This was hard for me to Post, but please read.


New member

I do not need sympathy, nor do I want any, but I feel strongly that I need to share this with you all, because it could have cost me my life if this had gone septic.... 

January 3rd of this year, I started having some issues regarding numbness from my lower chest down to my toes, I thought that I had pinched a nerve from squatting weight. I woke up on the 24th of Feb, and the problem got worse; almost in a matter of seconds; I could not find my legs; I just could not feel them per se. They had become completely numb. I did go to the hospital and after x rays and an MRI, they rushed me straight into surgery because they found a type of staff infection from T-1 to T-3 on my spine and a cist that put pressure against my spinal cord and the three vertebra T1- t3 had finally rotted and collapsed, according to the MRI. I had been squatting the day before, woke up the next morning with the numbness, and believe that is what collapsed the weakened and rotted part of the spine. They cut out those three vertebra, I cant remember the type of surgery (basectemy or something to that nature) and put me on six weeks of continuous IV antibiotics with an insanely uncomfortable back brace that Ive finally got used too. I've been in Rehab now for 10 days and am now walking with a cane. The docs really did not know if I would ever walk again. I was lifeless in bed two weeks ago. Ill be walking and back in the gym in two weeks. I've fought and fought with the docs relentlessly and since they put me in this brace, I've been doing dips and pushups on a walker and working my calves in bed. Lots of physical therapy and pushing beyond the therapists expectations while angered and arguing with them. I do have an F you attitude driven by fear and a vigorous and relentless will to walk normally again and to get my life back on track.

I had asked the docs how this infection came about. The docs said that this infection is common and is usually caused by intravenous drug use. " but I do not shoot drugs but have used here and there throughout my life", I told the Doc. I did tell him that I had used AAS quite a few times and he asked me if I had used the same needle over and over and not cleaned the injection site. I told him, "yes I have", and In my line of work I've been stuck by nails and Yucca plants as well as cactus etc. I've had many infections throughout the years, but how I got this bacteria into my veins? I do believe not that I injected a pathogen into my body and into the bloodstream, they found residual staff flowing through my heart and believed that it originated in my nearly crippled me for life".

My only objective of sharing this with you all..... this is extremely personal and humiliating. I did not always follow this extremely important rule; I rarely sterilized the pinning site and had run out of pins at times, therefore, I've used the same pin over and over and over. This was the stupidest thing that I have ever done in my life, and I am NOT asking for sympathy, but just asking you all to be very clean, sterile and safe when your pinning days come.

see you all in a few months!




Well-known member

Amazing post, scary post.

Please keep us posted concerning your continued recovery. Thanks for having the courage to share this experience so someone else may not have to go through it. 

Good thoughts your way Brother and a honest prayer!






great post ,

I ALWAYS ALWAYS ,STERILIZE SITE AND BOTTLE TOPS !!! always never ever do I draw and use same needle ,NEVER , pins are to cheap and a bottle of alcohol is what 1.10$. Ty for posting +2




Thanks for sharing your story. it's a real eye opener.

For the medically educated folks here, would we see markers for this kind of infection on blood work? elevated white blood cell count?

Rgonza, I hope you have a speedy recovery.




Rgonza, did you have much in the way of symptoms before the numbness? 




So glad that you are recovering brother! I'm not going to preach to you, I'm thankful that you are able to walk even if it's with a cane right now! And you won't get sympathy from me, if you wanted that you'd have to look in the dictionary somewhere between shit and syphilis, that's where you'll find my sympathy! I love you brother! Wishing you a continued speedy recovery!!!




Gonza - Happy Easter brother!! Prayers your way & best wishs my friend. This is just a small bump on the road for you, you will be back strong & well before you know it! Believe that.

This is exactly why i come to MG everyday, to be reminded of things that can easily be overlooked yet can have some serious effects on health. Sorry this happened to you Gonza, but hey thanks for reminding us all of this little day that can save our life basically.

btw, i see this kid Bostin Loyd especially in his latest 2016 clips, he comes out of the gym, life up the shirt shoot up subq , life up shorts and shoot in the thigh, no alcohol rubs, nothing. I see him bragging about using the same needles until they bend! Yea, very smart!!  NOT!

As Sieg said it above, shit is just too cheap to risk your health (or your life) for. Sterlize, dont reuse needles & stay safe everyone !!! 


Keep us posted Gonza. Best wishs of recovery !!




swolesam said:
</p><p> </p><p>btw, i see this kid Bostin Loyd especially in his latest 2016 clips, he comes out of the gym, life up the shirt shoot up subq , life up shorts and shoot in the thigh, no alcohol rubs, nothing. I see him bragging about using the same needles until they bend! Yea, very smart!!  NOT!</p><p> </p><p>
Fuck, I had no idea he was that stupid.  And public about it... yikes</p><p> </p>



Bostin Loyd is one of those assholes that give steroids a bad name. He reccomended for a guys first cycle a gram to a gram and a half of test, 900 mgs of EQ, HGH and insulin. He is 22 YO. He will be dead by 25. Asshole blasts synthol.. What a fool...



New member

Yes the white blood cell count was high so they did an Xray, claimed that it looked as if I had a fractured area mid Thorasic 2, then ran me through an MRI and found the infection and a cist that put pressure on my spinal cord. The surgeon said that the discs had collapsed but that is all I know for now. I know more on the Fourth of next month. but I had to share. Ive done some dumb things but this was a FUBAR beyond all FUBARS. Im limited here, I was able to hustle some time on here from a nurse, and thanks, I will be 100 and am going walk the fuck out of here and straight to the gym. Ill get with you later and explain some things to maybe sound familiar to you and to look out for. Read about Ronnie Colemans issues lately; that is another lesson to be learned.



New member

siegmund said:
</p><p>great post ,</p><p>I ALWAYS ALWAYS ,STERILIZE SITE AND BOTTLE TOPS !!! always never ever do I draw and use same needle ,NEVER , pins are to cheap and a bottle of alcohol is what 1.10$. Ty for posting +2</p><p>
exact reason I was afraid to post this on the forum; I had alcohol and just needed to drive a bit to purchase pins that are dirt cheap anyway. I knew better; and even worse, this started a month after I finished the cycle, and I woke up feeling as if I was plugged into a wall socket. I did go to the emergency room because my pulse was consistent around130 bpm. I stayed until they hydrated me and left right before they drew blood. I thought it was just a pinched nerve and would eventually get better, and it did get a little better until I collapsed 7 weeks later-same time I started communicating on here. I just hope that someone learns from this. I still cant fuckin believe that I did this to myself, but another hard lesson learned.....srrrrrrrrr, I knew better. Ill be back later. thanks</p>



Sorry for your troubles rgonza! My thoughts are with you brother and I don't wish this on anybody. Hopefully your story prevents this from happening to others in the future. Sterility is of the upmost importance, and your story and tragedy is living proof. God Speed on your healing!




Thank you for having the courage to post this ..

My brother I very much wish you the best and pray that you will make a full recovery..




If hes a badass with alligator blood, that's fine & dandy. But dont brag about it when you know that most people following you & your vids are young bodybuilders who idolize you & will go do exactly what they hear/see you doing!! Thats the part that irritates me. Now, you'll see teenagers running around reusing needles & not sterlizing 'cause they are as "bad-ass" as Bostin, and they will end up risking their health in a major way!




Very good post!! DO NOT BE ashamed of this. It could of been anything. Just do your best with cleaning and never use the same needle.  Your a very lucky guy. Keep us updated and take care.
