Just to prove how important body fat percentage is...


Well-known member
I remember like 7 years ago reading an interview where he admited that certain steroid cycles messed him up pretty bad and contributed to a divorce. It sounded like he had been on Tren.

I'm a 1000% certain he's on gear... And a lot of it! My guess is blasting and cruising. Probably cruising on 200 and high. Blasting with test tren and a oral


I'm a 1000% certain he's on gear... And a lot of it! My guess is blasting and cruising. Probably cruising on 200 and high. Blasting with test tren and a oral
Do you remember him in that Hercules movie? The amount of mass he put on is impossible for a natty. He got so damn huge it was unreal.


Well-known member
Do you remember him in that Hercules movie? The amount of mass he put on is impossible for a natty. He got so damn huge it was unreal.
Yeah... Especially since he looked like he barely worked out in his 20s. Now he's just massive... It's just impossible


New member
Believe it or not... I'm 187lbs in both pictures!
The first one is last winter when I was taking a little too much mk677. I was impossibly hungry... All the time!
The only real bulk I've ever done. At the time I was so proud of myself. So close to my goal of 200lb.
Then I started actually looking at the mirror instead of the scale.
I look so washed out and blah.
After that I dropped back down to like 170, and pretty much started over again.
Bro I'm taking test e tren e Deca and Winstrol what u think bout adding mast p to tht and continuing to do so for around five weeks after stoping the deca an Tren?


New member
do you blast and cruise @Smiggs ?
Mast can be helpful, but why Propionate?
For how long do you plan to cycle?
Yeah I usually stay on at least test.. and I was going to use one bottle of the prop just to get it in my system then do the E. What do you think?


Well-known member
Bro I'm taking test e tren e Deca and Winstrol what u think bout adding mast p to tht and continuing to do so for around five weeks after stoping the deca an Tren?
Winny and mast do basically the same thing.
I would drop the deca and Winny, and just blast T,T,M
They are my absolute favorites. The holy Trinity if you will


New member
Winny and mast do basically the same thing.
I would drop the deca and Winny, and just blast T,T,M
They are my absolute favorites. The holy Trinity if you will
I'm getting ing to hit at least 12 weeks with the deca I am about up with the Tren which sucks I include Tren every chance I get but the body prob needs a break


Well-known member
I'm fucking
Dying to know what percentage of guys here either believe what I say...
Or think I'm a 2 pump chump with a tiny 🍆.
Either belief system is fine with me... Because both are equally as funny.
I just want to know....50-50... 70-30... 99-1
What is it?


Well-known member
put me in the group that thinks you are a 2 pump chump with an average 🦴

That's fair, I mean it's the Internet... People can say what ever they want.
My only goal is to bring laughter... And solid information.
But the laughter definitely outweighs the information for me.
I'm happy to be the punching bag as long as the joke is funny.
The punchline always outweighs my feelings 🤣😂.


Well-known member
I'm happy to be the punching bag as long as the joke is funny.
now that's something I can really relate to. and that says a lot about you as a personality, and about your confidence. I mean, people with low self esteem wouldn't ever allow it. or at least accept it


Well-known member
now that's something I can really relate to. and that says a lot about you as a personality, and about your confidence. I mean, people with low self esteem wouldn't ever allow it. or at least accept it

People are always shocked by how... "un-offend-able" I really am.
My 3 closest friends are exactly like me. Extreme dark humor, ball busting, sarcastic A'holes that always go for the joke. So when we get together... The things we say... We sound like mortal enemies. Yet we don't stop laughing. So I've developed extremely thick skin over the years.
Plus I've very confident in all aspects of my life.
I've also learned I will say not only funnier, but far more fucked up shit about myself than anyone I've ever met.
Like yesterday I was shaking up a mass gainer shake in a tumbler.
My girl goes "yeah, shake it Daddy"
"I said that's exactly what scout master Larry used to say to me while I was performing the same action"
She just stopped and stared for a few moments before saying "you're fucked"
I laughed and said "that's what he said after... Do you guys know each other?"
Boom... Not only a molestation joke... But a handjob and boy scout joke all in one.