Before I start my next cycle!


Mister A


I don't see the benefit here. You're shutting down the highest natural GH pulse of the day with sugar to spike insulin. You can get protein in immediately post workout, then fast carbs, then fibrous carbs and protein 30-45 mins later and still get an insulin spike due to increased insulin sensitivity from training and being fasted (if your protein is digested in 15 minutes, then youll still retain your insulin sensitivity once it's absorbed). And you do so without taking GH off the table.


Mister A


You also don't need insulin to efficiently absorb whey isolate immediately post workout. Muscle cells are very receptive to aminos at that point.



New member

So would waking up and drinking BCAAs be efficient? Or just go for a scoop of whey protein?

what would be a better morning carb before working out?


Mister A


BCAAs would work fine. Whey Isolate works. Egg whites are good. It's going to depend on the individual. It's hard to beat whey isolate as far as rate of absorption.

White rice is my preferred pre and post workout carb. Idk if you can beat that.


Mister A


I'd ask your buddy to send you the research report on that one. I haven't come across any studies like that recently.




I would go with whey protein, most brands have bcaa's in them. Egg whites absorb the quickest evidently. I believe an egg white has 3 gr of protein, so do about 7-10. I sometimes let one yolk slip in.

Btw, this has been a great thread! 



New member

So maybe for breakfast instead of the oatmeal and pb/berries here is what I'll do:


wake up: whey protein and then my coffee (I'll just drink a nice dark roast with good flavor/ spend the extra dough on a good bean), then egg whites with a 1/4-1/2 cup white rice to eat before my client in the AM. get my swoll on, THEN post W/O my bananna berry shake to up insulin, then the protein shake, then munch on my oats with PB for a late "breakfast" and continue from there? 


Thanks brotha! I'm surprised it's gotten this much attention and feel blessed to have such a cool and knowledgeable community helping me through this!!!! 




I buy egg whites in a 32oz carton and measure it out. I do 1 whole egg and 1 cup of whites if vutying, and do 2 whole eggs and 1 cup of whites if bulking.

Egg is a medium speed digesting protein. Whey isolate is digested in 30 min and is a faster digesting protein because it's already partially digested. Hydrolized whey is the fastest digesting, but is more pricy. Isolate is what I use. 

Casein is a slow digesting protein taking up to 7hrs to digest. Cottage cheese, and greek yogurt are the best sources. It's also found in a powder form at your local sup store.


Mister A


Yeah theres not going to be a right answer. There's probably always a better strategy. Then balance it out with personal preference. If I was cutting and I was training at 10-11am consistently, I would actually backload my carbs.

6:30am: 20 minutes moderately intense cardio.

7:00am: 50 grams whey isolate

8:30am: 5oz 90% lean beef, 2 whole eggs, 3oz spinach

10:30am: Train

11:45am: 50 grams Whey Isolate

12:00pm: 6oz chicken breast, 1.5 cups white rice

2:00pm: 7oz 90% lean beef, 5oz yam, 3 oz spinach 

Then 3 more whole food meals with either beef, fish, turkey or chicken thighs and a green leafy vegetable. No starchy carbs outside of those 2 post workout meals. I went from 21% BF to 15% BF in 9 weeks on this diet that also featured a 50/100/200 carb cycle.

I don't mean to confuse you or anything, just wanted to share what worked so well for me over the summer. I was also on 1.4 grams of Sustanon.




I've said this many times before...fruit is not a good way to spike insulin because it's a fructose sugar, and has to be converted by the liver from fructose to glucose for the body to start restoring glycogen lost by working out. Glucose sugar is instantly converted to glycogen, and spikes insulin much faster. The faster you get glycogen to your cells the better. The best way to do this is by consuming a candy that contains glucose sugar. Gummy bears, bottle caps, and pixi sticks all contain glucose sugar. Look in the ingredients. As long as it says corn syrup and not high fructose corn syrup its good to go. All you need is a handful of gummies. Consume the candy immediately followed by the protein shake and a meal 30 to 45 mins after that.   




MrA...why chicken thighs? Taste better? Thighs contain more fat and less protein oz for oz compared to breast. 

I consume thighs vs breast when on keto diet due to the higher fat content of thighs.

Have you tried the 99/1 turkey yet? The taste is good, high in protein, and very lean.


Mister A


While carb backloading, you need to take in a decent amount of fat. Only 2 meals a day have carbs in them. The meals after that should be a mix of fat and protein with fiber. That diet was great for me, but what I would change about it is I'd actually eat more fats. I wasnt getting enough calories in and my metabolism crashed by the ninth week. I was drained metabolically and mentally. But I was definitely onto something. I won't be cutting for awhile now lol.


Mister A


X2 Dolf. Deja vu here. Fructose replenishes liver glycogen before it gets converted to glucose to replenish muscle glycogen. Although I can't get on board with your sweet tooth regimen. White rice is king!




I see now. Lower carbs with higher fats.

I cut from 21% to 12% in 12 weeks. The first 6 weeks I used a keto diet of 25 to 30% protein, 65 to 70% fats, snd 5% carbs. Fat loss seemed to plateau after 6 weeks and I had got down to 15% bf, so I switched to a moderate carb, high protein, low fat diet, and dropped from 15% to 12% in 6 weeks. All my carbs were consumed upon waking, before and after workout, and my mid day meal. No carbs for dinner or before bed. 




It's not my regimen it's Dr Jim Stoppani's regimen. He's a Dr, and a bodybuilder who's been doing this for a very long time. He's one of the greatest minds I've come accross when it comes to nutrition and bodybuilding.   




Thanks for clearing up the rate of absorption deal with eggs and whey.  For some reason, I had it in mind that egg whites were the fastest. Or maybe its rate is the benchmark for rate of absorption?  Maybe a senior moment/lapse of reasoning lol.



New member

Well I'm floating at 18% right now after my last body test so that kind of drop sounds awesome! ill look into Keto diet and work it into my macros. and I have a huge sweet tooth so I'm just afraid that I'll fuck it all up if i eat even a handful of gummies to spike the insulin (I think that's the alcoholix side of me, one cookie is one too many, one is never enough). Something about how your brain processes sugar in that form actually is proven to stimulate similar receptors in the brain as cocain or other substances would. White rice I can do or I can find another super simple sugar (maybe even buy a powder from the sup shop like maltode or something?)




Shit blast there is soooo much info coming at you in this lifestyle that it's easy to forget or mix shit up. I've done it myself many times. That's the benefit of a community. What I've forgotten you'll remember, so the right info always gets put out. 
