Suspected "controlled delivery" by cops? Here's tips...


New member

+1 Mel

Mel brings up many good points.  Accepting a package immediately puts you into "danger."  However, it is very difficult for them to get a conviction unless you actually open the package.  By opening it, you have fully committed and now know what is inside, etc., so it's almost open and shut case.  That is why, as mentioned by Mel, if you suspect anything at all, you need to ride it out.  Give it a few days because yes, the package will have a tracking unit and an alert that lets them know as soon as it's been open, but not only does it have a short battery lifespan, but it costs them too much money to keep surveilance on you for several days.  Just won't happen. 

Again, do not use a false name even though it probably makes sense to you to do so.  By accepting a packaging that does not have your name on it then the assumption is that you would have only done so because you have prior knowledge of the contents and an easy warrant can immediately be issued.

Last, I agree, once an address has been busted, DO NOT USE THIS ADDRESS AGAIN.  Get a new one and you should be fine.  Again it is actually difficult for them to convict you if you do things correctly.



New member

Yes, it is 100% plausible deniability.  The MINUTE they have enough reason to believe you KNEW/KNOW the contents of the package, then the warrant and conviction are much easier.  But WITHOUT that, it is actually very had to convict you unless you're dumb and open your fucking mouth.  Obviously shut up and get a lawyer and you'll be good. ;-)



New member

Exactly!  Any cause for just have a weird not open that mother fucker.  Ride it out and you should be fine.

I got all this info directly from one of our customers who actually is a customs agent  (the fucking irony, right? lol) so it's all pretty much from the horse's mouth



New member

look, the truth is this, if you're just ordering small packages of steroids, in ten years of being a source we have yet to hear of anyone actually getting into any kind of real trouble for small orders of steroids.  it's difficult to convict so therefore spending the man power and money they would have to is not worth it for a few hundred bucks of gear.  so it's highly unlikely, unless you guys have priors or some sort, that anything would happen to's just good info to know which is why i posted it ;-)



New member

Good point!  I should have mentioned that when I posted this but we don't send raws so I just didn't think about it.  But the total value of what those raws will BECOME is how they will judge that and all of a sudden, that few hundred dollars is now thousands of dollars when it's time to convict. 



New member

The info I posted is actually literally from one of our customers who is a customs agent and yes I see the irony of that. ;-) We actually have two of them and they've both been beyond generous with what they share with us but when you think about it it's probably mostly cause they just wanna make sure they get their shit! lol  But yeah, we have been given everything from what I've posted here to every customs training manual you can think of, so short of an actual agent, I would say my partner and I are as knowledgable as you could hope to be

So if you've got questions you can always pm us brother




I've gotten packs from romania, turkey and india and nothing has looked like it was even opened along the way. I only order non-scheduled drugs international. I'm hoping customs will not get excited over some anti-biotics and boner pills.

I do have friends that have had a pack of ten pot seeds confiscated, even when shipped stealth. Customs takes the seeds and sends the item they were shipped with to you, along with the letter. 

I'm guessing country of origin plays a big role, and the source that has posted in this thread even mentions that on his site and has to be extra stealthy.



New member

If you're in the states, I'll tell you right now that the states are actually easy as hell to get past so I'm not surprised that you've had packages that seem completely unmolested.  I am not even hesitant to say that our stealth packaging is absolutely the best in the biz.  Not only do we regularly have customs officials go through packages and not find shit and send it on, but even our own customers will often send us confused or even pissed off emails thinking we fucked them because they can't find their gear until we tell them where to look and how to find it. 

Sorry this probably sounds like I'm selling ourselves but it's just pertinent to the topi




I've had three package seized from two different addresses with a source from China, bangkok I believe.  It was all for the same order. Took for deliveries to get it and a fourth address.




This has truly turned out to be a very interesting thread..Pretty good debate on the the topic also..!!!




Anyone here ever been on the shipping or receiving end of a controlled delivery? 

