Westside for Raw LIfters: Applying Science instead of random guess work! Plus My Personal Training Program.


New member

"Powerlifting garbage"??? So it's garbage to be strong? It's garbage to be as strong as you look? You know what's garbage is to be 260 pounds and look strong but be weaker then 160 pound person! 

Jesse Norris, 198 pounds and only 19 years old and who looks like a bodybuilder, very ripped is Deadlifting 830 pounds, Squatting in the mid 700's and Benching in the mid 400's! All of this Raw with no gear! But according to you that's garbage??? Lol you're an complete moron! 

Dan Green, Ed Coan, Eric Lillybridge, etc.. just to name a few are all huge and ripped and look like bodybuilders! Eric Lillybridge Squats over 1,000 Raw and Deadlifts over 900 Raw and Benches close to 600 Raw and looks like a bodybuilder! These are all Powerlifters. You can be strong and look like a Bodybuilder at the same time if you apply Science! 

Now since you think it's garbage, when I was 150 pounds, I looked like a bodybuilder, had abs and I Deadlifted 500 pounds! Did this all natural with no AAS! At 200 pounds, I Benched 405 and Squatted 520 ALL NATURAL with no juice! You know why??? By using Science to train properly!

It's pretty pathetic to see all these wanna be bodybuilders juiced out of there minds way bigger then me in the gym and I was WAY stronger then them all natural! So you sound stupid with your ignorant comment!




anybody who trains differently from you There is a way to do it without sounding like a tactless fool. Don't follow down the path of Nov insulting/picking fights ,or Just go find another place where they will grovel at your feet for bestowing them with this knowledge your highness....



New member

What the Hell are you talking about?? I insulted you because I point out the science behind training?? How am I picking a fight? You came to my post and started an argument with me over something you know nothing about! I think your issue is with Nov and since he's banned you are trying to take it out on me because he pissed in your cherrieos! You're a real stand up guy bro. SMH at ignorant people with ignorant comments. You sound like you need a hug?!




the mood to fight....Nov pissed in my cheerios LoL I have zero respect for that guy his words carry no weight.




New member

If you're not in the mood to fight then why did you start one with me?? Over what???? For having a different opinion and view then you??? Because I can back my view up with Science and you can't?! Only a little punk bitch comes and starts a fight like tgat for no reason and then pretends it's all me. Lol SMH




There are a handfull of PL that look like BB, or you could say they are bodybuilders that powerlift. My experience with powerlifters (I have a good friend who trains with an IPF Masters world champion) is that they powerlift because they want to be strong as hell, but they also lack diet discipline. Westside is badass and a lot of science behind it, but there's science behind bodybuilding too. Hany Rambod has used science to perfect his training methods and has 13 Olympias to back up his training methods. 



New member

There can be science behind any training program bodybuilding included, I never said there couldn't be man; I think you missed my point. My point was and is 90% of the BBING training programs are garbage with random guess work and I have yet to see any bodybuilding program on this website that has any science behind it. I don't hate bodybuilding, I just think people follow it blindly and don't use science at all and jump from one FAD to another, program hoppers and wonder why they don't get anywhere




The same can be said for powerlifting. Most people don't train as a way of life or for comps. Most train as a hobby and a way to keep in shape and stay healthy. Myself included. My life doesn't revolve around the gym and how much I can or can't lift. The gym is just a relaxing outlet to me. My life revolves around my beautiful wife, two kids, and my job. Now that doesn't mean I don't want to get stronger or bigger either. That's the point of training, but I don't lose sleep at night because I don't bench 405 either.




An experiment was conducted between a bb and a pl. In 1993 Tom Platz the biggest legs in bb of all time squared off against Fred Hatfield aka Dr Squat the first guy to squat a grand. Although Toms legs were much larger than Freds, Fred kicked his butt in 1RM lifting 855 to Toms 765, but when they reduced the weight to 525 Tom dusted Fred in endurance with 23 reps to Freds 11 reps. My question is. Who's stronger?




BTW your avatar pic and the guy in the videos making those lifts look nothing alike? At least not in the midsection for sure???




Are you serious with this??? Strength endurance compared to limit strength. Someone who trains.predominatly using more reps will have better strength endurance this is no secret. But their limit strength wont be as good. Your recruiting different fiber.types




Thats fine and dandy but steroids and lifting go hand in hand. I hold people who are using to a higher standard. I understand tho that some use for health.reasons like TRT. 




Thats fine and dandy but steroids and lifting go hand in hand. I hold people who are using to a higher standard. I understand tho that some use for health.reasons like TRT. 




Just because someones a freak doesnt mean what their doing is optimal. There are certain people who get bigger and stronger no matter what. Nobody cares what your friend does btw.




And lastly why was I banned? Who did I attack or harass? I marely stated my opinion. I attacked nobody. I was banned for having a different persepctive? I am pitbulls training partner I TOLD him to post here. Begged him actually. His pic is different because its old when he was like 150.



New member

The pic is me at 150 pounds, I'm 220 now. Now call me fat again you idiot, my bf% is at 10% still! What's yours at??? How about we both take out shirts off next to each other and see who looks better you egotistical prick. Post a pic or video of you



New member

“I keep a bottle of testosterone sitting on a triple­ layer bench press shirt in the back of my gym, but I have yet to see it bench 5 pounds. To be great it takes planning, work, dedication, courage, and aggression. If you lack one of these ,you will fail and you have no one to blame but yourself. Los­ers hate winners, so It’s better to be hated in pow­erlifting than to hate.” ~Louie Simmons





I simply have a different persepctive than most of you. The last thread I was in was actually civil yet I was banned.for it. I made reviews, cycle logs, documented my own experiences and generally tried sparking life around here. We dont have to agree. But I attacked nobody. The thread was civil there was no name calling or trash talking. I made some mistakes prior with how I conducted myself sure but the recent.incident was a.civil disagreement and I was banned without warning.




I never called you fat my man?!? I figured it was you at a younger leaner age. I'm not here to get into an argument. Just civil debate. Like I said whatever keeps you motivated, disciplined, and happy I'm all for it. I never called anyone elses passion garbage...since we can't keep this civil and respectful I'm done chatting




You have been banned you need to accept that and move on to another site.You cause way to much drama here and attack people.I am not going to discuss this any further because if you can not see it by now then there is no help for you.
