Sources playing BITCH !


New member

It varies depending on the traffic of the board. A smler, more tight knit one like this $300 every month or so give or take. Larger boards can run up to $1,000 a month, but generally the five hundred range.



New member

I left for that reason. When you call out Mods and you have over 1900 karma and they bump you down to 19 did I give a shit ?? Nope !! Dirty Ass mods can't handle the truth. I must have been getting in the way of free payouts.... Even though I could prove I paid for everything ! Does it matter ? Nope they will get what they deserve. A lot of sources don't like a few of them Mods......  Just Saying.... 




All any body needs is a little honey badger love :)  when you gone fire that cycle off I really think you will like that npp my friend 




Building, hosting, and maintaining a web site is not a walk in the park. HUGE server capacity, constant programmer needs, cyber attacks, and constant monitoring demands constant fees for Muscle Gurus.

Up until now we have not charged a dime for anything, not one dime. Other sites have turned their site into a business and a lucrative one at that. Here at MG this is a passion, a passion that all of you share as well. The management structure here all have families, day jobs, and bills just like the rest of you. In order to offset the cost of site maintenance fees, a small "Renters Fee" will most likely be implement just as admin has stated above.  We have implemented the GOYA program and gave the winnings back to the members. We haven't charged any rent for sources, even the top ten who are there making money and getting free exposure from Muscle Gurus. We have extended ourselves and constantly preached how this site was built by members for the members. We cant emphasize this enough and our character alone should be enough to reassure anyone that is in question of that.

Keeping a well maintained, safe and happy place for all of us to mingle and share our passion is what it's all about and is exactly what the founding members of MG had intended.


Turning 40

Active member

Hi Milk,

Have I offended?

I hope not, that was certainly not my intention. When I wrote the first reply I was very careful (I thought) to make it clear that I was not making any accusations - simply stating the assumption I had made. Admin replied clarifying the position.

The second post I thanked Admin and expressed my thought that we are all due him a debt of gratitude for setting up the site, maintaining and funding the site. I did start that entry with the word "If". Having re-read this post I see how it could be taken (i.e. questioning the truthfulness of Admin's reply) - this was NOT how it was intended. When I type quickly I tend to type in normal speech patterns - not necessarily considering the difference to the written word.

I hope this clarifies; and apologies for any offense caused.

Best,   T40



New member

Boom! You hit the nail on the head brother!  This is exactly the way I see it. As a source you should relate to the customer! It helps the bodybuilding community that much more along with building the trust in sources. 



New member

   Ironmagazineforum  charges somewhere around 500- a grand a month depending on banner size and a few options and requires a few months paid up front, although I remember a top src from E going there and saying it was worthless .

  As far as I know theres no fee to get verified at E but the rent to be on the list is 50.00 until you hit top 10 then it goes up.

  I think for a src thats new big money would be a squeeze right away.




Is this the artist previously known as,...... never mind, dont want to blow your cover.



New member

I have spent an hour on Eroids and saw way too many youngsters disrespecting and insulting older cats therefore I signed off real quick and have not been back since



New member

X2....Couldn't have said it better.  And for the record, I see nothing wrong with MG charging a little "rent" for the hard work that is put into keeping this site the way that it is.  I think if you ask most people on here if they had a choice of the site going away, or paying a little something to help keep it up...I think it would be a landslide vote
