First ever PCT



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Okay for anyone who will find value from this here is my post PCT update.

Took the two weeks off before starting Clomadex etc...

Tried HCG - it did nothing for me but that's just me.

Used CLOMADEX....made the mistake of not knowing I was supposed to take two pills a day so for the first 5 weeks I took one a day. Then two a day for the next ten days until completed. (Not exact dates but close).

Been off everything for two weeks now and am quite happy.  I have decided to use the down time to lose weight and have dropped 25lbs in the last few weeks and hope to lose another ten over the next month. I am a bit weak from the low calorie diet BUT the main thing is I didn't lose too much.

Negative: I lost not quite an inch in bicep and my thighs are smaller.

Positive: No loss of strength. That was exciting to me...I read some post about being sure to NOT slow down once I came off cycle so I stuck with my exact work regimen and even increased after two weeks to assist with the weight loss goals.  I have increased strength (amount of weight used for lifting) steadily while off cycle.  Sex drive is good. Skin is good, on the whole I feel great!

I struggle some with the loss of quick recovery and I have quite a few more injuries requiring a support wrap here and there but on the whole its been a much better than expected PCR.  Thanks to you all for the advice....especially those who stressed the value of not mentally allowing myself to expect a down turn but rather to expect to keep gains through hard work. It sure helped me.

Oh well. Thanks again!

PS: I am a month out from starting next cycle but I welcome any advice on what to use.

Current inventory is:

Test P  100mg/ml

Test Sustanon 350mg/ml

Trenbolone Enanthate 250mg/ml

Arimidex 1mg tablets

I can buy other stuff if needed but it would be nice to use what I have if I can do so wisely. Thanks again to you all!!!
