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  1. C

    Need help with lipid panel

    <p>Got some blood work back. Trying to get everything on point for a cycle but am alarmed at my lipid panel. I’ve never encountered any problems with my numbers so this has me baffled a bit. I can only assume that smoking and my bad diet for the past 2 months caught up to me. I know my...
  2. C

    Possible heart valve failure while cruising

    <p style="margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; font-family: '.SF UI Display'; color: #454545;"><span style="font-family: '.SFUIDisplay'; font-size: 23pt;">I’ve ran gear for several years with no issues. I ended up getting tired of the ups and downs that are...
  3. C

    Prostatis (prostate enlargement with prostate infection) and Epidydimis

    <p>I've been dealing with prostatis (prostate is infected and enlarge) for 3 1/2 months while being on Bactrim, Flomax, and Finasteride for the duration. I've seen no improvements of my symptoms. I've also ended up with Epidydimis from the prostate infection which is a bacterial infection. I've...
  4. C

    Cloudy test

    <p>I got a shit load of gear that became cloudy only a week after I received it. I keep it in a 72 degree room and have never experienced this before. I've read that it's likely due to condensation from humidity and that it's safe to use if you can warm it up to being clear again. Anyone else...
  5. C

    New here but been around awhile lol.

    <p>Hey everyone! I'm new here so I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a 37 year old male from a town in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do but pin test, eat weights, and try to get some tang from my girlfriend as often as possible. I've lived with PTSD for 32 years of my 37 and the day I...
  6. C

    Crystalized test that won't reconstitute.

    <p>I have  a blend of test cyp 250 and test phynll prop 100 that I used on my last cycle with no issues. This cycle I'm using it again and in my 10th week and now my test has from 30-50 very small crystals in each bottle. They're the size of small air bubbles. I have 5 bottles of these and...