Westside for Raw LIfters: Applying Science instead of random guess work! Plus My Personal Training Program.


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Westside for Raw LIfters: Applying Science instead of random guess work! Plus My Personal Training Program.

<p><strong>Running Faster,</strong></p><p><strong>Jumping Higher,</strong></p><p><strong>Throwing Further,</strong></p><p><strong>BY</strong></p><p><strong>GETTING STRONGER!...</strong></p><p><strong>FORCE = MASS X ACCELERATION</strong></p><p><strong>WESTSIDE BARBELL</strong></p><p>"This group, along with Ed Matz and a few top lifters around the world, had a network of training knowledge at their disposal, which was a major factor in their success.</p><p>Today we have the internet, but unfortunately many use it to bad mouth each other, cry about their training partners, or worse, be a legend in their own mind."</p><p>-- Louie Simmons, Book of Methods</p><p>"This book is a collection of training methods I have obtained through the past 30 years. I spent 12 years training with the wrong methods, one being the western periodization that is a dead end street. I use a 3 week wave system that leads to circa max and delayed transformation. The soviet system I started 30 years ago prolonged my career to the point where I made top 10 lifts at 54 years old. It has enabled Westside lifters to break 100 plus world records and has helped countless more. I am proud my resume is never up to date. Why? Because I constantly break new records all the time, check out our top lifts in the back of the book and then check out our website for correct records. You will be amazed!"</p><p>-- Louie Simmons, Book of Methods</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>INTRO:</strong></p><p>Let me start this off by saying; we train with percentages based off of our 1RM utilizing Prilepin's Chart. We don't slap random weights on the bar and use random guess work on sets & reps like garbage BBing training programs! You ever wonder why a ripped 180 pound PLer is way stronger then a jacked 265 pound BBer? The answer is simple, they don't use science or they don't train optimally, and they don't train their CNS! BBing is literally all show and NO GO; for the most part. 90% of BBers are weak when it comes to pound for pound strength and almost 100% of wanna-be BBer gym rats are weak and pathetic because they don't know how to train.</p><p>The Westside system is the most scientific and advanced training program out there and here's why:</p><p>It uses the Force Volecity Curve the best and most affective out of any Powerlifting training program out there. It applies science to effectively train Maximum Strength, Speed-Strength, Strength-Speed, Power, Max Force, and Muscular Endurance all at the same time instead of in blocks like Western Periodization. It also incorporates GPP too for overall athleticism. It does all this by Concurrent Periodization by using these 3 Methods; Conjugate Periodization for Max Effort Method to train Maximum Strength, Power, and Force (Time under Max Loads), 3 Week Pendulum Waves for Dynamic Method (to train Speed-Strength & Strength-Speed always using Accommodating Resistance to utilize your natural Strength Curve better -- and Circa Max Waves for contest prep), and the Repetition Method on Accessory Exercises for Blood Flow and Time Under Tension. And Westside also on top of all this does GPP training which is General Physical Preparedness for Specificity Training, Conditioning and Overall Athleticism!</p><p>In physics for Sport Science the Force Volecity Curve is measured by these equations:</p><p>Velocity = Distance / Time</p><p>Acceleration = dVelocity / dTime (change in velocity divided by change in time)</p><p>Force = Mass x Acceleration</p><p>Work = Force x Distance</p><p>Power = Work / Time</p><p>Westside is training all of these concurrently week in and week to properly utilize the Force Volecity Curve! And I speak from experience, Westside works AMAZING for Raw Lifters!!! And this is coming from someone who has done numerous Russian Programs from countless Russian Bench Programs to all 13 weeks of Smolov over 5 different times and the Russian Squat Routine, etc... So I say this with no pun intended, Westside is hands down the top of the food chain for Raw Powerlifters!!</p><p> </p><p>"When lifters repeatedly use the same simple method of training to raise their strength level, they will eventually stall. Like the scholar who must utilize many sources of information to achieve a higher level of knowledge, the lifter must incorporate new and more difficult exercises to raise their standards. Many have the theory that to squat, bench, or deadlift more, you simply have to do the three lifts. If it were that simple no one would need special exercises, machines, or systems of training. But we know this is not true.” --Louie Simmons</p><p>"Progressive gradual overload [Block Periodization or Western Periodization] accomplishes only one goal at a time while actually detraining the phase just completed in as fast as 2-3 weeks. In addition, after a contest, a lifter must start over exactly where he initially began. The system Westside has adapted from the old Soviet system allows an athlete to build muscle mass, speed, and absolute strength; perfect form; raise GPP; increase flexibility; and practice restoration all year long, year after year. We raise all qualities gradually, NEVER NEGLECTING ONE FOR ANOTHER. I am in no way criticizing the doctorates in the United States. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE MATERIAL IN THE TEXTBOOKS THAT IS TERRIBLY OUTDATED AND PERPETUATES THE TRUTH WHEN IT LEADS NOWHERE, JUST LIKE MY DOG JACKIE'S TAIL CHASING. I suggest reading books such as Supertraining, which contains the ideas of many well-respected foreign experts on strength qualities. " -- Louie Simmons, Book of Methods pg. 80</p><p>"This book is a collection of training methods I have obtained through the past 30 years. I spent 12 years training with the wrong methods, (((ONE BEING THE WESTERN PERIODIZATION THAT IS A DEAD END STREET.))) I use a 3 week wave system that leads to circa max and delayed transformation. The soviet system I started 30 years ago prolonged my career to the point where I made top 10 lifts at 54 years old. It has enabled Westside lifters to break 100 plus world records and has helped countless more. I am proud my resume is never up to date. Why? Because I constantly break new records all the time, check out our top lifts in the back of the book and then check out our website for correct records. You will be amazed!" -- Louie Simmons, Book of Methods</p><p> </p><p><strong>Getting Stronger and Faster (While cutting weight): A primer on speed, power, and improving performance without the added bulk: </strong>(Excerp FROM: <a href="http://www.completehumanperformance.com/improving-strength-speed-and-power.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.completehumanperformance.com/improving-strength-speed-and-power.html</a>):</p><p>There are few blanket statements that can be made in sport- what is considered an asset in one particular athletic event can be a tremendous hindrance in others.  Bulk makes a football lineman better at his job and improves leverages in a heavyweight powerlifter, but is nothing but a hindrance for an endurance cyclist. A high level of physical intensity may benefit a rugby player, but for a competitive shooter it is the ability to calm one’s nerves that is critical. The list is nearly endless- for nearly every performance or physical parameter, there is a sport that rewards one extreme end of the spectrum and punishes the other.</p><p>Having said this, one blanket statement can be made for the MAJORITY of readers here- improving your power to weight ratio can only benefit you in any chosen athletic endeavor.  This is also true for those who have goals that may include passing physical fitness tests for employment (such as those in the military or police/fire services), or even those simply wishing to trim down for summer without compromising sports performance.  If your objective is to learn the basics on improving your strength, power to weight ratio, speed, and quickness, then read on.</p><p><strong>What IS power?  What IS speed?</strong></p><p>Strength is the one universal parameter mentioned above that the majority of readers are familiar with.  In this article, we will primarily be discussing maximal strength when the word is used: In other words, the ability to generate maximum force against a maximum load.  Power and speed, however, are more ambiguous terms (athletically speaking- the true definitions are very specific).</p><p>An Olympic lifter may view speed and power as related to lifting a maximum weight at maximum velocity in a total effort measuring mere seconds or fractions of a second, while a 400 meter runner may view speed and power as the ability to engage in optimal power generation over much longer durations.  A baseball pitcher who needs arm speed to throw a 5 ounce baseball will train VERY differently than a shot putter throwing a 16 pound shot, yet both would consider “power and speed” to be their primary performance parameters.</p><p>This is why there are several definitions which must be established now that will be used for the duration of the article.  Please note these are in keeping with the traditional definitions of the terms, if somewhat simplified:</p><p><strong>Strength-speed:</strong>  The body’s ability to move a maximum or near-maximum load quickly.  An example would be an Olympic lifter performing a snatch. This is also the kind of strength used by track cyclists, though not by track sprinters (more on this later).  This is closely related to maximum strength, though the two can diverge somewhat depending on training style.</p><p><strong>Speed-strength:</strong> The ability to move a submaximal weight with high velocity. Throwing a shot, throwing a baseball, performing a vertical jump, the initial acceleration phase of a sprint- these all fall within this category.  There is much less relation between speed-strength and maximum strength, and improved performance in one will not necessarily result in any improvement in the other (in some cases, certain kinds of training can improve one at the expense of the other).</p><p><strong>Local Muscular Endurance (anaerobic):</strong> The ability of a given muscle group to continuously generate peak (or optimum) force over a brief period of time. For a shot putter, this is not an important parameter.  For a sprinter, this is absolutely critical.</p><p><strong>Reactive ability:</strong> A muscle’s potential for explosive or powerful effort after stretching. Consider a long jumper’s takeoff leg, a powerlifter at the bottom of a bench press, or even a boxer withdrawing a jab and following with a cross. In all these cases, the ability to generate force immediately after a stretch is crucial.</p><p>Why are these different definitions important?  One could argue that they do a wonderful job in creating a bunch of buzz words that make this article seem very cutting edge and sexy. In reality, however, all these components are improved in dramatically different ways, and understanding what it is you are trying to improve with any given program is the difference between making progress and wasting a whole bunch of time.  This article will focus on the first three items, with a follow up devoted to the last.  </p><p><strong>Getting down to it: Why caloric restriction and cutting weight are relevant, and how to do this:</strong></p><p>The final introductory piece- the weight cutting element is relevant because fewer calories equals less recovery.  It also means that the most obvious way to add strength (i.e. add more muscle) is not applicable.  There are nearly zero circumstances where an individual cutting weight can add significant amounts of skeletal muscle- certainly not without significant pharmaceutical assistance.  This means that the focus here will be improving performance of EXISTING muscle- focusing your workouts on improving your body’s ability to utilize the structure it has. </p><p>As far as weight loss, if speed, power, strength, or performance is the goal, the athlete should NEVER haphazardly introduce cardiovascular activity or “high intensity” complexes with a goal of weight loss.  When in a caloric restriction, it becomes MORE important (not less) that the individual NOT engage in needlessly catabolic non-specific activity that is not improving performance.  Weight loss should be achieved via diet modification, period full stop.  Although there are ways to improve cardiovascular conditioning in conjunction with strength (<a href="http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.completehumanperformance.com%2Fso-you-want-to-run.html&h=eAQFH6qiT&s=1" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.completehumanperformance.com/so-you-want-to-run.html</a> , <a href="http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.completehumanperformance.com%2Fso-you-want-to-run-part-2.html&h=0AQHqKaL3&s=1" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.completehumanperformance.com/so-you-want-to-run-part-2.html</a> ), this should in general not be done when attempting to shed weight.</p><p>Regarding diet modifications, I do not advocate low carbohydrate diets for the athlete- the most logical diet to follow is simply across the board small reductions.  Chronically low carbohydrate intake may begin to diminish exercise performance, which in turn limits the quality (and therefore the benefits) of training.</p><p>High protein diets may be the rage in some circles, but quite frankly the majority of athletes take in more than enough.  1 gram per pound of bodyweight (or 2.2 grams per kilogram) is MORE than sufficient, even when dieting.  To put this in perspective, patients hospitalized with significant burn injuries (who are shedding body proteins at an incredibly rapid rate, close to ten times the rate of a healthy yet protein starved individual), are typically put on diets rarely exceeding 3 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight.  It is HIGHLY unlikely that a healthy athlete, regardless of level of activity, is exceeding this rate of protein loss.  Supplementation with glutamine and branched chain amino acids may be helpful, particularly during exercise, but are not necessary.  Yes, there is the fact that these burn victims are given massive quantities of food (which then theoretically exerts an overall anti-catabolic effect), yet the challenge even with this hypercaloric diet is simply preventing weight LOSS.  Which all is to say- no matter how hard core you think your training may be, it will never tax your system to the limit the way these poor souls' systems are.  So stop shoveling the protein.  </p><p>Regarding meal timing- it is encouraged that the individual, when possible, shift meals to better coincide with chosen athletic activity, taking in the majority of carbohydrates pre-, peri- and post-workout (to optimize performance), with protein spread across the day evenly (as repair and regrowth is a constant activity). </p><p>Therefore, to sum up- if the goal is improving ANY measure of performance during weight loss, this is best achieved via a 10-15% of reduction in calories across the board with no additional cardiovascular or non-specific activity.  Period, full stop.</p><p><strong>Concurrent periodization for speed and power development: </strong></p><p>Though there are many programs out there that separate the development of different performance parameters into different mesocycles (medium length training cycles) throughout the year, that is not the scope of this discussion- rather, the emphasis here will be on adjusting your current training routine to improve strength, speed and power simultaneously, without dropping the specific training activities you would otherwise be doing. At this point I ask you not to dwell on the fact that "concurrent periodization" is a complete oxymoron. If you are the sort of individual who is turned off by silly terms and inconsistencies in definitions, then you'd likely have given up on fitness writing long ago.</p><p><strong>Part 1: Improving maximum strength and strength-speed:</strong></p><p>This is the portion that will appeal the most to the maximum strength set- those individuals looking to move big weights or dramatically improve explosive power against high loads (Run blocking, for example, or being on the less populated side of the ruck in a rugby game). </p><p>All muscles contract using the same basic principles- ion transport powers the attachment, configuration change, and detachment of protein cross bridges in a given muscle fiber, which causes contractile proteins to slide across each other and, well, contract.  Multiple muscle fibers contract at once (the motor unit), producing a net contractile force. All of the motor units that comprise a muscle eventually contract if the demand is high enough.  However, the RATE of contraction, as well as the number of motor units contracted at once, are significant here.  Please note- there are multiple kinds of muscle fibers, including type I (typically called slow twitch), type IIa, IIb, IIx (fast twitch), and various proposed permutations of these. As this discussion is on strength and power, type II are what is generally being referred to.</p><p>In a muscle, there are multiple motor units, which under maximum load will all be called upon to contract (There are several systems that govern order of recruitment, but they are beyond the scope of this article).  Suffice it to say that in an untrained individual, these multiple motor units will contract over a given period of time, with a peak level indicating the maximum force that can be generated.  </p><p><strong> Untrained Multiple Motor Unit Contraction</strong></p><p>Note the power peak around 68 of our arbitrary unit.  This is the absolute MAXIMUM FORCE that this muscle can exert, any load that requires a momentary power input higher than this will simply not move.  Note the width of the total chart area- from 10 to 60 milliseconds, and 150 to 210, less than half of the maximum force is being exerted.  This is over 50% of the total contraction time, and if the goal is to move a single load, this is essentially wasted effort- in fact, certain motor units are already fatiguing while others are just beginning to engage, and at no point is this half effort exerting significant force upon the load.</p><p>Now, say the same individual were to specifically train to optimize motor unit recruitment, through the types of training to be mentioned shortly. </p><p><strong>Trained Multiple Motor Unit Contraction</strong></p><p>With NO change in motor unit number or individual power output, the force peak is now well over 100.  The total duration of contraction has been reduced by 50 milliseconds, but now a load that was previous immovable can be easily overcome. </p><p>Picture two teams playing tug of war- one team haphazard, the other well synchronized.  One team has people pulling whenever they want, some pulling their hardest and exhausting themselves before others have even picked up the rope.  Now the other team stands by, and at the signal, pulls simultaneously with all their effort.  Which team wins, and which team ends up face down in the mud?</p><p>So how does one go about improving rate of motor unit recruitment?  Simply put- we fall back to the SAID principle- Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand. In other words, if you want to train your muscles to contract quickly and against maximum load, this is what you need to do in the gym.</p><p><strong>Incorporating strength-speed work into training:</strong></p><p>Strength-speed work is rather specific- high repetition low weight, high weight slow speed, and so forth do little to improve rate of power production.  To improve the ability to generate maximum force, the athlete does need to engage in both maximum effort lifting (to improve absolute power peak and motor unit synchronization) and dynamic effort lifting (to improve motor unit synchronization and speed of contraction), the former of which includes maximal or near maximal stimulus, the latter of which includes lower weight (~50-60% of maximum) moved at maximum velocity. </p><p>When deciding on a routine, the individual athlete should look carefully at the particular movement or movements that they are looking to improve- for a football lineman, the back squat, front squat, and incline press are most directly related to blocking power.  For a track cyclist, the lunge or back squat is most related. </p><p>Generally speaking, within a given athlete’s routine, both maximum effort and dynamic effort training can be performed within the same session (maximum effort first, as to maximize benefit it requires the freshest muscles), or on separate sessions during a given week or training microcycle.  Loading protocols are relatively irrelevant, but for maximum effort the training effect REQUIRES weights over 90% of true maximum.  If lower weights are moved, motor unit synchronization is less important, and the objective is missed. </p><p>For dynamic effort, the athlete must be careful not to use too much weight (or too little)- weights that are too light (20-30% of max) do not provide enough mechanical load to require ALL motor units be recruited, and weights that are too heavy (60+%) cannot be moved with enough velocity to train rapid contraction.  Sets should also be kept relatively short- 2-4 repetitions are ideal, as velocity tends to decrease as the set goes on.  Multiple sets can be used here, until performance begins to decline.</p><p>Note that progress with this sort of training is NOT contingent on hypertrophy- the body can and will continue to improve rate of motor unit recruitment (though this does approach a limit eventually), and lift heavier and heavier weights with no increase in muscle size.  In fact, smaller motor units recruiting more efficiently can technically exert more force than larger motor units recruiting slowly and inefficiently, so an athlete can get smaller AND stronger.</p><p>  Practically speaking, this would mean the following sample routine for improving a squat:</p><p> <em>Maximum effort training:</em></p><p> Primary exercise (back squat)</p><p>  Warm up:</p><p> 20% of max x 10</p><p> 50% of max x 6</p><p> 70% of max x 2</p><p> 80% of max x 1</p><p>Work set:</p><p>90% of max x 1</p><p>95% of max x 1</p><p>100-101% of max x 1</p><p>Secondary exercise (Good mornings)</p><p>70% of max x 4 (warm up)</p><p>95% of max x 2</p><p>100% of max x 1</p><p>Dynamic effort:</p><p>Back squat</p><p>Warm up:</p><p>20% of max x 10</p><p>30% of max x 8</p><p>50% of max x 6</p><p>Work set:</p><p>55% of max x 3 for 8 sets.</p><p>Note- objective is maximum velocity- quick eccentric, explosive concentric</p><p>There would of course be significant accessory work, depending on the athlete’s goals- a powerlifter may then perform significantly more barbell based posterior chain work, a track cyclist would move to Olympic squats or depth jumps, while a bodybuilder or recreational athlete may move to individual isolations.</p><p>Many may note that this is precisely the sort of general training advocated by Westside Barbell- this is logical, as moving a maximal load (and maximizing power to weight) are the goals of powerlifting.  Therefore, this may be the most familiar training template to many readers.  Also worth noting is that a discipline typically thought of as more of a “speed” discipline- that is track cycling, is included here.  This is because track cycling, at the risk of angering a few track cyclists, is not a sport of technique.  There is tremendous strategy involved, of that there is no doubt, but repeated analysis of the pedal strokes involved show that the best performance simply comes from exerting maximum force against a given load at the best possible speed.  As the gearing on track bikes is fixed, for the majority of the acceleration the actual force required to crank the pedal a full revolution is phenomenally high- by breaking down instant wattage it can be calculated that the momentary force applied to the pedals can often be in the order of 1300-1400 Newtons PER LEG, or over 180KG of force.  This is equivalent to a repeated 300 pound single leg squat! (Though granted, this is over a limited range of motion.)</p><p>One only needs look at the legs of some of these individuals to understand.</p><p><strong>Improving speed-strength and maximum velocity: </strong></p><p>The vertical jump, the baseball throw, the forward punch or side kick, the sprint start, all of these are activities in which the body is exerting a sudden, rapid maximum contraction against loads that may be challenging, but are well below the maximum threshold.</p><p>As mentioned previously, this ability to exert maximum force against a relatively light load is not necessarily related to maximum strength- A running back or rugby flanker may be explosive and powerful, but a wide receiver with a much lower maximum squat may be capable of a much higher vertical leap.  A professional powerlifter capable of bench pressing over 800 pounds may not come close to an Olympic javelin thrower’s explosive arm strength.  No matter how much the former sets of athletes improve their maximum strength, their performance in these latter activities may not improve much.  </p><p>The first reason, of course, is practice- these are all technical movements that require varying degrees of practice to master, even the simple act of jumping as high as possible from a crouch.  A second factor could be a difference in body mass- the aforementioned running backs may simply be too massive to propel their bodies to the same height as the wide receiver.  This is precisely why power output needs to be optimized at a given body size for maximum performance.  The third and most important reason, however, is that these speed-strength athletes have developed the ability to recruit proportionately MORE motor units against lighter loads, and recruit them more quickly.  Do note, however, that the total number of motor units recruited is not necessarily as important as the RATE of motor unit recruitment- a smaller motor pool contracting very quickly can impart greater acceleration to a light load than a larger muscle pool contracting more slowly.</p><p>So how do you train this?  Again, specificity of movement and loading- even loads of 50% of maximum power output may be too great- loads closer to the target movement’s may be more appropriate (20-30% of maximum squat for a vertical jump, 15-20% of maximum bench for a shot put, etc.)  Range of motion is also critically important- though a vertical jump does not necessarily start from a deep squat, training a movement over a range of motion greater than needed trains the muscles to already be at maximum contraction at the start of the target movement- going back to the charts above, if the “0” msec point is always at the start of a jump (or punch, or throw), then the body will NEVER be trained to exert maximum force at that given (starting) joint angle.  If the target movement starts around the 30-40 msec point (i.e. the body is moving THROUGH that starting point at the time of significant contraction), the body is already training to contract forcefully at that given point in the movement. </p><p>Also worth noting- though improving maximum strength alone will not necessarily improve speed strength, a greater force peak IN CONJUNCTION with speed strength training will result in improved performance.  Therefore I recommend that these speed athletes also incorporate maximum effort work, though this does not always have to be in the form of a major power lift or Olympic lift.  For example- improving one's bench press will do little to improve one's baseball throw, in general.  For these sorts of extremely low load high velocity movements, where smaller muscle groups are the prime movers (such as the rotators and deltoids), maximum effort work should be more directed towards the core, with the athlete concentrating on high resistance abdominal rotations and back/shoulder movements to build up the structures that support the arm.  </p><p>For improving the vertical jump, a program may therefore look like this:</p><p>(Note that there are those who would consider a vertical jump a strength-speed exercise.  However, the relative load of one's own bodyweight compared to maximum load that can be handled during a squat is extremely low in most cases, so for the average fit individual a vertical jump is more a measure of speed and explosiveness, not strength.) </p><p><em>Maximum effort movement- full back squat</em></p><p>Primary exercise (back squat)</p><p>Warm up:</p><p>20% of max x 10</p><p>50% of max x 6</p><p>70% of max x 2</p><p>80% of max x 1</p><p>Work set:</p><p>90% of max x 1</p><p>95% of max x 1</p><p>100-101% of max x 1</p><p>Secondary exercise- Standing calf raise:</p><p> 95% of back squat x 4</p><p> 95% of back squat x 4 (paused)</p><p>100% of back squat x 4 (paused)</p><p>Though the pause diminishes the reactive strength component (discussed later), it forces the body to utilize muscle power, not stored elastic energy, to accelerate.</p><p>Speed-strength movements:</p><p>Full range of motion jump squats (Smith machine or free weight):</p><p>Bar x 10</p><p>20% of back squat x 6</p><p>20% of back squat x 4 x 10 (10 sets, 4 repetitions each, performed explosively.)</p><p>Secondary movement:</p><p>Power cleans/power snatches:</p><p>25% of max x 6</p><p>35% of max x 3 x 4 (4 sets of 3 repetitions)</p><p>Note the higher percentage for power cleans/snatches- as these movements are by nature explosive, as well as highly technical, there is a certain amount of “buffer” built in between tested max and theoretical max- in other words, the typical athlete may only be able to perform 80-85% of one’s true “max” on a regular basis due to technique issues (as compared to 95+% of a more simple movement).  Therefore, 35% of this practical maximum is, in actuality, closer to the 20-25% of one’s actual maximum.</p><p><strong>Improving local muscular endurance:</strong></p><p>Maximum immediate power output may be all well and good for certain athletes, but for those out there looking to maximize power over time, a different approach is needed.  Certainly running a fast 100 meters, accelerating a bike up a hill, or even running a quick out route requires more than just immediate strength- it requires the ability to generate repeated submaximal force without degradation in performance. </p><p>One thing to bear in mind- there is a SIGNIFICANT form and skill component to this sort of performance- explosive power and speed may give an athlete the potential to run quickly, but it does not guarantee top performance.  The majority of individuals looking to sprint faster, run a better mile, perform better on the bike, or be a bigger factor on the rugby pitch are best served practicing their sport under the guidance of a competent coach. </p><p>This is not to say there are not things that can be done to optimize potential, however.  Improving local muscular endurance is tremendously important for any athlete requiring sustained or repeated high performance and explosive power, and it requires specific training.</p><p>First and foremost, local muscular endurance is just that- localized. Spending one’s time in the pool swimming will do little to improve a runner’s speed- at best this sort of cross training can help maintain basic aerobic capacity. The specific adaptations these individuals are looking for need to be developed by performing lifts and drills targeting the same energy systems as the sport specific demand.  For example, a sprinter should be focusing on repeated effort, explosive, free weight leg exercises, as well as drills that repeatedly call upon the body to quickly replenish ATP/CP (Adenosine Triphosphate and Creatine Phosphate- the primary energy currency and short term energy storage molecules respectively) with minimal recovery.  Training should also focus on improving lactic acid clearance and maintaining steady pacing to avoid premature exhaustion. </p><p>Resistance exercises and sports specific drills should also go hand in hand- there is no reason why a sprinter should not run then squat (in that order- always perform the higher skill task first), or a rower should not hit the erg then the weights. </p><p>Finally, note that, as with all these strength parameters, maximum force production is still important, therefore maximum effort work is STILL performed.</p><p>An example routine for an individual looking for improved 200 meter sprint performance (to be done IN CONJUNCTION with standard 200 meter workouts, which could include 100 meter repeats, off-distance repeats, pacing drills, etc):</p><p><em>Alactic drills and lifting (one given day): </em></p><p>Sprint drills- alactic (CTP/CP) intervals:</p><p>4 (8 x 30) meter sprints- 20 seconds between sprints, 1:30 between sets.</p><p>6 x 50 meter sprints- 50 meter walk between sprints.</p><p>Gym lifts:</p><p>Jump squats: 20% of back squat max x 12- 3 sets with 30 seconds rest</p><p>Olympic back squats: 35% of max x 15- 4 sets with 0:45 rest.</p><p>Glute-ham raises: 4 sets of 15-18 repetitions, 3 sets with 0:30 rest</p><p><em>Power development day:</em></p><p>Back squat:</p><p>Warm up:</p><p>20% of max x 10</p><p>50% of max x 6</p><p>70% of max x 2</p><p>80% of max x 1</p><p>Work set:</p><p>90% of max x 1</p><p>95% of max x 1</p><p>100-101% of max x 1</p><p>Accessory lift- standing lunge:</p><p>5 sets of 6 per leg, weight selected to achieve failure on rep 7.</p><p>Hill sprints or parachute drag sprints:</p><p>12 x 25-30 meter intervals, 1:00 rest between.</p><p><em>LT training day- combination training (best done with a treadmill):</em></p><p>5 minute treadmill warmup, easy jog.</p><p>Set performed 3 times, 1:00 rest between:</p><p>(Front squat- 50% of max x 15 (fast and explosive)</p><p>1:00 run at 800 meter pace)</p><p>Set performed 3 times, 0:45 rest between:</p><p>(Lunge hops- 20</p><p>0:45 run at 400 meter pace)</p><p>Set performed 3 times, 0:45 rest between:</p><p>(Back squat- 25% of max x 15 (extremely rapid)</p><p>0:45 run at 400 meter pace)</p><p>5 minute cooldown</p><p><strong>In Conclusion</strong></p><p>Note these sample routines are not absolute- they should simply illustrate a few methods of training given energy pathways.  As with all these routines, adjustments can and should be made, but hopefully this has given you, the reader, some ideas on how to begin designing or tweaking your existing routine to improve your strength and power. </p><p><strong>((END of excerp FROM: <a href="http://www.completehumanperformance.com/improving-strength-speed-and-power.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.completehumanperformance.com/improving-strength-speed-and-power.html</a>))</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>My Training Routine:</strong></p><p>2 to 5 min jump rope, foam roll, Indian club swings, ballistic stretches, etc...</p><p><strong>Monday -- Max Effort Bench/ Upper Body Day:</strong></p><p>Bench Press or Bench Variation. 3 sets @ 90 to 105% for 1 to 3 reps depending on how you feel that day. For the most part work up to max single then drop and do rep work using prilipins chart.</p><p>Rotate the Bench Variation either every week to every 3 weeks, but no longer then a 3 week wave. The more advanced you are, the sooner you will rotate. So rotate every week when you become more advanced. The rotations explained: going full range 1 week (Flat Bench, Incline Bench or Decline Bench); 2nd week partial rang (boards press /rack/floor press) the next and the future method (reverse band / slingshot) the 3rd week. There is freedom here to personalize the program for you.</p><p>Assistance Work using the "Repetition Method":</p><p>DB Press (If you did flat bench that week, then do incline DB press; if Incline bench then do flat DB press.)</p><p>High Volume Tricep work (extensions, rolling tri extensions, press downs, etc...)</p><p>Curls -- Bi's</p><p>Weak Point training (train the muscle that's weak in the bench)</p><p>Shoulder & Rear Delt Prehab & Rehab work.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Tuesday -- Max Effort Squats/ Lower Body Day:</strong></p><p>"There is simply no other exercise [not even Deadlifts] -- (and certainly no machine) that produces the level of central nervous system activity, improved balance and coordination, skeletal loading and bone density enhancement, muscular stimulation and growth, connective tissue stress and strength, psychological demand and toughness, and overall systemic conditioning than the correctly performed full squat." -- Mark Rippetoe</p><p>Squat or Squat variation. 3 sets @ 90 to 105% for 1 to 3 reps depending on how you feel that day. For the most part work up to max single or heavy double or triple, then drop and do rep work using prilipins chart.</p><p>Squat Variations: High Bar Squat, Low Bar Squat, Box Squat (all different heights), Good Mornings, etc... you can also rotate different types of bars if you have access to equipment like that.</p><p>Use bands/chains on DE days and straight weight on ME days.</p><p><strong>Rotate through:</strong></p><p>Wide stance</p><p>Narrow stance</p><p>Front squat</p><p>Zercher squat</p><p>Pause squat </p><p> </p><p><strong>Optional:</strong></p><p>Leg Press</p><p>GH Raises (if available)</p><p>Reverse Hypers (if available)</p><p>Leg Curls</p><p>Leg Extensions</p><p>Hypers</p><p>Kettle Bell Swings</p><p>Calves</p><p>Abs/Core Work</p><p> </p><p><strong>Wednesday -- Upper Back Day:</strong></p><p>Pull Ups or Pull up Variation (Chin ups, GB Pull Ups, etc..) or Pull downs for fat guys.</p><p>DB Rows</p><p>Hammer Strength 1 arm pull downs</p><p>Seated Rows</p><p>etc...</p><p> </p><p><strong>Thursday --</strong> <strong>Dynamic Effort/ Speed Bench Day:</strong></p><p><strong>Speed Bench:</strong> (I'm only going to cover "Speed-Strength" Waves here; "Strength-Speed" & "Circa Max" Waves can be covered in a different post on here.) Speed Bench is ALWAYS with percentages based off of YOUR CURRENT 1RM on Bench in a 3 Week Pendulum Wave.  Waving the weights from 40 to 50% of your current 1RM for bar weight within those 3 weeks always using "Accommodating Resistance" (i.e. Bands, Chains, Bands & Chains, etc...); with the accommodating resistance, the weight is between 70 to 80% at the top.</p><p>Week 1: 40% Bar Weight of current 1RM, plus some form of accommodating resistance to be at about 70% of current 1RM at top for 9x3.</p><p>Week 2: 45% Bar Weight of current 1RM, plus accommodating resistance to be at about 75% of current 1RM at top for 9x3.</p><p>Week 3: 50% Bar Weight of current 1RM, plus accommodating resistance to be at about 80% of current 1RM at top for 9x3.</p><p>Or to make it simplier:</p><p>With Accommodating Resistance (AR) it is:</p><p>W1: 40% weight + ~20-25% AR for 9 sets x 3 reps</p><p>W2: 45% weight + ~20-25% AR for 9 sets x 3 reps</p><p>W3: 50% weight + ~20-25% AR for 9 sets x 3 reps</p><p> </p><p>OR if using Straight weight only it's:</p><p>W1: 60% for 9x3</p><p>W2: 65% for 9x3</p><p>W3: 70% for 9x3</p><p> </p><p>After week 3, you start over again at week 1 and you wave back down (this is why is called a "Pendulum Wave") to 40% again but the next 3 week wave you change the type or form of the  accommodating resistance used. Every Rep should be as fast and as explosive as possible, remember if it isn't fast, then it's not speed!</p><p>It's 9 sets of 3 reps for Speed Bench for every week of the wave, with 10 to 30 second rest periods between each set; or if with a training partner, it's you go, I go, till all sets are complete.</p><p> </p><p><strong>OR here is "New School" Westside (DE Upper no longer uses waves and is a lower percentage):</strong></p><p>35% of raw # + 25% AR for 9x3</p><p>or for Straight Weight Only:</p><p>60% for 9x3.</p><p>For DE Upper!</p><p>Assistance Work using the "Repetition Method":</p><p>Standing Overhead Press</p><p>High Intensity Triceps (heavy board presses)</p><p>Bi's -- Curls</p><p>Weak Point Training</p><p>Shoulder & Rear Delt Prehab & Rehab work.</p><p>Etc...</p><p> </p><p><strong>Friday -- Dynamic Effort/ Speed Squat Day + Heavy Deadlift & Speed DL Day:</strong></p><p><strong>Speed Squats:</strong> Speed Squats always done with Low Box Squats. (I'm only going to cover "Speed-Strength" Waves here; "Strength-Speed" & "Circa Max" Waves can be covered in a different post on here.) Speed Squats is ALWAYS with percentages based off of YOUR CURRENT 1RM on your current Full ROM Free Squat in a 3 Week Pendulum Wave.  Waving the weights from 50 to 60% of your current 1RM for bar weight within those 3 weeks always using "Accommodating Resistance" (i.e. Bands, Chains, Bands & Chains, etc...); with the accommodating resistance, the weight is between 75 to 85% at the top.</p><p>Week 1: 50% Bar Weight of current 1RM, plus some form of accommodating resistance to be at about 75% of current 1RM at top. For 12 sets of 2 reps.</p><p>Week 2: 55% Bar Weight of current 1RM, plus accommodating resistance to be at about 80% of current 1RM at top. For 12 sets of 2 reps.</p><p>Week 3: 60% Bar Weight of current 1RM, plus accommodating resistance to be at about 85% of current 1RM at top. For 10 sets of 2 reps</p><p>Or to make it simplier:</p><p>With Accommodating Resistance (AR) is:</p><p>W1: 50% weight + 25% AR for 12 sets x 2 reps</p><p>W2: 55% weight + 25% AR for 12 sets x 2 reps</p><p>W3: 60% weight + 25% AR for 10 sets x 2 reps</p><p>If using straight weight only:</p><p>W1: 75% for 12 sets x 2 reps</p><p>W2: 80% for 12 sets x 2 reps</p><p>W3: 85% for 10 sets x 2 reps</p><p>This is for DE lower. </p><p>After week 3, you start over again at week 1 and you wave back down (this is why is called a "Pendulum Wave") to 50% again but the next 3 week wave you change the type or form of the  accommodating resistance used. Every Rep should be as fast and as explosive as possible, remember if it isn't fast, then it's not speed! 10 to 30 second rest periods between each set; or if with a training partner, it's you go, I go, till all sets are complete.</p><p><strong>Deadlifts: </strong>Deadlifts reps and sets can vary here, but work up to a Max Single or heavy double or heavy triple; then move on to Speed Deadlifts. Any were between 3 to 8 sets at 3 reps per set for Speed Work @ 70% of 1RM. The Percentages can very here depending on what Deadlift program you are using at the time (I don't use Westside for DL training because I have found it doesn't work well for me on DLs! I use the Ed Coan Deadlift Routine.)</p><p>((Here is Speed Deadlifts for Westside though: 6 to 8 singles; @ 65% Straight Weight Only </p><p>OR with AR it is: ~40% Bar Weight +25% AR.))</p><p>Assistance Work using the "Repetition Method" for UPPER BACK:</p><p>Shrugs</p><p>Bat Wing DB Rows</p><p>RDLs</p><p>KB Swings</p><p>other upper back work if you feel up for it</p><p> </p><p><strong>Saturday -- Front Squat/ Leg Day:</strong></p><p>Front Squats</p><p>Leg Press</p><p>Leg Curls</p><p>Leg Extensions</p><p>Calves</p><p>Abs/Core</p><p> </p><p><strong>Sunday -- Off/ Rest Day!</strong></p><p><strong>GPP can be done on any day, but try to get it in 3 to 5 days a week if you can.</strong></p><p><strong>Thank you all for reading, and God bless.</strong></p>



Yes I have a question. How much can you lift bro? Lol 



New member

My training partner says you don't know the correct percents for DE work on Bench. I'm not sure how you missed it because its right at the bottom of the article but here it is again anyways:

Speed Bench: Speed Bench is ALWAYS with percentages based off of YOUR CURRENT 1RM on Bench in a 3 Week Pendulum Wave.  Waving the weights from 40 to 50% of your current 1RM for bar weight within those 3 weeks always using "Accommodating Resistance" (i.e. Bands, Chains, Bands & Chains, etc...); with the accommodating resistance, the weight is between 70 to 80% at the top.

Week 1: 40% Bar Weight of current 1RM, plus some form of accommodating resistance to be at about 70% of current 1RM at top.

Week 2: 45% Bar Weight of current 1RM, plus accommodating resistance to be at about 75% of current 1RM at top.

Week 3: 50% Bar Weight of current 1RM, plus accommodating resistance to be at about 80% of current 1RM at top.

OR if using Straight weight only it's:

W1: 60%

W2: 65%

W3: 70%

for 9x3

After week 3, you start over again at week 1 and you wave back down (this is why is called a "Pendulum Wave") to 40% again but the next 3 week wave you change the type or form of the  accommodating resistance used. Every Rep should be as fast and as explosive as possible, remember if it isn't fast, then it's not speed!

It's 9 sets of 3 reps for Speed Bench for every week of the wave, with 10 to 30 second rest periods between each set; or if with a training partner, it's you go, I go, till all sets are complete.

OR here is "New School" Westside (DE Upper no longer uses waves and is a lower percentage):

35% of raw # + 25% AR 


60% straight weight for 9x3.

For DE Upper!



New member

Speed Squats: Speed Squats always done with Low Box Squats. (I'm only going to cover "Speed-Strength" Waves here; "Strength-Speed" & "Circa Max" Waves can be covered in a different post on here.) Speed Squats is ALWAYS with percentages based off of YOUR CURRENT 1RM on your current Full ROM Free Squat in a 3 Week Pendulum Wave.  Waving the weights from 50 to 60% of your current 1RM for bar weight within those 3 weeks always using "Accommodating Resistance" (i.e. Bands, Chains, Bands & Chains, etc...); with the accommodating resistance, the weight is between 75 to 85% at the top.

Week 1: 50% Bar Weight of current 1RM, plus some form of accommodating resistance to be at about 75% of current 1RM at top. 12 sets of 2 reps.

Week 2: 55% Bar Weight of current 1RM, plus accommodating resistance to be at about 80% of current 1RM at top. 12 sets of 2 reps.

Week 3: 60% Bar Weight of current 1RM, plus accommodating resistance to be at about 85% of current 1RM at top. 10 sets of 2 reps

Or to make it simplier:

With Accommodating Resistance (AR) is:

W1: 50% weight + 25% AR 12 sets x 2 reps

W2: 55% weight + 25% AR 12 sets x 2 reps

W3: 60% weight + 25% AR 10 sets x 2 reps

If using straight weight only:

75% 12 sets x 2 reps

80% 12 sets x 2 reps

85% 10 sets x 2 reps

This is for DE lower. 

After week 3, you start over again at week 1 and you wave back down (this is why is called a "Pendulum Wave") to 50% again but the next 3 week wave you change the type or form of the  accommodating resistance used. Every Rep should be as fast and as explosive as possible, remember if it isn't fast, then it's not speed! 10 to 30 second rest periods between each set; or if with a training partner, it's you go, I go, till all sets are complete.


Speed Deadlifts for Westside: 6 to 8 singles; @ 65% Straight Weight only

OR ~40% Bar Weight +25% AR



New member

I dunno bro... What's your Bench at? I'm only a couple of months back into training after taking over 3 months off for stomach surgery. My last 1RM On Bench Raw was a 425 Paused Bench (which I have on Video) before my surgery. Now I'm between 440 and 455 Raw Bench, I will be hitting a new 1RM on Bench Raw here in 2 weeks.

I'm doing 515 x 3 Raw with NO Knee Wraps and No Belt on Squats, and I will Squat 600 Raw with no knee wraps and no belt within the next couple of months and I'm getting close to a 600 Raw Deadlift with no Belt. I will be testing my 1RM on Deadlifts in about 3 weeks.

I'm 220 lbs.



New member

Here is my 425 Paused Bench Raw:

Here is 515 x 3 Raw (no knee wraps, no belt) Squat:

500x4 Raw (no knee wraps, no belt) Squat:


605x5 on High Box Squat Raw:


455 No Handed Squat Raw:


225x5 on Strict Standing Overhead Press:


275x1 on Standing Overhead Press:






Should be a training sticky!! Top of food chain information right here.




I respect the fact that you love and have a passion for powerlifting. Its what motivates you and keeps you going to the gym, but I also respect the same things in people who bb, olympic lift, strongman comp, crossfit, or whatever else keeps someone motivated to keep training. If its what your passion is and it keeps you disciplined and motivated then I don't think its garbage. Just my opinion though.




I hope your not like your partner Nov and start disrespecting other people's goals.Not everyone aims to be a power lifter and if you can't respect that then your an absolute moron but If you can welcome.This is a AAS site first and foremost go find a power lifting site if it truly bothers you.



New member

Okay first off, I do believe this is the "TRAINING SECTION" And i can post anything relating to training here. Second, I don't disrespect bodybuilding, my issue with Bodybuilding style training is that they don't apply science and they don't train optimally. They rely on AAS while ignoring how to properly train. There are plenty of Bodybuilders that train properly and know how to Train right but for the most part 90% of them don't. There is such thing as sports science! But I guess I'm the moron for trying to get people to train optimally and follow proven science.

I'm not trashing anyone's goals, I'm trying to get people to apply science to achieve them and not just rely solely on AAS! If you actually took time to read what I posted here you would know that instead of blindly making statements like that.
