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  1. R

    Sled Work

    <p>I've recently added Sled Work to my routine 2Xs per week.  I am on week 3 and already increased my squats.  I have to say that I have never gotten pump like this in my quads.  </p><p>For the most part i start with a few plates and walk until i burn. then add more.  when i exhaust moving...
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    Redemption Day

    <p>Sorry I haven't been too active lately.  I wanted to get an update out there for those who have been wondering where I've been.  My 12 YO son has his open heart surgery scheduled in two weeks. He'll be getting a new valve and an Aorta repaired.  3 months and he'll be back to a normal kid...
  3. R

    whence you came

    <p>I'm curious at what weight everyone started to build their bodies at and where they are at now.  </p><p>Was at because you wanted to get leaner and more defined or because you were too small and wanted mass?</p><p>Losing weight means just that. If an obese person is obese at 300 they had to...
  4. R

    Aspirate murky goo

    <p>Yesterday i Aspirated my glute pin and pulled a little yellowish substance up.  wasn't sure at first so I pulled a little more. looked the same as blood does when it pulls into the syringe, but a different color.  </p><p>I wasn't sure what it was so i put in a new needle and fired it back in...
  5. R

    RDW and bloods

    <p>for the last couple months i've been fighting some sides post cycle.  almost 3 months now off cycle.  I've had some really bad chest acne, low sex drive and lethargy.  For the last two months i've assumed that my libido and acne were due to low T and body crashed from 19 nor cycle. I actually...
  6. R

    Front Loading EQ

    <p>I'm working on planning an eq cycle and am curious about front loading.  The goal is to be at 400 TE and 900eq weekly, but I would like to front load the eq. Anyone with experience care to jump in and explain how much i'd be juicing the first few weeks to frontload the eq?  I am going to use...
  7. R

    For those who never returned

    <p>and for those lives lost upon return.</p><p>This weekend I'll be remembering those who chose to risk their lives for our freedom.  Many of which lost that life.  I also personally knew many Vets who returned with depression and PTSD and took their own lives shortly after or are fighting for...
  8. R


    <p>I just got me a pound of powdered Chlorella. It appears to be a very beneficial protein. I am adding it to my yogurt refrigerator oatmeal. 2 tablespoons of that and spirulina.  Chlorella is said to help bring up white blood cells and help immune system too.  I'll update after a couple...
  9. R


    I''ve asked this Q before, but it appears that the majority of the product pictures are photos of guys getting their gear. Not along with the review. I stopped doing this, but after my last question went unanswered and I saw well respected members posting product pictures without reviews I...
  10. R

    How the Cow eats Cabbage

    <p>Typically the phrase "how the cow ate the cabbage" means you are telling the honest truth or telling them how it is.  That's because a cow eating cabbage is like this; You can have cabbage in one hand and hold your other hand out and he'll shit the cabbage he just ate into your...
  11. R

    Bad Advice

    <p>Many come to this site for information. Others come here for affirmation for what they have already decided to do in their head.</p><p>I would like to caution the new member, and perhaps new user of AAS that it is possible to get bad advice even in this forum.  Most of us are not Drs we are...
  12. R


    <p>I always have a difficult time waiting between cycles.  Was going to wait until April to start a cycle, but everything is going well. E2 is back in check and I'm feeling fine.  </p><p>I read all over that there is a set time, or bloods tell you when you're ready or even time on time off...
  13. R

    Blood Work Help

    <p>I got my blood work done yesterday and I was hoping for a little advice.  Main reason I got it was because I felt like i was getting high on the E2.</p><p>I got Bloodwork done after last PCT and before this cycle.  Last cycle I ran Prop for 12 weeks and Whinny last 4.  I've been cruising at...
  14. R

    How much protein can you take at once

    <p>This is an old question that has little research surrounding any claims.  I've heard both extremes.  </p><p>A firm stance I hear often that has no more evidence than just bro science is "your body can only digest 25g of protein at a time."  I have found no evidence to support this...
  15. R

    Deca or Eq

    <p>I've been running Test only cycles for a couple years.  getting ready for a 4th cycle and want to add another compound. I'm torn between Eq and Deca.  I still want to add about 10-15 pounds that I'll keep. my bodyfat was 12.4% today so I'm not too concerned with a cut cycle. I'll be doing...
  16. R


    <p>9 years ago this week I completely cut alcohol out of my diet.  Was the best thing I've done for my body and mind.  I've a very addictive personality and while i didn't want to keep drinking I also didn't want to quit. </p><p>After a few years living a whole new lifestyle i got back in the...
  17. R

    Deca D

    <p>I have yet to run a cycle with Deca.  I'm mostly concerned with the Deca D.  It's all I read about.  I understand the concept of running more test to Deca to prevent it, but am curious if it really is that bad.  I actually don't even understand exactly what it is.  </p><p>One of the great...
  18. R

    Deez Nuts

    <p>I've been adding nuts to my diet and really reaping the benefits.  Nuts are an excellent way to get more calories and protein.  The health benefits go on and on.  There are so many good nuts I have yet to tire of them.  Most recently I bought a pound of black walnuts and finished them off in...
  19. R


    <p>I love working my forearms.  I'd love to have those things look like popeye after a can of spinach.  currently I'm at 30cm on mine. There is something about throwing on a tshirt and having those things bulge over the sleeves.  The pump on the forearms all day long too. It's all...
  20. R

    Chest Acne/white head

    <p>I always get some backne or some pimples on my shoulders during cycle, but the last two cycles and during PCT ive had a garden of hard white heads on my chest in the pec hole.</p><p>The acne/bacne is easy to deal with, but this crap on my chest has plagued me for months now.  Any of you deal...