New and need advice



My sincerest apologies to you all. I have no desire for a thumbs up as you seem to say.

I have honestly taken the advice and appreciate it. I have gone off as advised and ordered the necessary PCT .

I have no desire to take dumb risk etc...I seek only knowledge from the first realistic source I have ever found that has first hand experience for such knowledge. So yes I am and was fascinated to learn of the error of my initial path and the VERY knowledgable reasons for why (Hypothalamus and loss of ability to ever produce T etc....) 

Likewise my apologies if I seemed anything but desirous of knowledge but what to expect when coming off cycle (please keep in mind no fewer than 3 of you stated it was the 'worst hell' you ever went thought - without PCT drugs)  seemed important to know.

My last question was honestly asked multiple times but never answered, thus it was asked again. I don't claim to be brilliant but I was wondering. Not from the standpoint of 'I want the okay' but from the standpoint of 'what is the experience of a worst case scenario'. Surely, I assumed, someone has known someone who tried or some medical study showed. If the risk is heart dieses or if it's cancer or if it's stroke or death of certain important glands etc....whatever the risk learned from such an tragic experiment would be extremely helpful for me in the future to know what the main risk factors are and thus how best to avoid them.  So while the question was probably answered and I am just too ignorant to have realized it, that was my reason for asking again.

I will stop bothering you all with this discussion thread. And I will return to, as one man suggested "googling this shit..."  

My eternal thanks for the knowledge that was shared and again my sincerest apologies for those of you whom I obviously offended. Such was never my intent. My best to you all!! and thank you all for your excellent service to people such as me (and even obviously smarter than me :)  in the information you share here. It has been and will continue to be extremely helpful to me!!!

Hopefully that apology and explanation helped. It was truly sincere!
