PCT dosage and schedule



That's correct, but you should never get yourself in the position to have to use letro




Yes letro is for gyno once its present but here is the thing about it if the gyno has been there for a while it prob won't help it. i would say within three months and it will help reverse gyno   Also if you have to take letro for gyno the dosing protocol  will almost definitely  crash estro and you will have to except the fact that while treating you will feel like shit  imo.  i have some but it is for sure fire emergency  cause it will bring the hammer down  X2 with dolf if you get an ai like aro or adex you should never be in a position to need it 



New member

I'm confused if HCG boosts natural test production, and synthetic Test shuts down natural production, why would you take HCG at same time (during a cycle) as Test?




yea but whats this HCG diet.?? I don't know. I'm just gonna run mine prior to pct. Start off with full nuts and see if theres a difference..




The hcg diet is a crazy fad diet. Basically you take hcg and only eat 600 calories per day. The method behind the madness is that just like a pregnant woman the hcg will make your body do more with the calories you consume nutrient wise, and the extreme caloric deficit will cause rapid weight loss. Imo it's a diet for people too lazy to prep meals and go to the gym and exercise. We all know people like this. They don't want to put in any effort or work, but just take a magic shot or pill and continue to not exercise or change their eating habits and consume alcohol everyday. At least we put in work and effort with the magic pills and shots we take.




As much hcg as I'm on (1000 iu eod ) of it burnt fat I don't see it at all its prob the calorie deficit doing it but think of how much muscle you are going to lose 




These are the same people who use a scale to guage progress rather than the mirror and a tape measure. 



New member

Do people using HGH need HCG to prevent testicular shrinkage or anything else? Besides the extra weight loss on HCG I mean? 




Hgh by itself does not cause testicular atrophy, but if running it along with aas the aas will cause testicle shrinkage. 

Also hcg is not for weight loss. That's a bullshit fad diet that should never be attempted by anyone. Hcg for aas purposes is for testicular atrophy and assistance in jump starting your natural test production pre pct.




I hear u Dolf, It always sounded like shit to me. I had a guy in the gym tell me the other day that people on steroids have fake muscle... oh yea, Grab this rock hard 20 " arm that I kill myself for every day. i'll show his ass fake muscle.. People like that id like to put in a naked choke hold and when they "tap out" I squeeze harder..  : ) 




That's just their ignorance shinning through. They don't know any better. They think steroids really is a magic pill. Unicorns and rainbows gave you that rock hard muscle not the discipline to eat right, the hard work you put in the gym everyday, or the cardio you hate to do but still do because its a necessary evil. Unicorns and rainbows...



New member

Agree with the fad diet thing Dolf, i've seen it first hand, its quite comical. Just like counting points on Weight Watchers. Works like a charm if your going to run it for the rest of your LIFE!!! My girl's aunt and uncle are on it, both in there 60's and borderline obese! At thanksgiving they were raving about as they showed everyone these vials and explained it to all the guests, I sat there and was laughing inside because I have the same shit at home but for a completely different purpose lol. Long story short they raved how they both lost 20 pounds in 17 days hahaha. I believe them, but also know your body isn't intended to shed weight like that with permanent results and guess what when we saw them at Xmas/new years just as I expexted, they used all the HCG and both put the weight right back on!! Diet and Training both physical and mental are the only ways you wil lock inthose results for the long term! Its a marathon not race people! A way of life not a fad!
