Ive been taking steroids


Well-known member
Job. Done.

Yeah... I don't think I'll be posing in my boxers here... I get enough attention as it is 🤣🤣🤣
Im not trying to blow up anyone's spot... but we have at least 2... "non straight" members here. Both have DM me... very respectfully... but still.
I honestly don't mind, I have gay friends... so it's what it is.


Well-known member
No way G.

You saying my bros are cranking it down to my tasteful non erotic progress pics?

Ppl can do what they want with their dick but if they jizzing to my pics I feel like that shouldn't be free.

Your stealing cum from your own nuts boys. Piper needs paying.


Well-known member
No way G.

You saying my bros are cranking it down to my tasteful non erotic progress pics?

Ppl can do what they want with their dick but if they jizzing to my pics I feel like that shouldn't be free.

Your stealing cum from your own nuts boys. Piper needs paying.

Haha... well... I can't say for sure what they are doing with the pictures... I know personally I need more than a photograph to get the job done... but I'm also really desensitized.
But yeah... just do the math brother... about 1-12(15) guys are gay. So if we have 30 members... odds are at least 2 are going to be gay.
Plus this hobby funnels even more this way. Gay dudes are into fitness... (Fitting this dick 🤣🤣) sorry...
So yeah... but like I said the 2 that approached me didn't exactly hit on me or ask for anything weird. They just made me aware of their preferences.

But from my experience the gay guys that are "out" aren't the ones you have to worry about. It's the dudes that act overly straight, openly bash gay guys and then suck dick in private... they are the ones that cause the most problems.


Well-known member
Well shit. I honestly don't care lol.

I dread to think what you got to do to cum these days bro. I imagine it involves chaffing.

Whenever I hear a homophobe I always assume jealously.

And I think for weak men, the idea of someone attracted to them who could over power them is scary.


Well-known member
I dread to think what you got to do to cum these days bro. I imagine it involves chaffing.

Honestly... intense fuckin cardio.... and reverse cowgirl... buying a memory foam mattress was the biggest mistake of my life! I lost all the spring and bounce... can't get any momentum going... just all ab and hip drive.
Great for sleep... terrible for fuckin.

I've been asked so many times in my life "what are you gay"
Because I have absolutely no problem saying "oh he's a good looking guy" or pointing out a body part I'm jealous of. Or because I wear pink...
Like homie... you really think those things are going to make you gay?
How fucking fragile is your masculinity?
Just because I think Chris Hemsworth is a good looking dude and would kill a litter of puppies for his body... doesn't mean I want to fuck him!
(I mean... I might... but just for the story... I'm sure saying I fucked Thor would get me laid 🤣🤣)
But for the guys who can't seem to understand the difference... yeah... we can't be friends.
And by "you" I mean you as in the person asking me if I'm gay... not... you... Lee 😉


Well-known member
I bet you would fuck Chris Hemsworth though. Just remember to say no homo after.

It's leg week for another week but got this earlier and thought it was worth keeping.



Well-known member
Well... it was supposed to be chest day... but looks like I'm training back... you mother fucker!

And as far as fuckin Thor... 🤔🤔🤔... I mean... idk... does he have the long hair?
I don't think I could pass up the opportunity for the story... And... he's really pretty... 🤣🤣🤣... I could do worse...

But you train legs for a week?
Like the entire week? No days off?

I've been doing push pull legs rest for months now with amazing results


Well-known member
It's so fucking hard to match a pose. But Im actually pretty happy with how I look.
Being so similar... you've definitely been pushing me to workout more often, stick to my routine and push a little harder.
Definitely happy with how my chest and traps are coming along. Still getting spanked in the lat department... you definitely have that width I lack. But... either way this friendly posing comp has taught me a lot and pushed me to do better.


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Well-known member
Remind me of how tree grows. Yours are much neater dude.

Yeah the symmetry is on point with them... but that's just pure luck.
I'm also the hairiest I've ever been... so I'm losing some (a lot) of definition.
But I've always had abs... I know for some people it's all they want. But since I've always had them I take them for granted and focus on everything but.
I also think my ab design is what makes me look narrower than I am. Hence why I want lats sooooooooooooooooooo fuckin bad. My shoulders are getting to big for my mid section. Starting to look a little blocky...


Well-known member
Yeah I don't train abs as much as people probably think I do. My abs and calves are very genetic.
A lot of my ab training is through compound movements. Lots of squats, standing rows, landmine rows... and when I do 1 arm lat pulldowns I really lean into it getting an oblique exercise in as well.
Plus my heavy bag. I train abs twice a week and only 1 of those I go a little crazy.

I have to ask... have you been training forearms?
Because I've noticed a very big difference in yours over the past few weeks.
Bigger, more lines, striations and vascularity.
I personally love training forearms. I love all things grip strength related.


Well-known member
I've been doing more on my brachs and I think that recruits forearms for at least part of the motion
It's definitely showing brother.
I recommend getting some fat grips. They are a cheap addition with lots of benefits. You can use them for virtually everything and make simple exercises that much more difficult.

Gainz - Thick Grips Dumbell/Barbell Weight Lifting Adapters for Fat Bar - Grow Bigger Biceps - Training, Bodybuilding (Set of 2) https://a.co/d/hof7jgp

(Yeah... I picked the ones that say "Gainz" on purpose)