Dolf. I immediately liked the guys because of their brutal honesty. Mills has turned out to be a straight up guy and I would love to see that madman reach his goals. I admire what Tfinbar has already done but I want to see him excel through the roof and enjoy his life..
