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Well-known member
Got a quick workout in. Now I'm going to do shit with the girl... Didn't have the time to take good pics.


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Well-known member
half nipple?

you never know
2 halfs equal a whole... And it's because of how I have to hold my phone. If both my arms are down... #freethenipple

But yeah I usually shave everything from my legs to forearms. But it's definitely becoming too much to keep up.


Well-known member
Damn brother... You've been putting in work!!
Extremely well balanced as well... You don't have any glaring weaknesses.


Well-known member
That top tricep picture is something else... I'm going to try and do something like that. Front side and back... It's dope.


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Well-known member
Pecs need more attention I think, and my left rear delt, and front right delt. The delts ended up fucked up from having a labrum injury to right side for looooong time until I got physio. Thought was recurring rotary cuff injury but it got fixed in about 3-4 sessions of forced stretches, still struggling to get balanced I got so used to my lifting form being fucked up.


Well-known member
Pecs need more attention I think, and my left rear delt, and front right delt. The delts ended up fucked up from having a labrum injury to right side for looooong time until I got physio. Thought was recurring rotary cuff injury but it got fixed in about 3-4 sessions of forced stretches, still struggling to get balanced I got so used to my lifting form being fucked up.
Yeah but that's only shit we notice on ourselves.
No one we walk by will think "man did you see the difference between his left rear delt and front right... Crazy!" 🤣😂


Well-known member
I think most people are more bothered about me noticing them. Get apologised to for me walking past them. I'm a minority group now and I feel discriminated against 🥲

I wouldn't hurt a fly. Unless it bothered someone I care about. Then it would get gripped by the the throat and choke slammed. I'm a sweetheart 🖤


Well-known member
My pronouns are The and Man (hang over gang)
I identify as a "threat", my pronouns are"Try-Me"

But yeah I can definitely relate, even walking with my kids... "Dad how come everyone keeps saying sorry" or "do you know him too?" Because the people who don't say sorry, say hi or nod. Then there's the 3rd group who gives me dirty looks from afar.

I lived a very violent life for a very long time. Selling drugs (and other things) hanging with the wrong people, underground fighting (nothing like making $5,000 for a few seconds of work) but all that lead to... Well extreme drug abuse and suicidal thoughts.
So now... I'm just a big pussy who listens to love songs 24 7.
I haven't actually punched someone in... 3 maybe 4 years now. I've definitely gotten a little physical and had to push or restrain people. But haven't been violent in years. I'm really trying to put that part of my life behind me.
That said... I'm terrified of what I'll do if someone fucks with my girl. I've never loved another person besides my kids this much... I've never been so protective over another adult. Here's hoping I never have to find out...


Well-known member
I identify as a "threat", my pronouns are"Try-Me"

But yeah I can definitely relate, even walking with my kids... "Dad how come everyone keeps saying sorry" or "do you know him too?" Because the people who don't say sorry, say hi or nod. Then there's the 3rd group who gives me dirty looks from afar.

I lived a very violent life for a very long time. Selling drugs (and other things) hanging with the wrong people, underground fighting (nothing like making $5,000 for a few seconds of work) but all that lead to... Well extreme drug abuse and suicidal thoughts.
So now... I'm just a big pussy who listens to love songs 24 7.
I haven't actually punched someone in... 3 maybe 4 years now. I've definitely gotten a little physical and had to push or restrain people. But haven't been violent in years. I'm really trying to put that part of my life behind me.
That said... I'm terrified of what I'll do if someone fucks with my girl. I've never loved another person besides my kids this much... I've never been so protective over another adult. Here's hoping I never have to find out...
That's why the vibe is important. So you don't have to find out.


Well-known member
That's why the vibe is important. So you don't have to find out.
For sure... It's just where I live... And the young "thugs" (late teens early 20s... Sometimes even late 20s) that feel tough in groups. Those are the ones I worry about.


Well-known member
they usually are to be worried about due to their lack of brains. no jokes

Oh I'm well aware... Every time they talk... I have no idea what they are saying.
Need real life subtitles or a secret decoder ring
"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine"