First ever PCT



I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary or anything different than previous pct. I didn't however have bloods drawn at the end, so I can't be sure. 




Tru Dat brother! Actually when I came off a 20 month EQ cycle, I didn't realize the EQ stays in the blood longer than the Test E. So, I dropped EQ @ 20 weeks but extended the test to assure the EQ was out before pct. After that cycle, I ran 100/100/100/50/50 clomid & 40/40/40/20/20 nolva & it seemed to have worked




see im guessing jar ,  thats why i hate giving advice on pct. ,,, im trt or (cruise)     so i just go back to my , trt dose. .. i know sust got deconate in it and its a long. .im positive the shorts are gone quick.  ...but i believe the deconate. like you said can hang around for close to 3 weeks. ...but theres such a low dosage of deconate. , its hard to say when to start pct ... thats why if i did do ,pct. i would wait a week. , and start a 6 week pct ... this way it makes up for a week if to early. 

also i feel hes needs a aggressive pct. being hes been on for ,,what 4 months now. ?? and if hes smart and orders the nova. ,,  hes going to be on for another ,,at least 2 to three weeks ,so were looming at 5 months on.  ..imo. he needs a aggressive 6 week to recover 




there you go bobby.  and +2 strong.  

this why i hate getting involved with pct advice.  i donot do pct.  ... hopefully he can get nova. within 3 weeks. ...   the only reason i said stay on is. ,,, so he knows he got his pct in place ,, when needed. and when ordering from a international this can take up to a month. least.  and id hate to see him. suffer.  ,.god forbid. it gets seized or something. and they need to reship( and we know it happens )   now if he had the nova sitting there with his clomid. say. stop.  but he dont. ... unfortantly. ,, BIG LEARNING EXPERIENCE HERE BOBBY.  ...

+2 strong sound advice. 




I know this is wildly off topic, but, how'd you like the EQ? Might get a place in an upcoming cycle. To be determined of course




If Bobby is in trouble with attaining PCT meds I will help him out because he is new to this... if I have to give it to him I will.... But only once...




:))) your a good man strong. he has no nova. , this the only reason i told him to hold and you know what can happen. ...with a order. and if he stopped. and didnt get. ...shit.  thanks strong you know id do the same if i had nova.  ...




Good man??? I'm working on it...  Kind of still a douche but id never let another man drowned just cause he couldn't swim but jumped in the ocean ; )  




Good man??? I'm working on it...  Kind of still a douche but id never let another man drowned just cause he couldn't swim but jumped in the ocean ; )  




EQ was awesome & I plan to do it again in the fall. If I had to do it over, I would dose the EQ lower my first run just to know for myself the right dose. It is slow gains, but similar to primo the gains are slower lost after cycle. It was a good while before feelin it & seeing a difference, but well worth it!!




lol.  im a douch. also , trust me. but im trying. ,our problem or at least mine is. ...i cant accept im a good man.  .. but when you look around you , and see who you make smile , who depends on you AND YOUR THERE. ..YOUR A GREAT MAN.  TRUST ME. 



New member

Bobby I agree with a couple people here. First what you need to do is order nolvadex. While that is coming in continue taking your sustanon, but take it at half the dosage your taking now. You can even drop it to a .25 mL twice a week if ya want and still be safe, that's less than 200mg a week (which is like a TRT dose). Plus you still have all that built up sustanon in your system. That will keep you going until you can have both the nolvadex and clomid on hand, these two are a MUST because of your long cycle. By the way I personally NEVER recommend coming off a cycle without a PCT, I have done it and it was a fucking nightmare to say the least. Also make sure you have the HCG and bacteriostatic water with an empty vial on hand you will need it for the HCG! Next once you have them all stop taking the sustanon immediately. Then what you do is this:

11 days after your LAST injection mix up your HCG and take 500iu a day for 10 days of HCG with an insulin needle subcutaneously. This will swell the twins back up and get them producing testosterone. Mix 1 of the 5000iu of HCG with 5 milliliters of bac water in the empty vial. That will give you 1000iu per mL. Which means you need .5 or 1/2 a mL per day for 10 days with an insulin needle.

The day AFTER you take the LAST injection of HCG then START your PCT which will be 100mg of Clomid and 40mg of Nolvadex per DAY for 3 weeks, then take 50mg of clomid and 20mg of Nolvadex per day for 2 weeks.

If you feel any gyno symptoms while taking the HCG take an arimidex.

That my friend should get you up and running full speed. Trust me I did that after a 16 week cycle of Sustanon/Dbol/EQ and it worked perfect. So basically your HCG will start at day 11, Clomid and Nolva will start at day 21.

Good luck my friend!




New member

MG Team, I have 1 week left of my fist ever 12 week cycle. 500mg Test E /week and .5 Arimidex e3d.  I have my pct (clomid and Nolva).  Through my reading it sounds like to should plan a 4 week pct.  I still have a question of when I should start.  I also would like a recommendation of when I can start a 2nd cycle?

Thanks in advance.  btw..sure was a fun 1st cycle.  Great gains!





time off should equal time on.  meaninng if you ran a 12 week cycle. , you should have 12 weeks off. , thats the basic rule of thumb. ..

i dont pct. so i wont comment on that.  



New member

PCT should begin 10-16 days after your last injection of testosterone. This allow time for the ester to release all of the hormone for body absorption. Waiting longer is better (16 days) in my opinion as this ensures that the injected hormone doesn't interfere with PCT or the recovery of natural testosterone production.

I know what you read and hear about time off cycle and it is all broscience started somewhere and everyone jump on the bandwagon. The standard parroted advice is time off cycle should equal time on cycle plus PCT. So if you are on cycle 12 weeks and on PCT 4 weeks than time off is 16 weeks. I personally do not buy into this idea but the entire goal behind it is to achieve recovery (test, liver, cholesterol, etc.) and achieve your natural hormonal balance.

EDIT- I misread your post the first time and see you are almost done with your first cycle. Please consider my advice concerning blood work for your second cycle.

If this is your very first cycle you should get pre, mid, and post cycle blood work. Precycle bloods will let you know if you have any unforeseen health issues and give you your natural testosterone base line. Mid cycle is to ensure you have everything under control, and post cycle after PCT will tell you how successful the PCT was using the baseline of your precycle results.

Blood draws should be done first thing in the morning fasted which is when your natural production is generally at its highest.
