Loss of libido and ed update


Well-known member
that was a clear sign of high prolactin
Or Zoloft.. you ever tried to cum on Zoloft?
I'll never forget when my doctor put me on that shit.... For days and days I tried to cum. Found out that was a side effect and a day or 2 later when it was out of my system... I came so much I felt physically lighter!


Well-known member
Or Zoloft.. you ever tried to cum on Zoloft?
I'll never forget when my doctor put me on that shit.... For days and days I tried to cum. Found out that was a side effect and a day or 2 later when it was out of my system... I came so much I felt physically lighter!
Yeah klonopin same thing my girl thay I just wasn’t attracted to her anymore


Well-known member
Yeah klonopin same thing my girl thay I just wasn’t attracted to her anymore
Getting hard and staying hard wasn't the problem... It just wouldn't.. come out!
And Benzos definitely affected me... Definitely made it harder. But Zoloft made it fuckin impossible to 💦💦💦


Well-known member
How do you combat that?
We use ancillaries to take care of prolactin. Like we take ai to combat est. Most common choices are Cabergoline, Bromocriptine, and Pramipexole. Caber is recommended since it is easy to dose and only needs to be taken once or twice a week.


Well-known member
We use ancillaries to take care of prolactin. Like we take ai to combat est. Most common choices are Cabergoline, Bromocriptine, and Pramipexole. Caber is recommended since it is easy to dose and only needs to be taken once or twice a week.
but before you actually start using them, get the levels tested. If your prolactin is in normal range but you use caber, you'll regret it

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
I like Deca, it works well with me, on the anabolic side lol…But it definitely fucks with my Libido a little. Now mind you I’ve had dick problems for a couple years now. Long story….Bottom line. Don’t do meth kids lol. Was great at first. Then my dick stopped working properly. I firmly believe meth fucks with your hormones or something along those lines.

But Deca is one of those that I like it. But at the same time I don’t. I get great results from it. Like I get swoll AF. But it comes with a price.
My sex drive goes down the drain. And it fucks with my head a little. Slight paranoia and I loose my motivation, also it kills my appetite. I still eat like crazy. But the sensation of feeling hungry just isn’t there when I’m on Deca. Must be the 19nor. I’ve heard that the 19nors (IE Tren & Deca) fuck with your head after a min. Being Neurotoxic and all lol. I definitely find myself staring at the wall or the gym floor during my workouts. Kinda like and empty shell of a human being almost. Not much emotion either. But I’ve battled with mental heath shit since the late 90’s so I just know how to push through that shit. But yeah man Deca is a weird one.
But it sure gets me the results I’m looking for 😆


Well-known member
slight paranoia, a bit of motivation loss and losing sex drive is actually something you can expect. but decrease in appetite... well, most people increase their appetite. then again, another proof we're all different.


Well-known member
indeed tren and deca increase the risk of side effects, but still, people manage to run both with great effects.


Active member
indeed tren and deca increase the risk of side effects, but still, people manage to run both with great effects.
Yea maybe with low test and bloodwork and prami on hand but why there are so many other things to do that are more manageable