Suspected "controlled delivery" by cops? Here's tips...


New member

I would caution anyone who had experience with any of the "Cyber Juice Operation" labs to burn their addresses immediately.  I am informed that LEO has a watch on these customers addresses at this time through the USPS.  I don't believe any of these customers is in any danger, but for future shipments these addresses are absolutely being monitored, I have first hand knowledge/experience. 




I cant even recall the names of any of the busted labs.



New member

I haven't personally but our partner had a package delivered to a friend's address with raw powders and the friend was instructed not to open it.  Well, they busted in the door later that day and the package was sitting unopened in his hallway and he said he had no idea what was in it or why someone sent it and that they could go ahead and take it...they couldn't do a thing to him!



New member

Some sources require signing upon delivery and if u don't your package sits at the post office until u pick it up. Is there even a way around this?




Not now...all you can do is go get it.  I've done it. Unless it's raw powders I wouldn't sweat it.



New member

The Green Guy was probably the most prominent and he was a high ranking source on a few boards, lots of customers.  The rumor is he has been singing like a bird, can't keep his mouth shut and has cooperated extensively.  Also, I am not aware of any domestic suppliers that require a signature, that is typically off-shore shipments. 



New member

Ditto...if it's not raw powders and not an inordinate amount of steroids (which would be stupid if your source boxed that much gear into one package anyway) then there really is likely nothing to worry about.



New member

Haha...I feel ya!  It can all sounds pretty damn scary but if you use your head and deal with a trusted source who knows how to handle their shit, then you should have little to worry about ;-)



New member

In a past life (the 90s) I used to get various recs delivered in large amounts, domestically of course. We always overnighted the packs. The one time we had an issue it didn't show up the next day the way it was supposed to. I called the postal service and for whatever reason the rep told me it had been seized because it contained narcotics. I still doubt that she was supposed to tell me. Two days later it showed up. I had the recipient refuse delivery. They tried to re-deliver two more times. When a new person would come home the delivery man was there right behind them. Thanks for the good info in this thread. 



New member

Well I guess that goes to show it CAN and DOES happen domestically as well!  Man you must have had a damn angel on your shoulder that day! lol




Think they tried it with me one day, not sure though. Was after I got a pack. Was a small test order from across the pond, it was delivered to p.o. box. Days later dude came to door with a big ass box, the name wasn't mine. Funny thing was he tried to insist I take that box. It is rare but does happen, they want BIG fish most of the time.....

Be careful bros
