Starting my blast today!!


Well-known member
That’s awesome!
You are a great looking couple!
Having your best friend as your girl is the best! There’s nothing better!


Well-known member
That’s awesome!
You are a great looking couple!
Having your best friend as your girl is the best! There’s nothing better!

Oh yeah you ain't kidding... It's definitely a new world to me. I've never been friends with any girl I've been with. They were my girl.. not my friend... And damn sure not my best friend. With my girl I don't have to watch what I say or anything like that. I can tell any joke... Say something offensive... And she gives it right back. Like she gained 4lbs and was all upset about it. So for the last few weeks I've been calling her "my little Chub-lord" 🤣😂🤣
She doesn't get all pissy and uptight... She just gives it right back. The corner stone of our relationship is roasting each other 🤣😂.
Up until this point I never treated any girl I've been with as an equal. It's always been me... Then her. For the first time in my life... It's us! I have no secrets... I don't have to hide anything I do or who I am. It's definitely... Healthy... And special. To have complete and open honesty is so awesome.
This happened a few weeks ago but I feel like it really sums up my relationship.
I had a really bad day at work. Not only was it insanely physically demanding but my boss and I weren't getting along at all. I came home from work and she could just tell I wasn't myself. She said "what would you like to do?" Half joking around I said "id love a blowjob and a nap"
And I swear on my 2 kids... That's exactly what happened. She walked over hit the bedroom light and said "take off your pants" so I said "yes ma'am"
Took an hour... Hour and a half nap after, got up and went to dinner and then went for a hike to one of our favorite waterfalls... Then when we got home "wall papered the closest" 😂🤣.

So yeah.. having a best friend you can do dirty things with and not disappoint your father is pretty awesome 😂🤣😂🤣🤣

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
I started running a little primo with my test and Tren.
Positives… really grainy looking. Definitely the most shredded in the gym lately. Vascular improvements. Legs are really veiny. Skin is thinner and is really soft and shiny lol.
But mixed with the Tren. It’s really drying me out bad, but in a good way haha.
I think the primo is also helping keep the estrogenic sides from the tren at bay.

Honestly I know I won’t be able to run this combo for only maybe 3-4 more weeks. My joints started to feel like shit this morning.
I need a little Nandrolone to lube the joints back up.
That would be my only negative side effect so far from the primo.

Well-known member
I think the primo is also helping keep the estrogenic sides from the tren at bay.
what do you mean? tren has no estrogenic side effects.
glad you're doing well either way. hope some nandrolone will help the joints. low doses are enough

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
what do you mean? tren has no estrogenic side effects.
glad you're doing well either way. hope some nandrolone will help the joints. low doses are enough
You know I could be wrong, it could be an androgenic side. I’m just not super savy in that area. It’s almost like a combination of androgenic and estrogenic side.

The first dose of Tren I took, about two and a half weeks ago. 100mg Ace. The next morning I woke up and nipples were a tiny sensitive. And had 3 pimples on my chest. Nothing outta the normal really. Nothing to be alarmed about. But I was like “ok this shits powerful” The nipple sensitivity and a few pimples here and there kinda are to be expected when I introduce a new compound. But usually takes a few more days to develop. This shit was over night lol.

Anyway. The following week I decided to try some primo along with the tren and test. Hearing that it does not convert to estrogen and basically all the positive effects of primo. And thought.. why not.
So 250 test (which I’m still making slow gains on😉)
100 Tren Ace
100 Primo
No nipple sensitivity the next day. Some small little patch of pimples behind my right arm, in the tricep area. Noting major though. Just kinda like”ok this shit gives me zits lol”

so on to week three
250 test
100 Tren Ace
200 Primo. I decided to up the primo after a little more research.

And no zits or any nipple sensitivity the following day. No sides.
So whatever increase in primo, whatever it’s doing to block those receptors or whatever androgenic or estrogenic response my body gets when I get sensitive nips and some pimples here and there, It didn’t happen this week.

The Combination of the two is a little more harsh on my joints than I would like. It’s definitely working to dry me out.

Also everything I’ve researched says not to run Two 19-nors together. IE Tren & Deca.
It’s supposed to be a recipe for progesterone disaster. Not to mention they are both neuro toxic.

But best believe here in about 3-4 more weeks I’m goin to come off the tren, and go back on a little deca to lube the joints back up. And stick with the Test, Primo And small ammount of Deca for the joints. Like 100-150mg.


Well-known member
You know I could be wrong, it could be an androgenic side. I’m just not super savy in that area. It’s almost like a combination of androgenic and estrogenic side.

The first dose of Tren I took, about two and a half weeks ago. 100mg Ace. The next morning I woke up and nipples were a tiny sensitive. And had 3 pimples on my chest. Nothing outta the normal really. Nothing to be alarmed about. But I was like “ok this shits powerful” The nipple sensitivity and a few pimples here and there kinda are to be expected when I introduce a new compound. But usually takes a few more days to develop. This shit was over night lol.

Anyway. The following week I decided to try some primo along with the tren and test. Hearing that it does not convert to estrogen and basically all the positive effects of primo. And thought.. why not.
So 250 test (which I’m still making slow gains on😉)
100 Tren Ace
100 Primo
No nipple sensitivity the next day. Some small little patch of pimples behind my right arm, in the tricep area. Noting major though. Just kinda like”ok this shit gives me zits lol”

so on to week three
250 test
100 Tren Ace
200 Primo. I decided to up the primo after a little more research.

And no zits or any nipple sensitivity the following day. No sides.
So whatever increase in primo, whatever it’s doing to block those receptors or whatever androgenic or estrogenic response my body gets when I get sensitive nips and some pimples here and there, It didn’t happen this week.

The Combination of the two is a little more harsh on my joints than I would like. It’s definitely working to dry me out.

Also everything I’ve researched says not to run Two 19-nors together. IE Tren & Deca.
It’s supposed to be a recipe for progesterone disaster. Not to mention they are both neuro toxic.

But best believe here in about 3-4 more weeks I’m goin to come off the tren, and go back on a little deca to lube the joints back up. And stick with the Test, Primo And small ammount of Deca for the joints. Like 100-150mg.

I've ran deca and tren every time I've ever ran tren... And no problems.
But I run low deca.
You'll find most bulk mixes have tren and deca together.
Just run your test higher than your deca and pay attention to your body.


Well-known member
Also everything I’ve researched says not to run Two 19-nors together. IE Tren & Deca.
It’s supposed to be a recipe for progesterone disaster. Not to mention they are both neuro toxic.
running two 19-nors together just increases the risk of higher prolactin levels. but Tren or Deca alone an increase prolactin levels. So, while two 19-nors may indeed increase the risks of side effects, so does combining any other two steroids. I mean, it is safer to run just one steroid than combining two of them, isn't it? yet, aren't you looking for results?
that's why you can run whichever dosage/combinations you love. just start slowly, do it smart, and listen to your body, as we're all different

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
running two 19-nors together just increases the risk of higher prolactin levels. but Tren or Deca alone an increase prolactin levels. So, while two 19-nors may indeed increase the risks of side effects, so does combining any other two steroids. I mean, it is safer to run just one steroid than combining two of them, isn't it? yet, aren't you looking for results?
that's why you can run whichever dosage/combinations you love. just start slowly, do it smart, and listen to your body, as we're all different
True that. But I was told it increases progesterone, not prolactin.
Either way, I smoke weed daily. Which is supposed to raise prolactin levels too… and my prolactin is actually down in the lower end of the reference range @ 9.4
It’s summer in Vegas already. It’s supposed to be over 100 today. And bulking is straight out of the question until next winter lol. So definitely not trying to do that. I’m just going to quit the tren at the moment and go back to a little Deca, and keep the Primo in place also.


Well-known member
True that. But I was told it increases progesterone, not prolactin.
Either way, I smoke weed daily. Which is supposed to raise prolactin levels too… and my prolactin is actually down in the lower end of the reference range @ 9.4
It’s summer in Vegas already. It’s supposed to be over 100 today. And bulking is straight out of the question until next winter lol. So definitely not trying to do that. I’m just going to quit the tren at the moment and go back to a little Deca, and keep the Primo in place also.

See it's so weird... I planned a bulk for last winter. Had 3 months off... Planned on just eating lifting and sleeping. Instead I developed a vitamin D deficiency and completely lost my appetite.
The last week here it's been high 80s low 90s and I just can't stop eating!!!
I'm so active at work... If I don't eat every 2 hours I get super shaky and feel like I'm gonna pass out.

Nothing ever goes according to plan for me

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
See it's so weird... I planned a bulk for last winter. Had 3 months off... Planned on just eating lifting and sleeping. Instead I developed a vitamin D deficiency and completely lost my appetite.
The last week here it's been high 80s low 90s and I just can't stop eating!!!
I'm so active at work... If I don't eat every 2 hours I get super shaky and feel like I'm gonna pass out.

Nothing ever goes according to plan for me
I used to get like that.
I was pretty much hypoglycemic. I would get basically like I was drunk when I needed to eat. Couldn’t talk right, felt like I was going to pass out. Really shaky. And that shit would come on within minutes. No warning lol.
But thankfully those days are gone. But for a good 10-15 years that’s what every day was like. Right before I needed to eat.

Speaking of deficiencies. I supplement all that shit because it’s almost impossible to get what we need daily from food and sunlight.

As far as eating goes. My appetite seems like it always slows down in the summer. Lately I’ve been only eating twice a day. And I don’t calorie count anymore really. I just know what meals to eat. And since I tried Tren. I’m still gaining weight hahah shit is wild!

I will say. For what it’s worth. And I’ve only tried small amounts for 3 weeks now. Tren isn’t that bad of a compound for me mentally.
I feel people talk a lot of shit about it and it’s not that bad.


Well-known member
Yeah I go from "I'm kinda hungry" to "if I don't eat right now I'm gonna pass out" in like 15 minutes. I think it's because I have no fat reserve.

But as far as tren goes... I've always ran it with mast. So it just turns me into the worlds greatest fiancee. I'm always so worried about getting laid... So I'm just doing everything I can to make her happy... So she'll make me happy 🤣😂

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
I feel like it improved my mood. If I run Deca for a while, which I was… it just totally kills my motivation to do anything lol.

Now I’m like ready to fukn go! Like let’s do this!! Got my whole day planned already and it’s the night before type shit haha.
Maybe I’m just still in the small dose honey moon phase.
But I feel like I could definitely fall in love with a chick on some tren 😆😆

But speaking of girls. Every summer for the past 4 years be been going to a place in Wyoming that’s got world class rock climbing. And a bunch of single hot little fit climber chicks from all walks of life go there.
And it’s basically like a 3 month pussy fest for me. I just try and smash as much vagina as humanly possible. So I’ve got a lot of fukn to do here starting next month. And I can’t be having my mood and libido all fucked up from whatever gear I’ve got I place.

Which is why I kinda want to stop the tren. And pick it back up in like a month when I arrive in Wyoming. Because that shit makes me pretty horny lol. I don’t want to fuck up this balance of good libido I’ve got going on right now.

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
Yeah I go from "I'm kinda hungry" to "if I don't eat right now I'm gonna pass out" in like 15 minutes. I think it's because I have no fat reserve.

But as far as tren goes... I've always ran it with mast. So it just turns me into the worlds greatest fiancee. I'm always so worried about getting laid... So I'm just doing everything I can to make her happy... So she'll make me happy 🤣😂
Low blood sugar probably brother.


Well-known member
I feel like it improved my mood. If I run Deca for a while, which I was… it just totally kills my motivation to do anything lol.

Now I’m like ready to fukn go! Like let’s do this!! Got my whole day planned already and it’s the night before type shit haha.
Maybe I’m just still in the small dose honey moon phase.
But I feel like I could definitely fall in love with a chick on some tren 😆😆

But speaking of girls. Every summer for the past 4 years be been going to a place in Wyoming that’s got world class rock climbing. And a bunch of single hot little fit climber chicks from all walks of life go there.
And it’s basically like a 3 month pussy fest for me. I just try and smash as much vagina as humanly possible. So I’ve got a lot of fukn to do here starting next month. And I can’t be having my mood and libido all fucked up from whatever gear I’ve got I place.

Which is why I kinda want to stop the tren. And pick it back up in like a month when I arrive in Wyoming. Because that shit makes me pretty horny lol. I don’t want to fuck up this balance of good libido I’ve got going on right now.

If I was getting ready for a 3 month fuck fest...
500 test
400 mast
200 tren

But my life is kinda of a big fuck fest anyway... Hence why I never come off of mast.

Low blood sugar probably brother.

Yeah some days it's worse than others and sometimes it gets really bad. Actually thought about getting a cheap blood tester for checking my sugar


Well-known member
I feel like it improved my mood. If I run Deca for a while, which I was… it just totally kills my motivation to do anything lol.
oh yeah, now that's something a lot of us can relate to.
Yeah some days it's worse than others and sometimes it gets really bad. Actually thought about getting a cheap blood tester for checking my sugar
do you really think that it is low blood sugar?


Well-known member
do you really think that it is low blood sugar?

It has to be... How much I move, how often I eat, my very low body fat content.

Once I'm hungry... I'm fuckin starving. Then get shaky and sweaty. But it only happens if I let that happen. I've been pretty good at always eating or planning my food around what I'm doing.
Like yesterday at work... I knew I was going to be away from the shop for at least 4 hours. I grabbed an extra PB and j and a 10g protein bar. Are both around the 2 hour mark... And was fine.
Got home and ate, worked out and my girl wanted to go for a hike. So I grabbed some cereal bars and other little healthy snacks. Walked for 3 hours and ate all the snacks. Not once yesterday did I get that feeling. But I just made sure I had something in reach.
But Monday... I wasn't that smart and it happened twice.
I know a lot of bodybuilders and strongmen have the same problem. (I'm not saying I'm either) But once you get to a certain point of eating all the time... If you don't, you crash.
Eddy Hall famously almost passed out during the first episode of "the strongest man in history"
They kept saying "we need to eat, we're all used to eating every 2 hours" and the producers kept saying "in a minute, just a little bit more, in a minute" and almost 5 hours went by and Eddy almost passed out in the living room of Paul Anderson.

And when I say I eat every 2 hours... I'm not eating a 3 course meal. I'm not eating 1,500-2,000 calories. I'm eating... A sandwich... 2 protein bars, a 750+cal shake. Enough to keep going but not so much I'm sluggish.

Speaking of... That's what happened Monday. I was at work and got caught up and just forgot. By the time it hit me... I was in trouble.
I raced back to the shop... Sweating and shaking... And like an idiot I chugged my entire 750+cal shake.
Just all 20oz of whole milk and mass gainer when it was 89° outside. 2 minutes later I felt so much better... 3 minutes after that... I felt like I was going to die. I was so sick and nauseous. Just convincing myself not to throw up.

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
If I was getting ready for a 3 month fuck fest...
500 test
400 mast
200 tren

But my life is kinda of a big fuck fest anyway... Hence why I never come off of mast.

Yeah some days it's worse than others and sometimes it gets really bad. Actually thought about getting a cheap blood tester for checking my sugar
What I really need is some HCG.
I can spit more than I nut lol.
Gotta shower the ladies with “love and affection” right 😂
What better way to show that, than with a large load? 😂😂😂