New member here.


New member
A little about myself;
I'm 45, 5'10" and down to 135lbs. My heaviest/happiest weight was in my 30's hovering around 170lbs. About a year ago I was diagnosed with a disability called Ataxia. It's not genetic, so I can make a recovery. Although it can take a long time. Ataxia in a nutshell is (People with ataxia lose muscle control in their arms and legs. This may lead to a lack of balance, coordination, and trouble walking. Ataxia may affect the fingers, hands, arms, legs, body, speech, and even eye movements).

My ailments aren't nearly as bad as others with genetic Ataxia. My gait and speech still isn't perfect but my cognitive skills are fine. I mostly use Smith type machines and cardio machines for my legs and arms in my small clubhouse gym. I'm frail as you can see by my weight. I do my best to eat a good diet. I don't drink or do drugs, I do smoke cigarettes.

I'm at the point where I don't know what to do to improve my weight gain and possibly some muscle mass. I know taking steroids and other supplements can be encouraged and at the same time discouraged. With my condition I tend to fatigue rather quickly. A half hour in the gym feel like an eternity. I'm honestly not sure what I expect to gain from this post as it's my first one. Any constructive feedback and or suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.



Well-known member
Welcome brother, you'll love it here. Have you used any type of gear before? Have you talked to your Dr about Testosterone Replacement Therapy TRT? Have you had your test levels checked? For how long have you trained?

I think the best way to start into this is to talk to you Dr about TRT and see if that's right for you giving your condition, because ideally the first cycle should be Testosterone only.


New member
Welcome brother, you'll love it here. Have you used any type of gear before? Have you talked to your Dr about Testosterone Replacement Therapy TRT? Have you had your test levels checked? For how long have you trained?

I think the best way to start into this is to talk to you Dr about TRT and see if that's right for you giving your condition, because ideally the first cycle should be Testosterone only.
Thanks Pedrito, I'll do my best to answer your questions:

Have you used any type of gear before? I'm unclear what you mean by gear, could you please elaborate?

Have you talked to your Dr about Testosterone Replacement Therapy TRT? I have not, which is why I came here to you pro's first! I wasn't aware I should/can talk to my Dr about TRT. This is all very new to me.

Have you had your test levels checked? For how long have you trained? When you say test levels, are you referring to my blood panel/blood work last time it was done?
I haven't trained hard for at least a few years now.

Thanks again for your insight P.


Well-known member
Hey Joe, Hope all is well! You are in the right place. There several veterans here who can help you.

Welcome to the site. I have carefully read your post several times, and first, and foremost, would like to say that although frail, you still have the determination to go to the gym and workout, while, many perfectly, healthy, individuals don't even attempt to workout, however, despite your condition, you still go to the gym and workout. that shows that you're dedicated and perseverance to fight, to find a cure, a way to live a better life, or try to delay what could potentially happen, if nothing gets done . Also, thanks for giving us your stats, as far as weight, height and medical condition. Having said that, I have never worked with anyone who had Ataxia before. However, I read that you are frail and suffer from fatigue. The only thing that I can think of would be to recommend some blood work to determine your testosterone levels. Most likely, they are low and that definitely contributes to fatigue,, lose of muscle mass, brain fog, depression and anxiety.

In order to better help you, do some blood work like testosterone levels, total and free testosterone, prolactin levels, check kidneys and liver, heart, estrogen and estradiol, Prostate (PSI), etc. This will provide us with a better idea on how to help. It's difficult for us who have never advised anyone with your condition. However, by doing the above blood tests, we would be able to make a more educated recommendation. Do tests and then comeback.


Well-known member
100% agree with EMachine. The fact you've been working out regardless of how hard life can hit is a sign of strength! Obviously, you've got to work out and diet correctly for gaining muscles. I would recommend talking with a professional trainer to help with workout plans (you're going to need various different exercises) and talking with a nutritionist about your diet. You need to calculate your macros, have increased calorie intake per day, enough proteins, fat etc.
As for what can help you - we need more information (as EMachine mentioned) before we can actually help. For now, all I can mention is that you might try running supplements such as weight gainer supplements (they have calories and proteins to help you gain weight) and creatine. But keep creatine for later. Especially steroids (that are called gear) for later cycles.


Well-known member
Thanks Pedrito, I'll do my best to answer your questions:

Have you used any type of gear before? I'm unclear what you mean by gear, could you please elaborate?

Have you talked to your Dr about Testosterone Replacement Therapy TRT? I have not, which is why I came here to you pro's first! I wasn't aware I should/can talk to my Dr about TRT. This is all very new to me.

Have you had your test levels checked? For how long have you trained? When you say test levels, are you referring to my blood panel/blood work last time it was done?
I haven't trained hard for at least a few years now.

Thanks again for your insight P.
Gear is a slang for steroids. By no means I'm a pro, but I'm also learning like you will be here with the real pros.

You should have a primary Dr who usually do blood labs on you to see the different markers to see how your organs are doing, including the Testosterone levels like Emachine said. That should be the first step.

After that we can see how your organs are doing, and what are your Testosterone levels. For example, I'm 32, have always been at the gym, I was having all the symptoms of low Testosterone levels (not good erections, no motivation, depression, lack of energy, no joy in life, super low energy, unable to focus, etc) I didn't know at the time what were the issues until I talked to my Dr to check my Test levels, Test is super important for men although is not talked publicly due to and I dare to say the feminine society we're living in, and due to bodybuilding using extremely high doses of combination of gear and other drugs, then dying.

With all of that said, my levels were low for my age, then my Dr put me in TRT to increase my levels, after that it was night and day difference, I'm feeling like an 18 years old guy again. Since it was getting expensive for me, I ditched the Dr and started doing it by myself (because I have to be on Testosterone forever due to my genetics), that's when I said if I have to inject myself, then I'm just gonna go into steroid cycles. Joined this group, have been learning a lot and making gainz in the gym.

Sorry for the long reply, but just wanted to give my experience from how I started 2 months ago.


New member
Most likely, they are low and that definitely contributes to fatigue,, lose of muscle mass, brain fog, depression and anxiety.
EM, you nailed a major part of it here. Brain Fog. To be honest I'm not even sure what it is, but 9 days out of ten I wake up with what feels like a hangover and I do not drink any longer.


New member
100% agree with EMachine. The fact you've been working out regardless of how hard life can hit is a sign of strength! Obviously, you've got to work out and diet correctly for gaining muscles. I would recommend talking with a professional trainer to help with workout plans (you're going to need various different exercises) and talking with a nutritionist about your diet. You need to calculate your macros, have increased calorie intake per day, enough proteins, fat etc.
Support, I agree completely except with one suggestion. With my condition and limited disposable income. I highly doubt I can afford a personal trainer. Part of me joining this group was with the hopes that you guys and gals, could put me on the right track without paying for a PT.


New member
Gear is a slang for steroids. By no means I'm a pro, but I'm also learning like you will be here with the real pros.

You should have a primary Dr who usually do blood labs on you to see the different markers to see how your organs are doing, including the Testosterone levels like Emachine said. That should be the first step.

After that we can see how your organs are doing, and what are your Testosterone levels. For example, I'm 32, have always been at the gym, I was having all the symptoms of low Testosterone levels (not good erections, no motivation, depression, lack of energy, no joy in life, super low energy, unable to focus, etc) I didn't know at the time what were the issues until I talked to my Dr to check my Test levels, Test is super important for men although is not talked publicly due to and I dare to say the feminine society we're living in, and due to bodybuilding using extremely high doses of combination of gear and other drugs, then dying.

With all of that said, my levels were low for my age, then my Dr put me in TRT to increase my levels, after that it was night and day difference, I'm feeling like an 18 years old guy again. Since it was getting expensive for me, I ditched the Dr and started doing it by myself (because I have to be on Testosterone forever due to my genetics), that's when I said if I have to inject myself, then I'm just gonna go into steroid cycles. Joined this group, have been learning a lot and making gainz in the gym.

Sorry for the long reply, but just wanted to give my experience from how I started 2 months ago.
"(not good erections, no motivation, depression, lack of energy, no joy in life, super low energy, unable to focus, etc)"

This pretty much explains my daily life.

I'm not giving up yet and I refuse to let my condition (although it sucks) get the best of me.

From the sounds of it, and I thank you all tremendously. I can honestly see how helpful you guys are. I agree, my first step will be to see my Dr next week for a checkup and inquire about TRT. Is TRT a touchy subject with Dr's? I assume he will want more blood work done, which is fine. He's a very good Dr, I'm lucky to have him. If he's not comfortable for any reason putting me on TRT, which I highly doubt he would be. Would my next step be seeing a urologist? Maybe I'm' going way to far ahead here. I'll focus on one step at a time.

I love you guys! I promise to keep you all on my radar in the coming weeks with panels and dr's suggestions.



Well-known member
Part of me joining this group was with the hopes that you guys and gals, could put me on the right track without paying for a PT.
we will try to help with everything we can.
but we can't really "show" you the exercises in the gym. maybe check for videos around? I can say that you've got to often change intensity of exercises and exercises themselves. muscles "love" different exercises to grow. also progressive overload. "shock" your body with various methods


New member
we will try to help with everything we can.
but we can't really "show" you the exercises in the gym. maybe check for videos around? I can say that you've got to often change intensity of exercises and exercises themselves. muscles "love" different exercises to grow. also progressive overload. "shock" your body with various methods
Understood SFL. I've seen numerous YouTube channels, etc....with all that info. Back to what I said before, I think you guys are right about me getting my T levels checked.
Gear is a slang for steroids. By no means I'm a pro, but I'm also learning like you will be here with the real pros.

You should have a primary Dr who usually do blood labs on you to see the different markers to see how your organs are doing, including the Testosterone levels like Emachine said. That should be the first step.

After that we can see how your organs are doing, and what are your Testosterone levels. For example, I'm 32, have always been at the gym, I was having all the symptoms of low Testosterone levels (not good erections, no motivation, depression, lack of energy, no joy in life, super low energy, unable to focus, etc) I didn't know at the time what were the issues until I talked to my Dr to check my Test levels, Test is super important for men although is not talked publicly due to and I dare to say the feminine society we're living in, and due to bodybuilding using extremely high doses of combination of gear and other drugs, then dying.

With all of that said, my levels were low for my age, then my Dr put me in TRT to increase my levels, after that it was night and day difference, I'm feeling like an 18 years old guy again. Since it was getting expensive for me, I ditched the Dr and started doing it by myself (because I have to be on Testosterone forever due to my genetics), that's when I said if I have to inject myself, then I'm just gonna go into steroid cycles. Joined this group, have been learning a lot and making gainz in the gym.

Sorry for the long reply, but just wanted to give my experience from how I started 2 months ago.
This is what I'm hoping to "feel" like.

Gear is a slang for steroids. By no means I'm a pro, but I'm also learning like you will be here with the real pros.

You should have a primary Dr who usually do blood labs on you to see the different markers to see how your organs are doing, including the Testosterone levels like Emachine said. That should be the first step.

After that we can see how your organs are doing, and what are your Testosterone levels. For example, I'm 32, have always been at the gym, I was having all the symptoms of low Testosterone levels (not good erections, no motivation, depression, lack of energy, no joy in life, super low energy, unable to focus, etc) I didn't know at the time what were the issues until I talked to my Dr to check my Test levels, Test is super important for men although is not talked publicly due to and I dare to say the feminine society we're living in, and due to bodybuilding using extremely high doses of combination of gear and other drugs, then dying.

With all of that said, my levels were low for my age, then my Dr put me in TRT to increase my levels, after that it was night and day difference, I'm feeling like an 18 years old guy again. Since it was getting expensive for me, I ditched the Dr and started doing it by myself (because I have to be on Testosterone forever due to my genetics), that's when I said if I have to inject myself, then I'm just gonna go into steroid cycles. Joined this group, have been learning a lot and making gainz in the gym.

Sorry for the long reply, but just wanted to give my experience from how I started 2 months ago.
I'm on Medicaid, so I wont know for sure if any of it is covered.

Side note; lets say for example I get my labs back and my T is fine, is it still suggested I try to get on a TRT regimen, or would that do more harm than good? Is it possible to have too much Testosterone? I know some of my questions may sound naïve, so please bare with me as I go through this journey with myself and you guys.


Well-known member
Hey Auce,

Hope all is well! So, As we get more information from you, please know that we are going to try and help you the best that we can. However, your situation is not as simple as advising another member who is healthy. We have to be very careful advising you! Once you get your testosterone levels checks and other tests that I recommended, like a complete blood panel, please consult with your doctor to determine if TRT is even an option with you. Brain fog is a symptom of low testosterone, but can also be a symptom of something else. In this situation, I feel that it would be best to consult your doctor first, before getting any advice from anyone of us. It is true, some of us have more experience with gear than others, but we are not medical doctors, and as such, our opinion or suggestions cannot take the place of a medical professional.


Well-known member
Understood SFL. I've seen numerous YouTube channels, etc....with all that info. Back to what I said before, I think you guys are right about me getting my T levels checked.

This is what I'm hoping to "feel" like.

I'm on Medicaid, so I wont know for sure if any of it is covered.

Side note; lets say for example I get my labs back and my T is fine, is it still suggested I try to get on a TRT regimen, or would that do more harm than good? Is it possible to have too much Testosterone? I know some of my questions may sound naïve, so please bare with me as I go through this journey with myself and you guys.
You can go to a Testosterone Replacement Therapy Center, who specializes on that, they need to check the Total T and the Free T which is most important, at least that was how that Dr did it.

If your levels are fine, you can still get on gear, usually the first cycle is Testosterone only and then do a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) to get your normal levels back, like EM said we are not Drs so I'm not sure how Testosterone will affect you.

I recommend you to read this post, and use the search bar since there is a ton of info from other members, don't give up brother, the best is yet t come, I was with no hope like you, and in only 2 months after, life is smiling at me.

Well-known member
I recommend you to read this post
while that post is indeed extremely helpful, as machine mentioned, the guy's situation is a bit special compared to most others who are healthy, that's why I recommend taking that post with a grain of salt. I mean, 500 mg/week of Test for this guy could be too much. So better have those levels tested. Still, he said his weight is 135 lbs meaning that even 200 mg/week of Test might make a major change for him.


New member
while that post is indeed extremely helpful, as machine mentioned, the guy's situation is a bit special compared to most others who are healthy, that's why I recommend taking that post with a grain of salt. I mean, 500 mg/week of Test for this guy could be too much. So better have those levels tested. Still, he said his weight is 135 lbs meaning that even 200 mg/week of Test might make a major change for him.
What are the side effects of too much testosterone? I intend to talk to m Dr next week and have a full panel done. Again, thank you all for your support and suggestions.

Well-known member
lots of them and highly individually. acne, aggression, hair loss, insomnia, mood swings, headaches, uncontrollable libido and might lead to heart or liver problems as well as enlarged prostate if too high levels of testosterone are maintained for a long time.
that's why high testosterone levels (higher than normal levels) are maintained only during a cycle (to grow them muscles). But then you go into PCT to keep them within levels or go into TRT if they were low pre-cycle


New member
I have not seen my Dr yet as most know by now. However I have a family friend Dr who wrote the below. If some of you would be so kind as to read it and offer any feedback on this particular Doctors advise please.

Damn Joe sorry to hear that....there is definitely hope for you though in terms of regaining muscle mass and weight. Your pcp is definitely not the answer but might be the place to start for tests and referrals. In addition to routine labs that will verify your protein and albumin are normal you should check your free and total testosterone, estradiol and SHBG. You may even be a candidate for HGH given that your issues are illness related rather than purely age related. If not then a combination of HGH secretagogues like ipamorelin and sermorelin will help. You also might need one of the stronger anabolic steroids like nandrolone to regain mass. Obviously all of this must be overseen with diet and exercise being more than a casual pursuit if you hope to get back to fighting weight. Truth be told you're going to need someone other than a a regular doctor.....I'm talking about a trainer that knows everything about these meds. I can try to find a name for you if you wish. Where are you located?

Thank you for your insight. I had a gut feeling coming to you was what I needed. When you say my pcp is not the right answer, are you implying I see a Urologist?

You may even be a candidate for HGH given that your issues are illness related rather than purely age related.
Do we know this for sure?

I'm talking about a trainer that knows everything about these meds. I can try to find a name for you if you wish. Where are you located?
This would be hugely beneficial. With that being said, I want to let you know I'm on Medicaid, I'm practically unemployable with Ataxia and my disposable income isn't much obviously, with no work and no disability. If it is indeed a medical condition and I need a trainer (out of pocket). I'm pretty sure I can rely on family for monetary assistance, but I'm sure they'd want to know it's for medicinal purposes, not just a "quick fix" for some weight/muscle gain.

I am located right in central NJ. Princeton/Trenton area, if that helps.

Thank you again Dan. If you don't mind I'd like to keep you on my radar with my appointments and such?

I can't say for sure because you'll need your doctor to be a strong advocate for your condition to get it covered. There is a guy in NJ that specializes in this kind of stuff.....not sure if he takes medicaid though. The drugs alone aren't the answer obviously but IMO are absolutely necessary to regain all the mass you've lost. I can get his name if you want to try that route.

I would have a heart to heart with your pcp and see how he responds in terms of either I understand and agree or this really isn't my specialty.

Again, sorry for the long winded read guys and gals. I'm trying to get as much feedback as I can. I tend to ask a lot of questions because I want my life back, at the same time, I'm scared. This is not an easy way to live. I'm not implying anyone with a medical condition has it easy.


Well-known member
You also might need one of the stronger anabolic steroids like nandrolone to regain mass
It looks like that Dr knows about it, that's pretty much Deca or NPP, that's use on burn victims to recover muscle, that with a base of Test if your Dr prescribes it, will do wonders on you my friend.

I need a trainer (out of pocket). I'm pretty sure I can rely on family for monetary assistance
I'll probably take some heat for this but, fuck hiring a trainer, watch videos on youtube how to train for hypertrophy, focus on compound exercises, do the exercise full range of motion, don't ego lift, don't compromise form. Compound Exercises, Progressive Overload, Full Range of Motion and Consistency in a nutshell is all you need to build muscles regarding your training. If due to your condition you can't do certain exercise, try another, the only one who knows about that is you, not the trainer.

If you're serious about this, read a lot and watch videos, there are a lot of great fitness gurus who can teach you a lot for free, Greg Doucette, Scott Herman Fitness, Athlean X, Sean Nalewanyj, Don't watch VShreds, definitely never watch VShreds 😁

Keep us posted brother!


New member
It looks like that Dr knows about it, that's pretty much Deca or NPP, that's use on burn victims to recover muscle, that with a base of Test if your Dr prescribes it, will do wonders on you my friend.
I don't know him personally. I know he's a surgeon that goes a long way back with my uncle. From my understanding, I believe he's partners with a TRT facility.

Pedrito and everyone else, Thank you! I feel like there's a glimmer of hope now. I do realize that muscle and weight gain won't happen overnight and it'll take some serious dedication and hard work, which I'm willing to do. There's not a whole lot going on in my life where I can't dedicate myself to it.

From here, I guess my first step is to have a heart to heart with my pcp. He's great, and always wiling to listen and help. I promise to keep all you guys on my radar as the first steps progress, dr, labs, etc...I'm more than certain I'll have more questions along the way. Do me a favor and keep me in your thoughts as I go through this new journey, which to be honest....I'm excited about.

When I first joined this forum, I wasn't sure what to expect. Will it be a bunch of meat heads telling me to get lost?

That answer is clearly NO. Everyone of you have gone out of your way to point me in the right directions. One day I'd love to buy you guys a beer, I'll stick to the non-alcoholic fare though. ;)


Well-known member
I don't know him personally. I know he's a surgeon that goes a long way back with my uncle. From my understanding, I believe he's partners with a TRT facility.

Pedrito and everyone else, Thank you! I feel like there's a glimmer of hope now. I do realize that muscle and weight gain won't happen overnight and it'll take some serious dedication and hard work, which I'm willing to do. There's not a whole lot going on in my life where I can't dedicate myself to it.

From here, I guess my first step is to have a heart to heart with my pcp. He's great, and always wiling to listen and help. I promise to keep all you guys on my radar as the first steps progress, dr, labs, etc...I'm more than certain I'll have more questions along the way. Do me a favor and keep me in your thoughts as I go through this new journey, which to be honest....I'm excited about.

When I first joined this forum, I wasn't sure what to expect. Will it be a bunch of meat heads telling me to get lost?

That answer is clearly NO. Everyone of you have gone out of your way to point me in the right directions. One day I'd love to buy you guys a beer, I'll stick to the non-alcoholic fare though. ;)
LOL, you'll do fine with the Dr, you'll see. Best of luck!