Joined and lurked for a while and finally deciding to post something

Well-known member
and then, you'll be discredited from society (those lots of people who didn't even look at the poor girl) because... you're using steroids. that's the problem.
the issue is not the fact that "society" just watches a girl being hit by a skinny ass rapper, but a "roid rager" stopped him. that's what i was talking about a few days ago that nowadays morals are gone... if this exact scene happened in the 80-90s, nobody cared what you use, they care for what you do. nowadays, however, you can do whatever you want as long as you keep screaming gay or trans.
oh, imagine if the rapper was gay and they found out what you did to him


Well-known member
and then, you'll be discredited from society (those lots of people who didn't even look at the poor girl) because... you're using steroids. that's the problem.
the issue is not the fact that "society" just watches a girl being hit by a skinny ass rapper, but a "roid rager" stopped him. that's what i was talking about a few days ago that nowadays morals are gone... if this exact scene happened in the 80-90s, nobody cared what you use, they care for what you do. nowadays, however, you can do whatever you want as long as you keep screaming gay or trans.
oh, imagine if the rapper was gay and they found out what you did to him

Holy shit... I didn't even think about that...
Even though I'm only 4" taller and maybe 50ish pounds heavier... Because of our builds I do look "twice his size"
His biceps were about as big around as my wrists.
Not that you look at me and really think steroid user... I mean... Some people have definitely joked about it, I've had friends ask hey what's your cycle... But I definitely get what you're saying.
Luckily I'm 35 and not 25... Because back then I would of beaten him until multiple people had to pull me off of him.
Luckily I've calmed down with age... And me realizing how much bigger and stronger I am than him is a big reason why I didn't hit him... Well... I didn't punch him.
I just ragged dolled his ass.
But... I'm willing to bet if the cops were called id probably be the one in trouble.

Oh how times change...

When I was around 24 my buddy and I were grabbing beer and filling up his truck with gas. I heard muffled yelling coming from a small black car to my right. I watch the driver side door swing open and this kid comes flying out takes his shirt off, puts it on the trunk, opens the passenger side door and just starts raining punches in. I go to my buddy "damn someone is getting fucked up"
.... That's when I seen the long blonde hair and realized the screams were female. In classic Gainz fashion I'm already sprinting towards this dude, I grab him off of her and now we're fighting... I'm not being nice and trying to hold him down... I'm in a legit fist fight. Honestly... The dude could fade.. but I got the upper hand and ended up on top of him... Street version of a full mount. I started teeing off and heard the sirens.... Then saw the lights reflecting off the cars and buildings. So I went to defense and just locked him up so he couldn't go anywhere (and when the cops finally pulled up I didn't look like the aggressor... Years of fist fights, drug deals and multiple court appearances.. you learn a few things 🤣)
So 2 cops finally get out of their car and their yelling at us to get off each other. I told them I'm worried if I let him go he's going to attack me (what they don't realize is I'm choking the fuck out of this kid so he can't yell over me) I then said we all seen him attacking his gf and she was screaming for help.
(She was screaming... But I never actually heard the word help... But you can convince other eye witnesses pretty easy)
I waited for the cops to come over and separate us.
Spent the next 20 minutes or so answering questions and giving a statement.
Luckily several other people at the gas station seen the same thing, my buddy gave the same story I did and so didn't the girl... Like she could lie about her bloody bruised face.
Right as I was about to leave the cop told me what I did was incredibly dumb and dangerous.... But he thought I did the right thing. He made the point that I didn't know the whole situation and had no idea if he had a gun or a knife... But then said
"But if that was my daughter getting attacked I really hope someone would step in and help"

But again... If that happened today... I'm sure id be the bad guy... Especially looking the way I do. They would probably lie and say I beat up the couple... Then show her bruised face saying that I did it.
I have several more similar type situations I've been in. I ran a bar for 6 years... So... The amount of times I had to get into it because some guy couldn't keep his hands off of some girl...


Well-known member

If this shit doesn't make you sick to your stomach...
I don't think we can be friends.
My girl deals with this constantly when I'm not around.
My daughter who was in kindergarten had a problem with a 5th grade boy on her bus who kept trying to touch her... And the only time the school actually stepped in and did something was when this 5th grade boy exposed himself to my daughter. The school finally made it so he couldn't ride the bus anymore and had to be driven in.
I really... Really wanted to have some strong words with this little boys father... But... Single mom... With more problems than I can list.
It took everything I had not to tell my 5th grade son who's 5'4 118lbs (I know... He's a fucking giant... 10 years old and wears a men's size 8 and is in mens small clothes) not to beat the piss out of this kid. But... That's not his fight... Not yet. He doesn't need that on his school record. But fuck I wanted him to... And remember we're talking about my kid... If you don't think he's a little badass... Boxing, wrestling, football...

But anyway... That video really gets to me.
My girl had to stop doing Uber because of the guys. Constantly hitting on her trying to touch her... And she's packing. 9ml SIG baby.. plus a knife and pepper spray. But she just couldn't take it anymore. So now she does Uber eats and GrubHub. She still deals with the creeps... But at least she's not trapped in a car with them
weight increases, body fat decreases. awesome.
and you went from 22 to 13% of bf in 9 months as much as I can understand. great body transformation!
Thank you for noticing! For me, it was a big deal. I actually never truly thought I would see a number like that. I know these tests can be wonky but I am claiming it!! Now I have the idea toying around in my head to try and get it down to 10%, mostly to see if I can.