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I am very happy with my recent orders at driada! Every product Had good quality, the delivery was prompt and the price ist okay! There was no longer waiting time.
Driada is the safest shop I knew at this Times!
This is just a tip if you want to take care of your invested cash!!

Below ist what I use atm:


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Driada Medical
Driada Medical
Hello, sir. Thank you for your trust and review! Please check PM!
I want to write a review for Musclebond do you know how?
go to home page scroll down to where your muscle bond is and just click review.
I can't respond to your messages for some reason. Please email us at CENSORED
The email like you just posted was censored.
Hey I'm looking to find some test. I've been working out a couple years but not getting results fast as I want. Can you help me out
I am wanting to start a test/deca cycle asap to put on as much mass as I can throughout the rest of winter. What pct should I use? And do u suggest an anti estrogen? Also if u could give me any hints on good USA shippers it would be awesome I’m in East Tennessee.
Hello man. Use the cycle advice form on our site for the best assistance.
I'm gonna starting v decka fast ....and testopin..great combination..but it's need to be decka high quality . fast Easter..
These guys are top notch. The best products and great customer service. I buy anadrol and turinabol and they are realy great!!!. Thx so much massive pumps
Hey brother, new to the forum. I saw your responses and it actually made me sign up.

I have been looking for a reliable place to get Anavar. I have run it in the past with great results but now I am struggling to find a place to get the real goods.

Do you have any suggestions on what lab/site is reliable?

Thank you for your time/knowledge

I made my order one week ago and until now I dont have any answers and in the site they show that they are waiting for the payment.

Waste of time and money

Be careful.... Any communication or explanation.
Im New to this site,I want to p lace a order but it's not happening because I didn't except the cookies when joining.How do I reset this so I can get my order finished.Thanks
get yourself a kit to test for that substance, pretty cheap
They censored whatever source u tried to post. I ordered the valium from the same source and they were legit but it takes twice as much to equal a bar. That's just my body chemistry. I have two other sources from similar sites but I think u have to dm me for me to be able to msg that
Next time advertising of sites will end with a ban
hey - got your message, green bars sucked, 100% fake with 0 active ingridients..... They now send out a new pressed release, seem a little weak --- no fentanyl though.... If you have concerns, as I am sure each bach is different --- you can order these just to be super safe :

Let me know, I would love to find a better source myself.
Hey man. Saw you post that you run a test/deca/eq cycle. I've been running test/npp cycles for a couple of years now and want to add the EQ. Been running 600 test C / 300npp. What would a good test/deca/EQ dose look like? I'm 6'1" 240. Just finishing a cycle and plan to cut down to 220 before I start another bulk.
Good feedback on the EQ. You ever have any prolactin sides running the deca at a higher dose?
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
I didn’t find it to be strong but it is effective.
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
On high doses of deca i was taking p5p every day just as a precaution.