Before I start my next cycle!



Good points! Nutrient timing is essential when cutting.  And, c4 is some good stuff too. I like DVST8 as well.

Now I see the worry. I figured 14% based on profile, and some information given above. But, 18% is whats happening. Now i get it. And, 2880-2900 seems more accurate, too.

How does a 2600 calorie target feel, and maybe a replenish of 2800-2900 one day per week, perhaps on a leg day? Intuitively, the npp will help keep and add muscle during an intense cut. DV seems to have a really good strength foundation too, squatting 315 for reps and all.

I think we're getting close to a solid plan here. What do you guys think?





Your cycle begins on the first of January, then about 12 weeks. So we have until june or July. This goal is absolutely achievable in that time.

I was an addict. We get obsessive about stuff. This is a damn good obsession. Glad you made it through, brother!  Remember to maintain balance with your fiance during this time. Any time you support in that arena, we've all been through it, so lean on us for support. 



New member

Thank you brother! And I'm happy to have fellow survivors from shipwreck here in this community too! I'm just overjoyed she is comfortable and willing to help me with this too! 




It's looking great! DV is gonna achieve more this first cycle than he can dream of!   


Mister A


Damn, no cheat meals?! Let the kid have some sushi after leg day, jesus.



New member

Uhm, I second this motion.... sushi is my favorite and I promise I'll stay away from tempura and ramen.... just let me have some spicy mayo on my rainbow roll or that sweet delicious eel!!!! I actually just put my two weeks in at this sushi bar I was working two days a week. 70% off tuna sashimi will be deeply missed :'(



New member

Uhm, I second this motion.... sushi is my favorite and I promise I'll stay away from tempura and ramen.... just let me have some spicy mayo on my rainbow roll or that sweet delicious eel!!!! I actually just put my two weeks in at this sushi bar I was working two days a week. 70% off tuna sashimi will be deeply missed :'(




I was thinking cheats on pizza, and shitty burgers lol! Alright, call it date night with the Lady then, gotta keep the little mrs. happy :)



New member

I did! Lemme see if I did good. I decided to meet in the middle between your recommended 3,000 calorie split and my 2,200 and wound up with a total of 2,690. I feel this will still keep me in a calorie defecite while still not getting on the hungry side. I'm also expecting that once I ass the NPP depending on how my body reacts this plan will allow me to easily adjust to more food intake bY just increasing each meals portion size slightly. 


Macros are as follows: 

carbs 245

protein 270

fat 70


Daily meal plan (can also be easily adjusted for different nuts or fruit ect. Though this will be the core):

Wake up- coffee with 1tbs coconut butter (in place of creamer, also start day with good source of fats for energy)

M1: 1 scoop Forza One PB Bananna protein with 4oz baked yam and 1/2 bananna

M2: 1/2 Cup Oatmeal with 1 cup Costco mixed berries and 1tbs PB with a side of egg whites.


off to work I go. I Train a single client in the AM. I feel M1 and 2 spaced out about a 30min to 1 hour apart will allow me to properly digest and metabolize the meal to allow myself to have balanced carbs/fats and proteins for my lift.

post workout: 1 scoop of my protein with the 4oz baked yam and 1/2 banana

M3+4 is a total of 8oz Chicken Brest, 1 cup brown rice, and 6oz egg whites

throw in my cardio session #2 between meal 3 and 4


M5 is a Costco Kirkland Sockeye Salmon (come in individual servings) with 1 cup brown rice and some lemon to taste.

to snack on throughout the day if I start to get the grumbles will be 1 ounce shelled Pistacios unsalted or some other nut.

last before bed, one more scoop of my protein blend and possibly a melatonin to help with my sleeplessness and actually get into that deep sleep to allow my muscles to fully recover (I found 10mg helped me last cycle). 


Thats what i got!!!! Maybe throw in once a week a sushi date with the my mrs. Maybe once every two weeks? Idk. And then water water water! 




Looks good to me pretty much. I can only handle a tsp of coconut oil, otherwise i get acid stomach. I space meals at roughly every 3 hours, though the last two, post workout shake and final meal are sometimes an hour apart. I'd go with unsalted nuts so u don't overdo the sodium  (blood pressure and water retention). Careful with fast carbs like fruit, you might find slowe acting carbs will keep you more satisfied between meals. Just a thought. Other than that, looks easy to prepare and well balanced. And, gotta have date night too :)

Good job DV, you done good. You left enough wiggle room, too, to mess with macros as you get into your cycle.

Are you going to add var at the end, or keeping it test/npp? Post your cycle when you get chance so we can follow your progress.

Happy Holidays  :)



New member

as of now no, I budgeted for my regular expenses, savings, and Holliday dealios with this cycle but I might invest into the var if commission looks good this month! If I did add var any recommended dosages for it?




I believe var is at 60-80mgs per day. Anyhow, another thought i had in regards to fast carbs: you could take your fast carbs at post workout to spike insulin before your post workout shake. I eat about a teaspoon or so of honey about 10-15 minutes before my protein shake. Helps replenish glycogen, and spikes insulin so the protein gets shuttled to muscle more efficiently and effectively. 

Oh, i asked about the var because i remember you and dolf discussing it earlier in the thread...



New member

So just switch my morning shake with my post workout shake? No banana in morning and just post? I love honey so no complaints there! 


I remeber Dolf and I talking about that, I just gotta find the cash to throw that on because that stuff ain't cheap. I'm also curious to see how maybe NPP alone will affect my body and maybe do that next time 




Banana in the morning is probably cool, just the fast carbs after workout will be better utilized.

I would say just stick to the two compounds test and npp. You'll crush it with those two without adding anything more.



New member

That's what I was thinking, you all know my age and I just wanna do this right and feel out every new compound. I ran Test by its self twice and so maybe do this exact cycle twice before I change it up. 


Maybe ill hust throw some berries or the honey in the post shake then!



New member

Ooohhhhhh! So it isn't as effective if it's all in one swoop. Gotcha I will then break it up into a little fruit smoothie (just freeze berries and nana then blend with water) and then shake with creatine!


oh! Just curious, heard a tip and wanted to run it by everyone. Does your body actually absorb more creatine while on cycle? A buddy says he doubles his dose of it when on and I was just wondering if that is just a waste or not


Mister A


Big Vorg, good job on writing up your diet. Good bro foods in there. I'm not going to critique it too harshly because I think it'll get the job done. I just want to point out some things that stick out to me.

Switching anabolism on when first waking up is crucial. You want to absorb aminos as quickly as possible. Especially if you're in a deficit because you don't want to risk losing any muscle. The faster you can consume and digest aminos, the sooner you'll flip that switch. Even if your coffee and meal 1 are 15 minutes apart, you have a lot of fat and some fiber between coffee and meal 1. Fats and fiber will slow digestion down. Which means slower amino absorption. Which means you're catabolic for longer than you want to be. If you can find a way to get a fast digesting protein source in your body first thing in the morning and then wait a little while, even 15 minutes will help, before consuming fats and fiber, you'll be getting aminos to your cells much faster and more efficiently.

I love oatmeal. It's a good carb source. I like it early in the day at least 4 hours before I train. The problem with it as a preworkout meal is that it takes way too long to digest. Gluten free oats are a little better, but there's so much fiber in there. When you add peanut butter, the fats slow digestion down even more. You don't want any food in your stomach when you train. If it's in your stomach, it's not giving you energy. As my wrestling coach said, "You can either digest food or you can wrestle. You can't do both."

Just some things to look at when it comes to digestion/absorption efficiency.
