Westside for Raw LIfters: Applying Science instead of random guess work! Plus My Personal Training Program.




there is no hope for you.Why don't you try eroids or evo maybe they will appreciate you better




Thats what he is. He thinks hes internet police badass. Even he knows hes a bitch. Hes also a reg at.eroids himself



New member

pitbull42286 said:
</p><p>It seems like 95% Of people on this website are only interested in garbage Bodybuilding training. SMH</p><p>
</p><p>I didn't even read your full reply to me...  I actually lost all respect for you at this point. I respect powerlifters,  just not ones that don't respect me. Bodybuilding training is different than powerlifting training. I don't NEED to bench 500+ pounds to make me feel good. I need to like like a sculpted statue of stone that I created myself to make me feel good. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>


New member

Okay then so post a pic of yourself with your shirt off then, let's see how much progress you made sculpting your body not using Science?! No shit bodybuilding training is different then powerlifting, that's not the point, the point is you can still train optimally and use science when training bodybuilding. I have no respect for you either, you make comments not having a clue as to what you are talking about.



New member

No hope??? Lol what are you even talking about?? You're the Troll here! You come to my post and start an argument with me for no other reason then that I don't train a muscle magazine body building program like you. You're jealous or something.



New member

I think all the bashing and arguing should just end, it is leading no where fruitful.

This is the "training" section and thus is fair game for fruitful discussion of different training methodologies and strategies. On top of it being the training section it is Pits thread, particularly his thread on the WestSide method. Immature argumentation, bickering, and childish back and forth/name calling degrades the quality of the thread and of the forum as a hole.

If you want to discuss the merits of the WestSide method, there is a proper way to do that

If you want to discuss PL vs BB and/or the bridging of the two there is a proper way to do that as well.






If you click on anyone's name you'll go to their profile. Click on pics and you can see any pics they've posted up. I can tell you though that kfizzle competes in comps and is well on his way to looking like a sculpted statue.




This thread has gone on too long. We are all strong. powerlifters, bodybuilders all of us. If you can bench 500 lbs. Does that mean you can take a fuckin blow to the jaw like a real fuckin badass. It doesn't matter what ur passion is, Just hit it hard and have some respect... The loudest man in the room is the weakest... WORD..........



New member

Amen to that man. I post about Westside style training here and I get tons of attacks saying how Powerlifting is garbage and so on. Anyways, thanks for your comment. Westside has done amazing things with your  Bench man, awesome keep up the hard work.



New member

If you think this thread has gone on way too long then why add your 2 cents and make it go on longer?!  We are NOT all strong! As for you reference about fighting, what the hell does that have to do with training????, I did MMA Cage fighting, was even on Pay Per View for KOTC; and I had a Strength & Conditioning Coach when I was fighting. You know what style training we did??? I'll give you a hint, we didn't do bodybuilding! It was all about GPP and a Powerlifting style of training! Any athlete in any sport uses GPP along with Powerlifting and Strongman and Olympic style weight training for athletes not bodybuilding! So you have no point! The only people here with no respect is "Don’t Trip" and "Kfizzle"!!



New member

 Think he would feel like a jackass after opening my pics and seeing me at 150 pounds and now at 225 lean...? I literally laughed out loud at the IRONY of his reply. Some people just like to argue and it gets them off.  Thanks for the compliment man!  



New member

I don't feel like a jackass, and your pics look nothing special. You look like a typical athlete with some abs, not like a Bodybuilder! I'm not impressed at all!
