First cycle

So the last of my gear will be arriving Wednesday so I thought I'd outline my cycle. Now I know everyone said not to add another compound for my first cycle but I decided to add low dose deca to prevent joint problems with the winny. For ai im running the proviron with a bunch of other herbal supplements to keep estrogen regulated.

week 1-12: test e 250mg twice a week
Week 1-14: proviron 50mg ed
week 1-10: nandrolone decoanate 100mg twice a week
Week 7-12: winstrol inj 50mg Ed
Week 14-16: clomid 100mg ed(will drop if too high)
week 16-18: clomid 50mg ed


Well-known member
sounds good, although for a first cycle, indeed seems a bit too much. if you can tolerate side effects then no probs, but if you do feel something's wrong - lower doses. After you start, you're going to get a feeling of what works best, what should be changed/ adjusted etc. good luck!

Well-known member
Hello, I noticed you were answered your question but there's something I noticed:
Week 7-12: winstrol inj 50mg Ed
Do you know Stanozolol is water based (when coming as injection) and that's why it can be painful?
If you still want the injections - heat up a little those injections before actually using and often change the injection spots.
Plus, make sure to wipe the injection area well before and after injection to avoid irritation.
Ya, im aware. I bought bacteriostatic water to dilute it to make it more tolerable. My first test injection hurts the next day so I can't wait to see how winstrol goes lol.

Well-known member
there are chances that the pains would go away. but if they persist or get even worse - there might be something wrong.
hopefully everything's going to be fine both with test and winstrol.
The soreness is a lot less today. I was still able to have my leg day despite the soreness yesterday so I'm not worried. I'm going to try injecting into my glute on the next shot though
Hey guys, so I'm 1 injection into week 3, im stronger on my lifts but other than that no other benefits yet. My water weight has been steadily decreasing and I'm up a little over 11 lbs. According to my smart scale 7 lbs of muscle and im noticing more muscle definition. Only bad side effect im noticing is a pain in my forearms. Not sure if it's like a bad pump or what but squatting yesterday made my forearms ache pretty bad. I bought a blood pressure cuff that should arrive Monday so I can check if it like a high bp. It bothered me a bit today too. It eventually goes away but it's very annoying when it begins. Any advice as to what it might be and how to remedy it? Also pip is subsiding more and more with each shot, I've been just going for my glute since it doesn't interfere with leg days at all compared to quad shots.


Well-known member
Nandrolone decanoate and test enanthate (if thats what u run) takes about 4 weeks to fully kick in and start seeing benefits, so dont worry.
Aching forearms might not be a sign of side effect but overtraining - putting too much pressure on it.
glad pip is going away - as said, people often share they get it in the beginning then it goes away, you’re another proof of that.
Is good u check ur bp, hope it turns out fine.
btw, have u added deca at all?
My training hasn't changed much. I switched from my lower weight higher volume back to my usual heavier low rep progressive load. I'll be happy if it's just me getting used to the weight again lol. I started the deca the same day as the test e, Saturday will be my 6th dose. If it takes 4 weeks to notice benefits does it take the same amount of the for side effects?


Well-known member
We could say so. Some side effects like water gains might be noticed including others. But if there would have been something wrong - my guess is that you would have already felt that.
So Wednesday started week 4 of my cycle. I weigh myself twice a week. Today I was up to 221, that's 14 lbs since my first dose. According to my smart scale I've put on about 3 lbs of fat and my bf% is up 1.5%. I'm eating 3750 calories a day which is only 750 surplus. I've decided to drop my calories to 3250 because I really don't want my fat to keep jumping up so much. Obviously I won't see as much gains the lower I drop my calories but I'm hoping I can do a bit of recomp and still put on lean mass with a slight surplus. Will my nutrient partitioning be better a little further into my cycle or is my best bet to to just keep a small surplus? Will the addition of winny make a difference in bf%?
I'm thinking maybe my estrogen might be high. I have felt a little bloated (I thought it was just because I wasn't used to the amount of food) and I'm gaining more fat than I should be with how much I'm eating. I can't order an estradiol blood panel test through quest in my state so I can't really test it. Would adding 12.5mg aromasin e3d be a good thing or overkill with the proviron?


Well-known member
Will my nutrient partitioning be better a little further into my cycle or is my best bet to to just keep a small surplus?
Depends- if you want to gain, then yeah, a small surplus is likely to be better.
Will the addition of winny make a difference in bf%?
With a propet diet and workout - very likely!
Would adding 12.5mg aromasin e3d be a good thing or overkill with the proviron?
It might be perfect, might be an overkill or a not enough. Can’t you just go to a doc to test it out?
Anyway... if you feel that you get high estrogen levels - aromasin 12.5 mg e3d might be good. Can try experimenting and see how it changes.
I'll give my doctor a call and see if he'll order it. Will I have to tell him why I want the test? Will my fertility doctor see the results if I go through a doctor for the test?


Well-known member
Will I have to tell him why I want the test? Will my fertility doctor see the results if I go through a doctor for the test?
everyone is different so I can't say what your doctor may need, what may ask and what results would be seen. may ask, or may not.
if you want to avoid additional questions, you may go for a private lab where you can have your levels tesed.