Whey powder bloats me like a fat tick


New member

I just read this AP. I would milk cows for our local Nestle company. It is hard as work man. I don't know if you've seen those metal milk barrels but they can hold a few gallons of milk. Me and my cousin always woke up, had a chocolate shake, milk the cows, take a burro to the plant and sell our milk. Nothing, I mean nothing compares to milkshakes from fresh cow. Well this one time my cousin milked the bull and shakes came out frothy, j/k that's a 'Kingpin' reference. Bye whore. 



New member

Your right, we are the only mammals who continue to drink milk after a certain time. My mom only breastfeed me 1mth and then gave me to the help but I received enough colostrum to not be a sids statistic. Yet we give our kids milk at 13yrs and we think it's healthy. I love milk BTW. Chocolate Peebles in cold ass milk, they're ggggreat. 




My old man has forearms like Popeye from growing up milking cows. He loved to make buttermilk and eat the cream fresh off the top. To this day he'll take cornbread and crush it into a glass of buttermilk and eat it with a spoon.


Mister A


someone asked me if I was a baby cow. When I said no, he asked "Why are you drinking milk then?" I guess something clicked after that and I stopped drinking milk even though I love a good, hormone rich glass of chocolate milk. When a guy who grew up on a dairy farm tells you milk is disgusting it's enough to make me stop and think. I don't do whey or any protein supplements anymore. I swear to god - I am on the toilet shitting it out before I'm done drinking it. I don't know if it's medically possible, but it happens. As more and more research comes out negating the idea of the "post workout anabolic window" there's less and less need for fast acting protein. If you can absorb it though, it makes a good meal replacement while dieting.



New member

You better not let Out see that avitar. Your right though, it's not medical. Supposedly it take 6-8hrs to "digest". I drink about half a gallon of milk a week but I know it's hindering my body. Yet I can't drink my protein shakes with water, they taste bad and make me shirts like I just had egg Kung Fu yung. I need milk, Do Not drink almond or soy milk folks. It increases estrogen and has reverted sides. If you want gyno, Ok. But that soy  lacithin will increase your chest size. 



New member

drink almond milk, or raw milk, I will have some 1% now and then.. And guys there really are farms out there to get good clean milk from, being that it is part of my work to cooperate and deal with organic farmers/vendors, I know this to be fact. Really I think raw milk is the way to go, I have even heard of ppl who have issues with dirty conventional milk, (who the whole time think they were lactose intolerant) switch to raw whole milk and have no problems. lots of good pro/pre-biotics in the stuff.  And I drink almond milk probably 4 days a week and never have had any type of estro issues from it...I have only heard such things about soy, and people still  debate that pretty regularly. Oh yeah and Pank didnt you know that Mister A got OutLaw's little cousin in his Avatar, chilling on the couch thuggin with that heater tucked under the sweatshirt ;), all the way gangsta kitty



New member

Yeah, soy is bad supp. but they add carrageenan to almond milk and double the sugar than regular whole milk. I never thought about fresh milk, I'm going to take your advice and seek out a local farmer. I grew up on Raw fresh non-pasterized milk. I came to the states and Unk. Sam told me that it had to be pasterised. I had the shirts for 2weeks but brother, nothing compares to raw milk shakes. That's the one thing I absolutely miss about my home town. 



New member

its because you gotta buy that good sourced almond milk that is carrageenan free (which from what I have discussed with some knowledgeable folks it seems to be undetermined whether carrageenan really has negative effects on you or not) and you gotta get the stuff thats unsweetened Pank, Cmon Bro Im trying to Put yo on game here man. Giving you all my damn secrets ;)



New member

See, you just throw little tidbits here and there, you have all this knowledge and you talk about Outs kittens. You need to write a book, never would I have thought about fresh milk, unsweetened, or FT-IR free almond milk. Now I can almost taste the utters in my mouth. 


Mister A


I'm really big on coconut milk. I lived on coconut oil for awhile when I went keto. Read lots of good stuff on all the health benefits of coconut derived oils and milks. I buy the unsweetened, original plain stuff. I mix it in with my gluten free pancake mix when I'm loading up on carbs. Maybe a drop in my coffee once in a blue. 45 calories per cup. It virtually has no impact on your macros. I could eat cereal with it if I still ate that crap. But I stopped eating for taste awhile ago - now I eat for gainzzz. (Except Sunday afternoons during football season :))))



New member

Ass fux though, I buy about 10 of the liter cartons from Sam's a week. There almost 10bucks now. They're actually cheaper at Wally World, sometimes they'll have them at half price. But when and during your workout and the juice hits your lips! Oh man,12oz will refresh your entire body. My cousin can climb the coconut trees with just a belt around his feet. I can parachute from 30k but I'm afraid to try that. He's a farm boy through and through, laso, neuter pigs, shoots foxes that try to eat the chickens,and peels the coconut with a big ass machete and opens his Modelo with his teeth. I'm tough but he's country tuff. Ive eaten Camel spiders, monkey brains, snake, birds, turtle eggs, alligator, and chicken feet all thanks to my cousin. When I was baptised at 13 he made me some bull testicle tacos with lime and salt. Good! Then kicked my ass with a sling shot from half a block away. This was his game, eating sugar canes and digging for pineapples and shooting birds with that charpe. 


Mister A


Is the Naked Organic Coconut water in those little cartons. In the middle of the workout! My god! Yes. Buddy of mine from Brazil said they are the closest thing to sticking a straw in a coconut. I believe him. So good.



New member

Hahaha, no wonder I like you so much, my fäÿa was born in a Porto Alegre, his adopted parents came from  Coimbra. I live with his brother in Bello Horizonte and surrounding colonias. I was born in Mexico though, my fäÿa was a professor traveling through South America, Central America, and Mejico. He was an agricultural teacher and worked for an aerolite company, buying parcels to build their windmills. The company was from Spain but is worldwide. That's the only reason I can afford to have my dick in my hand for the next couple yrs. He gave my mom some property before leaving her for a 19yr old tortilla maker.




I was told to look at the cholesterol value on the bucket. Most good wheys have maybe 6 cholesterol. Other i seen and used. Once i got hime and checked. It had 160 cholesterol. I was told if your getting really bloated look at the cholesterol numbers.  So i bought a better quality whey and dont have the bloat i used to get. 




Whey is not supposed to contain lactose since it's partially digested, but if you mix it with milk or yogurt you have lactose. Lactose fucks me up. Bloat and bubble guts galore! Lol
