Liquid moved discussion



Take probiotics but stopped taking protease because omg, the blowouts ensue when i use it. Not trying to be gross..just saying




You hit the nail on the head brotha!

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So in other words you're only here to promote you're nutrition lifestyle, and nothing more? You have yet to participate in any other part of the forum with the exception of promoting your formula which you feel will be the new fad in 5 years. You just made SF's point with the post above.

No you didn't show your formula because you pouted and acted like a baby and deleted every bit of it. My patience are beginning to wear thin with your over sensitive egotistical attitude. We give everyone a warm welcome and a fair chance. There are some things we don't tolerate and you've about checked every box on that list. I keep hoping you'll relax, warm up, and show another side of your personality, but my hope is slowly fading.



Well-known member

rr4298 said:
</p><p>in writing seep said he googled it 2 days ago , I googled for a year there is no info, <span style="font-size: 14px;"> </span><span style="font-size: 14px;">But I have presented my formula and my data , there is not much else I can do unless someone is trying it and needs advice. You won't find it on google</span><span style="font-size: 14px;"> </span><span style="font-size: 14px;">
</span></p><p>The information is readily available and just takes a short time to find. It's not like we are trying to reinvent the wheel here.... Improve it maybe..... customize it sure..... but not reinvent.</p><p>You can find it on Google. Here are just a few examples -</p><p></p><p></p><p>Even this blind dogs old eyes can find a bone sometimes when you have powerful friends and can stand on the shoulders of giants. ;)</p><p> </p><p>SEMPER FI</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Mister A


I'm certainly no giant and definitely not as innovative as OP when it comes to designing diets, but I read a lot and go through a lot of information. Derek Poundstone has been drinking chicken breast shakes since the early 2000s. Antoine Valiant regularly features them on his social media accounts.

I encourage OP to write a book about his diet and seek publication. That way he may achieve the type of notoriety he is seeking. We can't offer it here and certainly aren't going to praise you or give you the credit you're after.

You stated this diet requires "notes and logs and a lot of research." Do you seriously think no one else here is rigorously tracking their nutrition? That was an extremely condescending thing to say to a group of dedicated men (and Calm).

Furthermore, your ego is on display when you say things like "wait and see in 5 years this will be a thing it's too good not to be" and "this is groundbreaking."

We have no room for egos here, Sir. You were welcomed with open minds and your reaction has been childish. Your skin is as thick as a watered down chicken shake.




That's all I'm asking my man. We don't bash or flame here. We may joke in good fun or give constructive criticism,  but flamers and bashers get shown the door. Just don't take out on us what others have said or done to you. I've already told you that I think this could he good for some others who have IBS or gastric bypass because liquids pass through and process faster. Keep in mind when reading text you can't see facial expressions or hear voice inflections and they're easily misunderstood. Just relax, take a deep breath, and reset!

As for your scale throw that thing in the trash. Use the mirror and a tape measure as your way of judging yourself. I can lose 6lbs with a huge dump, and not enough water consumption. Treat it like a marathon and not a sprint. 



New member

added back two tbls of coconut oil as I do when the abs pop . Also added 4 oz of bone broth , no immediate bloat or discomfort. 



New member

If you did not see the other one

i apologize for my overreaction , 

please research all the others who have supported this diet , some are dead , some just mentioned are missing but none are offering current data and experience . 

My bad I would like another chance to share and build on this already existing diet and see if we can make it better and more predictable with the latest tweeks.



New member

sorry I'm driving to a race and right into a move with the gf who lives out of town . But as soon as I have a chance after the first I will post that unless I can sooner. 

So I would also point out that I'm quite backed up at the moment and should be in better spirits after next week.

i lowered dose just to stay calm, per your advise :) 

off the top I'm steady at 3500 calls 12 shakes should be 5000 that's why i need to rework my macros, plus just added more cardio And lost weight.



New member

in november of 2015 I sent a messenger fb to Rene and asked for advice , no reply .

the request is posed in my pictures November 18 2015 , 
