I like Deca, it works well with me, on the anabolic side lol…But it definitely fucks with my Libido a little. Now mind you I’ve had dick problems for a couple years now. Long story….Bottom line. Don’t do meth kids lol. Was great at first. Then my dick stopped working properly. I firmly believe meth fucks with your hormones or something along those lines.
But Deca is one of those that I like it. But at the same time I don’t. I get great results from it. Like I get swoll AF. But it comes with a price.
My sex drive goes down the drain. And it fucks with my head a little. Slight paranoia and I loose my motivation, also it kills my appetite. I still eat like crazy. But the sensation of feeling hungry just isn’t there when I’m on Deca. Must be the 19nor. I’ve heard that the 19nors (IE Tren & Deca) fuck with your head after a min. Being Neurotoxic and all lol. I definitely find myself staring at the wall or the gym floor during my workouts. Kinda like and empty shell of a human being almost. Not much emotion either. But I’ve battled with mental heath shit since the late 90’s so I just know how to push through that shit. But yeah man Deca is a weird one.
But it sure gets me the results I’m looking for