New member here.


New member
Seeing my pcp today to dicsuss what we've been talking about. I'll keep you guys in the loop. Wish me luck.


New member
Ok guys, saw the dr. I was honest with him about everything. Like others have said, he might not be the best Dr to see regarding this but I went to him as he's my pcp and if I need any referrals. My BMI is low, blood pressure is perfect. He seems to think my illness is a contributing factor due to my weight loss, rather than something else. He gave me his blessing for pursuing TRT and/or HGH. He doubts I'm low on Testosterone but the blood work will show it regardless. Below is the blood work he wants done then he's sending me to see an Endocrinologist from there.

Vitamin B12 and Folate
Hemoglobin A1c
CBC w/diff
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
Testosterone. Free and Total
Lipid Panel and Chol/HDL ratio
TSH+Free T4

What these tests are I'm unaware of as I'm not a Dr.

If any of this makes sense to you guys, please feel free to chime in.

Well-known member
yeah it does makes sense - your doc knows what he's doing. if you plan jumping on roids, I would also check liver enzymes too


New member
yeah it does makes sense - your doc knows what he's doing. if you plan jumping on roids, I would also check liver enzymes too
I don't think that's our goal from the start. TRT possibly, depending on lab results, he seems to think HGH might be a good start. I'm sure I won't know more until I see the Endo and get my labs back.

Well-known member
If you're only searching for TRT (use steroids simply for health purposes) then I would listen to the doctor. they are always trying to keep it safest. that's why they are against steroids for fitness needs because that's usually involving higher doses = more risks


New member
Honestly, I'm searching for a happier, healthier life. If I'm going to live with this illness, I'm sure as shit not going to be a 5'10' twig doing it.


Active member
A little about myself;
I'm 45, 5'10" and down to 135lbs. My heaviest/happiest weight was in my 30's hovering around 170lbs. About a year ago I was diagnosed with a disability called Ataxia. It's not genetic, so I can make a recovery. Although it can take a long time. Ataxia in a nutshell is (People with ataxia lose muscle control in their arms and legs. This may lead to a lack of balance, coordination, and trouble walking. Ataxia may affect the fingers, hands, arms, legs, body, speech, and even eye movements).

My ailments aren't nearly as bad as others with genetic Ataxia. My gait and speech still isn't perfect but my cognitive skills are fine. I mostly use Smith type machines and cardio machines for my legs and arms in my small clubhouse gym. I'm frail as you can see by my weight. I do my best to eat a good diet. I don't drink or do drugs, I do smoke cigarettes.

I'm at the point where I don't know what to do to improve my weight gain and possibly some muscle mass. I know taking steroids and other supplements can be encouraged and at the same time discouraged. With my condition I tend to fatigue rather quickly. A half hour in the gym feel like an eternity. I'm honestly not sure what I expect to gain from this post as it's my first one. Any constructive feedback and or suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

Hello Joe. first off welcome to MG's. Youre in a great place with A LOT of knowledge to be shared. As a therapist Ataxia sounds a lot like Guillain Barre` syndrome, basically the body attacks the CNS. The fact that youre pushing yourself to become active says a lot. If you're trying to gain weight, well, that just come with the consumption of food; with an emphasis on card intake as well as protein. As they say Rome wasnt buily in a day, but brick-by-brick. The same with your physical limitations. Keep a journal of your amount of time in the gym, sets/reps, weights etc. Especially since you said your brain is in a fog somedays. I know somedays, I have a hard time making myself get to the gym, but it seems more times than not, after all is said and done, this are my best work outs. As far as TRT (Test Replacement Therapy). Any guy that is around 30 years of age, or older, usually has low test levels and will need some type of Test assistance. Fairly simple process, the Dr. will have you do some blood work, determine your current test levels and determine the amount of assistance (in my case, Test pellets) to be administered. In about two weeks, I could definitely tell the difference. Basically a small incision in the Glutes and the pellets (size of a tic tac are implanted. The negative to this is it can be costly (anything medical usually is). Im sure there are a few guys on here that can help direct you in a certain direction. Just remember to keep pushing yourself, but dont over due it, and you'll be back to kickin A in no time.


New member
I'm looking forward to everything you just mentioned. Another Dr friend of mine who knows about TRT and works in sports medicine told me this earlier in a private message (not from this forum).

"Excellent start Joe.....let me know when you get the results and I can help interpret."

Thank you Dan! From your experience, does this sound like the proper blood panels I need done to further evaluate my ailments?

"'s a pretty comprehensive start....depending on what they show your endocrinologist can add further but all of the most common bases are touched on that list."

That's refreshing to hear. I feel like there's a glimmer of hope. I can't thank you enough for all your help.

"Happy to offer what little help I can. There's a lot more than a glimmer of're gonna be much improved in the long run. Keep your head up."


Well-known member
Ok guys, saw the dr. I was honest with him about everything. Like others have said, he might not be the best Dr to see regarding this but I went to him as he's my pcp and if I need any referrals. My BMI is low, blood pressure is perfect. He seems to think my illness is a contributing factor due to my weight loss, rather than something else. He gave me his blessing for pursuing TRT and/or HGH. He doubts I'm low on Testosterone but the blood work will show it regardless. Below is the blood work he wants done then he's sending me to see an Endocrinologist from there.

Vitamin B12 and Folate
Hemoglobin A1c
CBC w/diff
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
Testosterone. Free and Total
Lipid Panel and Chol/HDL ratio
TSH+Free T4

What these tests are I'm unaware of as I'm not a Dr.

If any of this makes sense to you guys, please feel free to chime in.
Great man, TRT will be a great start, you'll feel night and day difference, and you'll make a lot of gainz on TRT as well, cause the test is more available.


New member
I'm excited to start this new journey, pending it all works out/gets approved by the doctors. Now I won't lie. I'll more than likely be grilling you guys with more questions once I start, but from the sounds if it, you are more than helpful.


New member
It's been a while but a little update on my part. It's been nearly a year, doctors, specialists etc....

It turns out I AM low on free and total T, also, I have practically no estrogen what so ever. My free is a 6.3, the TRT clinic Dr told me the range should be between 6.8 and 21.5. He wants me to be in the 20-25 range. (unless I misread something I wrote down). He also said being I have no estrogen (asked me if I have a lot of headaches, feel like shit constantly) contributes on why I feel so lousy everyday. Most TRT clinics have certain things they "must have", some want a yearly contract, this or that. This clinic only requires 2 things; 1. A weight traning program. 2 change of diet. My T should arrive this week via fedex. I'll be joining a gym soon and getting a trainer for a short while, just to get me started and get a weight traning routine down. He wants me to take the T for the first 2 weeks to get in my system before I start weight training.

In the meantime, scheduling a nutriotionist within my network is a very long wait time for new patients. I'll check the other forums on here about nutrtition and diet. With all that being said, I'll be starting TRT this week. Once the T arrives I can then verify the exact dosage for you guys. Is there anything, if you were me you'd be on top of before and when I start the TRT? Any diet suggestions for muscle mass and general weight gain would be helpful.

I'm still at 127lbs, I'm 5'10", 45 years old. Ideally my goal is to gain 40-50lbs (my happy healthy weight). Does 18 months sound like a reasonable time frame for my weight gain goals? Thank you all again so much. I'm excited to start this journey.


bobby ricky

Well-known member
I’m 52 and 80% of my food has just one ingredient.
And so on.
I feel good on these kinds of foods .
I personally don’t count anything anymore.
I don’t even count protein grams anymore.
But you should have like a my fitness pal or something like that. You can keep track of everything on that and it can be very helpful to you. Some people in this world like to count how many steps they take but that is borderline OCD.
Other guy’s will talk about macros with you and you can fine tune them to fit you. Tracking your food will definitely help you in the beginning.
Glad to hear your on the right track.
Good luck 👍

bobby ricky

Well-known member
Thank you Bob, luckily all the foods you mentioned I enjoy.

I'm with you on that, I'm sure an app or mental note is enough to get me started.

OK, call me dumb, but what's the one ingredient?
😂 ingredients in chicken is chicken lol.
Hungry man entree has a paragraph of ingredients.


New member
Update, I received my T today. Notes below are from my presriber; Then I have 2 questions...

So our plan:

Testosterone injection 2 x per week per instructions on the medication

Enclomiphene citrate: helps maintain testicular size and function when on injectable testosterone.

Anastrozole: keeps you estrogen levels in an Acceptable range when on Testosterone

Redraw labs in 3 months and start exercise about 2 weeks after starting medications."

The T, Enclomiphene and syringes are in my package. The Anastrozole was not, unless that's part of those 2 that I'm unaware of?

My T is a 200MG bottle, instructions are to take it twice a week at a 0.3 ML subcutaneously. Enclomiphene are 12.5MG capsules.

With the T, is that a good dosage? HIgh, low, middle of the road? My prescriber told me he wants my T evels much higher than they already are.


Well-known member
Ok guys, saw the dr. I was honest with him about everything. Like others have said, he might not be the best Dr to see regarding this but I went to him as he's my pcp and if I need any referrals. My BMI is low, blood pressure is perfect. He seems to think my illness is a contributing factor due to my weight loss, rather than something else. He gave me his blessing for pursuing TRT and/or HGH. He doubts I'm low on Testosterone but the blood work will show it regardless. Below is the blood work he wants done then he's sending me to see an Endocrinologist from there.

Vitamin B12 and Folate
Hemoglobin A1c
CBC w/diff
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
Testosterone. Free and Total
Lipid Panel and Chol/HDL ratio
TSH+Free T4

What these tests are I'm unaware of as I'm not a Dr.

If any of this makes sense to you guys, please feel free to chime in.
i think a cbc w/ diff will show hepatic enzymes, i could be wrong brothers.